< Marcos 7 >
1 E ajuntaram-se a elle os phariseos, e alguns dos escribas que tinham vindo de Jerusalem,
And the Pharisees and some of the scribes, coming from Jerusalem, are gathered together to him,
2 E, vendo que alguns dos seus discipulos comiam pão com as mãos impuras, isto é, por lavar, os reprehendiam.
and seeing some of his disciples eat bread with defiled, that is, unwashed, hands,
3 Porque os phariseos, e todos os judeos, conservando a tradição dos antigos, não comem sem lavar as mãos muitas vezes;
(for the Pharisees and all the Jews, unless they wash their hands diligently, do not eat, holding what has been delivered by the ancients;
4 E, quando voltam do mercado, se não se lavarem, não comem. E muitas outras coisas ha que se encarregaram de observar, como lavar os copos, e os jarros, e os vasos de metal e as camas.
and [on coming] from the market-place, unless they are washed, they do not eat; and there are many other things which they have received to hold, the washing of cups and vessels, and brazen utensils, and couches),
5 Depois perguntaram-lhe os phariseos e os escribas: Porque não andam os teus discipulos conforme a tradição dos antigos, mas comem o pão com as mãos por lavar?
then the Pharisees and the scribes ask him, Why do thy disciples not walk according to what has been delivered by the ancients, but eat the bread with defiled hands?
6 E elle, respondendo, disse-lhes: Bem prophetizou Isaias ácerca de vós, hypocritas, como está escripto: Este povo honra-me com os labios, mas o seu coração está longe de mim;
But he answering said to them, Well did Esaias prophesy concerning you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honour me with their lips, but their heart is far away from me.
7 Em vão, porém, me honram, ensinando doutrinas, mandamentos de homens.
But in vain do they worship me, teaching [as their] teachings commandments of men.
8 Porque, deixando o mandamento de Deus, retendes a tradição dos homens; como o lavar dos jarros e dos copos; e fazeis muitas outras coisas similhantes a estas.
[For], leaving the commandment of God, ye hold what is delivered by men [to keep] — washings of vessels and cups, and many other such like things ye do.
9 E dizia-lhes: Bem invalidaes o mandamento de Deus para guardardes a vossa tradição.
And he said to them, Well do ye set aside the commandment of God, that ye may observe what is delivered by yourselves [to keep].
10 Porque Moysés disse: Honra a teu pae e a tua mãe; e quem maldisser, ou o pae ou a mãe, morrerá de morte.
For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, he who speaks ill of father or mother, let him surely die.
11 Porém vós dizeis: Se um homem disser ao pae ou á mãe: Aquillo que poderias aproveitar de mim é Corban, isto é, offerta ao Senhor;
But ye say, If a man say to his father or his mother, [It is] corban (that is, gift), whatsoever thou mightest have profit from me by...
12 E nada mais lhe deixaes fazer por seu pae ou por sua mãe,
And ye no longer suffer him to do anything for his father or his mother;
13 Invalidando assim a palavra de Deus pela vossa tradição, que vós ordenastes. E muitas coisas fazeis similhantes a estas.
making void the word of God by your traditional teaching which ye have delivered; and many such like things ye do.
14 E, chamando a si toda a multidão, disse-lhes: Ouvi-me vós todos, e comprehendei.
And having called again the crowd, he said to them, Hear me, all [of you], and understand:
15 Nada ha, fóra do homem, que, entrando n'elle, o possa contaminar; mas o que sae d'elle isso é que contamina o homem.
There is nothing from outside a man entering into him which can defile him; but the things which go out from him, those it is which defile the man.
16 Se alguem tem ouvidos para ouvir, ouça.
If any one have ears to hear, let him hear.
17 Depois, quando deixou a multidão, e entrou em casa, os seus discipulos o interrogavam ácerca d'esta parabola.
And when he went indoors from the crowd, his disciples asked him concerning the parable.
