< Marcos 5 >

1 E chegaram á outra banda do mar, á provincia dos gadarenos.
AND they came to the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gadarenes.
2 E, saindo elle do barco, lhe saiu ao seu encontro logo, dos sepulchros, um homem com espirito immundo;
And as he was going out of the vessel, immediately there met him a man with an unclean spirit,
3 O qual tinha a sua morada nos sepulchros, e nem ainda com cadeias o podia alguem prender;
coming out of the tombs; who had his abode among the tombs; and no man could secure him, not even with chains;
4 Porque, tendo sido muitas vezes preso com grilhões e cadeias, as cadeias foram por elle feitas em pedaços, e os grilhões em migalhas, e ninguem o podia amansar.
for he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains were burst asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces, and no man was able to master him:
5 E andava sempre, de dia e de noite, clamando pelos montes, e pelos sepulchros, e ferindo-se com pedras.
and continually night and day he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, screaming, and cutting himself with stones.
6 E, quando viu Jesus ao longe, correu e adorou-o.
But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him,
7 E, clamando com grande voz, disse: Que tenho eu comtigo, Jesus, Filho do Deus Altissimo? conjuro-te por Deus que não me atormentes.
and crying with a loud voice, said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus thou Son of God most high? I adjure thee by God, that thou dost not send me to torment.
8 (Porque lhe dizia: Sae d'este homem, espirito immundo.)
(For he had said unto him, Come out, unclean spirit, from the man.)
9 E perguntou-lhe: Qual é o teu nome? E lhe respondeu, dizendo: Legião é o meu nome, porque somos muitos.
And he interrogated him, What is thy name? and he replied, saying, Legion is my name; for we are many.
10 E rogava-lhe muito que os não enviasse para fóra d'aquella provincia.
And he entreated him much that he would not send them out of the country.
11 E andava ali pastando no monte uma grande manada de porcos.
And a great herd of swine was there feeding on the mountain:
12 E todos aquelles demonios lhe rogaram, dizendo: Manda-nos para aquelles porcos, para que entremos n'elles.
and all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them.
13 E Jesus logo lh'o permittiu. E, saindo aquelles espiritos immundos, entraram nos porcos; e a manada se precipitou por um despenhadeiro no mar (eram quasi dois mil), e afogaram-se no mar.
And immediately Jesus permitted them. And the unclean spirits going forth, entered into the swine; and the herd rushed violently down a precipice into the sea (they were about two thousand), and were suffocated in the sea.
14 E os que apascentavam os porcos fugiram, e o annunciaram na cidade e nos campos; e sairam a vêr o que era aquillo que tinha acontecido.
Then the swineherds fled, and carried the tidings into the city and into the country. And they went out to see what was done.
15 E foram ter com Jesus, e viram o endemoninhado, o que tivera a legião, assentado, vestido e em perfeito juizo, e temeram.
And they came to Jesus, and saw the demoniac that had the legion, seated and clothed, and in his sound mind: and they were afraid.
16 E os que aquillo tinham visto contaram-lhes o que acontecera ao endemoninhado; e ácerca dos porcos.
And they who saw the transaction, told them how it had been with the demoniac, and concerning the swine.
17 E começaram a rogar-lhe que se fosse dos seus termos.
And they began to entreat him to depart out of their coasts.
18 E, entrando elle no barco, rogara-lhe o que fôra endemoninhado que o deixasse estar com elle.
And when he embarked on board the vessel, the demoniac besought him, that he might go with him.
19 Jesus, porém, não lh'o permittiu, mas disse-lhe: Vae para tua casa, para os teus, e annuncia-lhes quão grandes coisas o Senhor te fez, e como teve misericordia de ti
But Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, Go to thine house, and to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.
20 E foi, e começou a annunciar em Decapolis quão grandes coisas Jesus lhe fizera; e todos se maravilhavam.
And he went out, and began to publish in Decapolis, what great things Jesus had done for him: and all men marvelled.
21 E, passando Jesus outra vez n'um barco para a outra banda, ajuntou-se a elle uma grande multidão; e elle estava junto do mar.
And when Jesus had passed over again in the vessel to the other side, a vast multitude came together unto him; and he was by the sea side.