18 E elle disse-lhes: Assim tambem vós estaes sem entendimento? Não comprehendeis que tudo o que de fóra entra no homem não o pode contaminar;
And he says to them, Are ye also thus unintelligent? Do ye not perceive that all that is outside entering into the man cannot defile him,
19 Porque não entra no seu coração, mas no estomago, e vae depois para um logar escuso, purificando todas as comidas?
because it does not enter into his heart but into his belly, and goes out into the draught, purging all meats?
20 E dizia: O que sae do homem isso contamina o homem.
And he said, That which goes forth out of the man, that defiles the man.
21 Porque do interior do coração dos homens saem os maus pensamentos, os adulterios, as fornicações, os homicidios,
For from within, out of the heart of men, go forth evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
22 Os furtos, a avareza, as maldades, o engano, a dissolução, a inveja, a blasphemia, a soberba, a loucura.
thefts, covetousness, wickednesses, deceit, licentiousness, a wicked eye, injurious language, haughtiness, folly;
23 Todos estes males procedem de dentro e contaminam o homem,
all these wicked things go forth from within and defile the man.
24 E, levantando-se d'ali, foi para os termos de Tyro e de Sidon. E, entrando n'uma casa, não queria que alguem o soubesse: mas não pôde esconder-se,
And he rose up and went away thence into the borders of Tyre and Sidon; and having entered into a house he would not have any one know [it], and he could not be hid.
25 Porque uma mulher, cuja filha tinha um espirito immundo, ouvindo fallar d'elle, foi, e lançou-se aos seus pés;
But immediately a woman, whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, having heard of him, came and fell at his feet
26 E esta mulher era grega, syro-phenicia de nação, e rogava-lhe que expulsasse de sua filha o demonio.
(and the woman was a Greek, Syrophenician by race), and asked him that he would cast the demon out of her daughter.
27 Mas Jesus disse-lhe: Deixa primeiro saciar os filhos; porque não convem tomar o pão dos filhos e lançal-o aos cachorrinhos.
But [Jesus] said to her, Suffer the children to be first filled; for it is not right to take the children's bread and cast it to the dogs.
28 Ella, porém, respondeu, e disse-lhe: Sim, Senhor; mas tambem os cachorrinhos comem, debaixo da mesa, as migalhas dos filhos.
But she answered and says to him, Yea, Lord; for even the dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs.
29 Então elle disse-lhe: Por essa palavra, vae; o demonio já saiu de tua filha.
And he said to her, Because of this word, go thy way, the demon is gone out of thy daughter.
30 E, indo ella para sua casa, achou a filha deitada sobre a cama, e que o demonio já tinha saido.
And having gone away to her house she found the demon gone out, and her daughter lying on the bed.
31 E elle, tornando a sair dos termos de Tyro e de Sidon, foi para o mar da Galilea, pelos confins de Decapolis.
And again having left the borders of Tyre and Sidon, he came to the sea of Galilee, through the midst of the coasts of Decapolis.
32 E trouxeram-lhe um surdo, que fallava difficilmente; e rogaram-lhe que pozesse a mão sobre elle.
And they bring to him a deaf [man] who could not speak right, and they beseech him that he might lay his hand on him.
33 E, tirando-o á parte, de entre a multidão, metteu-lhe os dedos nos ouvidos; e, cuspindo, tocou-lhe a lingua.
And having taken him away from the crowd apart, he put his fingers to his ears; and having spit, he touched his tongue;
34 E, levantando os olhos ao céu, suspirou, e disse: Ephphatha; isto é, Abre-te.
and looking up to heaven he groaned, and says to him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened.
35 E logo se abriram os seus ouvidos, e a prisão da lingua se desfez, e fallava perfeitamente.
And immediately his ears were opened, and the band of his tongue was loosed and he spoke right.
36 E ordenou-lhes que a ninguem o dissessem; mas, quanto mais lh'o prohibia, tanto mais o divulgavam.
And he charged them that they should speak to no one [of it]. But so much the more he charged them, so much the more abundantly they proclaimed it;
37 E, admirando-se sobremaneira, diziam: Tudo faz bem: faz ouvir os surdos e fallar os mudos.
and they were astonished above measure, saying, He does all things well; he makes both the deaf to hear, and the speechless to speak.