22 E, eis que chegou um dos principaes da synagoga, por nome Jairo, e, vendo-o, prostrou-se aos seus pés,
And, behold, there cometh to him one of the rulers of the synagogue, named Jairus; and seeing him, fell at his feet,
23 E rogava-lhe muito, dizendo: Minha filha está moribunda; rogo-te que venhas e lhe imponhas as mãos para que sare, e viva.
and entreated him importunately, saying, My little daughter is at the last gasp; wilt thou come, and lay thy hands upon her, that she may recover, and she shall live.
24 E foi com elle, e seguia-o uma grande multidão, que o apertava.
And he went with him: and there followed him a great crowd, and they thronged him.
25 E uma certa mulher, que, havia doze annos tinha um fluxo de sangue,
And a certain woman, having a flux of blood twelve years,
26 E que havia padecido muito com muitos medicos, e dispendido tudo quanto tinha, nada lhe aproveitando, antes indo a peior;
and had suffered much from many physicians; and had expended all she had, and was nothing better, but rather growing worse and worse;
27 Ouvindo fallar de Jesus, veiu por detraz, entre a multidão, e tocou o seu vestido.
when she heard of Jesus, came in the crowd behind him, and touched his garment:
28 Porque dizia: Se tão sómente tocar os seus vestidos, sararei.
for she said, If I but touch his clothes, I shall recover.
29 E logo se lhe seccou a fonte do seu sangue; e sentiu no seu corpo estar já curada d'aquelle açoite.
And instantly the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was cured of her afflictive disease.
30 E logo Jesus, conhecendo que a virtude de si mesmo saira, voltando-se para a multidão, disse: Quem tocou os meus vestidos?
And Jesus immediately perceiving in himself that miraculous power had gone forth from him, turning about in the crowd, said, Who touched my garments?
31 E disseram-lhe os seus discipulos: Vês que a multidão te aperta, e dizes: Quem me tocou?
And his disciples said to him, Thou seest the crowd thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?
32 E elle olhava em redor, para vêr a que isto fizera.
And he looked round to see her who had done this.
33 Então a mulher, que sabia o que lhe tinha acontecido, temendo e tremendo, approximou-se, e prostrou-se diante d'elle, e disse-lhe toda a verdade.
Then the woman, fearful and trembling, knowing what had been done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.
34 E elle lhe disse: Filha, a tua fé te salvou; vae em paz, e sê curada d'este teu açoite.
And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace, and be whole from thy distressing disease.
35 Estando elle ainda fallando, chegaram alguns do principal da synagoga, dizendo: A tua filha está morta; para que enfadas mais o Mestre?
And while he was yet speaking, they came from the ruler of the synagogue’s house, saying, Thy daughter is dead; why dost thou trouble the master any further?
36 E Jesus, tendo ouvido esta palavra que se dizia, disse ao principal da synagoga: Não temas, crê sómente.
But Jesus, instantly hearing the account given, said to the ruler of the synagogue, Fear not, only believe.
37 E não permittiu que alguem o seguisse, senão Pedro, e Thiago, e João, irmão de Thiago.
And he permitted no person to follow him, but Peter, and James, and John a brother of James.
38 E, tendo chegado a casa do principal da synagoga, viu o alvoroço, e os que choravam muito e pranteavam.
And he cometh to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and seeth the confusion, as they were greatly lamenting and making loud moanings.
39 E, entrando, disse-lhes: Porque vos alvoroçaes e choraes? a menina não está morta, mas dorme.
And entering in he saith, Why make ye this uproar, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth.
40 E riam-se d'elle; porém elle, tendo-os posto a todos fóra, tomou comsigo o pae e a mãe da menina, e os que com elle estavam, e entrou aonde a menina estava deitada.
And they derided him; but he thrusting them all out, took the father and the mother of the maiden, and those who were with him, and went in where the damsel was laid out.
41 E, tomando a mão da menina, disse-lhe: Talitha cumi: que, traduzido é: Filhinha, a ti te digo, levanta-te.
And taking the hand of the damsel, he saith unto her, Talitha cumi! which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise!
42 E logo a menina se levantou, e andava, pois já tinha doze annos: e assombraram-se com grande espanto.
And immediately the damsel arose and walked about, for she was twelve years old. And they were astonished with vast astonishment.
43 E mandou-lhes expressamente que ninguem o soubesse; e disse que lhe dessem de comer.
And he very strongly charged them that no person should know it; and ordered something to be given her to eat.

< Marcos 5 >