< Juízes 8 >
1 Então os homens d'Ephraim lhes disseram: Que é isto que nos fizeste, que não nos chamas te, quando foste pelejar contra os midianitas? E contenderam com elle fortemente.
Then the descendants of Ephraim said to Gideon, “Why have you acted toward us like this? When you went out to fight against the people of Midian, why did you not summon us [to help you]?” They rebuked Gideon severely.
2 Porém elle lhes disse: Que mais fiz eu agora do que vós? não são porventura os rabiscos d'Ephraim melhores do que a vindima d'Abiezer?
But Gideon replied, “I have done [RHQ] very little compared with what you have done! My small clan of descendants of Abiezer only started the battle, but [your very large group of] descendants of Ephraim [helped me to finish the task very well. It is like] the final grapes of the harvest being much better than the first grapes that are picked.
3 Deus vos deu na vossa mão aos principes dos midianitas, Oreb e Zeeb; que mais pude eu logo fazer do que vós? então a sua ira se abrandou para com elle, quando fallou esta palavra.
God enabled you to defeat Oreb and Zeeb, the generals of the army from Midian. That is [RHQ] much more important than what I did!” After Gideon told them that, they no longer resented what he had done.
4 E, como Gideon veiu ao Jordão, passou com os trezentos homens que com elle estavam, já cançados, mas ainda perseguindo.
Then Gideon and his 300 men [went east and] crossed the Jordan [River]. Although they were very tired, they continued to pursue their enemies.
5 E disse aos homens de Succoth: Dae, peço-vos, alguns pedaços de pão ao povo, que segue as minhas pisadas: porque estão cançados, e eu vou em alcance de Zebah e Salmuna, reis dos midianitas.
When they arrived at Succoth [town], Gideon said to the town leaders, “Please give my men some food! They are very tired. We are pursuing Zebah and Zalmunna, the kings of Midian.”
6 Porém os principes de Succoth disseram: Está já a palma da mão de Zebah e Salmuna na tua mão, para que demos pão ao teu exercito?
But the leaders of Succoth replied, “You have not caught [RHQ] Zebah and Zalmunna yet. So why should we give food to your troops [now? Catch them first, and then we will give you food].”
7 Então disse Gideon: Pois quando o Senhor dér na minha mão a Zebah e a Salmuna, trilharei a vossa carne com os espinhos do deserto, e com os abrolhos.
Gideon replied, “[Because you said that], after Yahweh enables us to defeat Zebah and Zalmunna, we will return. And then we will make whips from thorns from the desert, and with them we will rip the flesh off your bones!”
8 E d'ali subiu a Penuel, e fallou-lhes da mesma maneira: e os homens de Penuel lhe responderam como os homens de Succoth lhe haviam respondido.
From there, Gideon [and his 300 men] went to Peniel and asked for food there, but the people gave him the same answer.
9 Pelo que tambem fallou aos homens de Penuel, dizendo: Quando eu voltar em paz, derribarei esta torre.
So he said to the men of Peniel, “After I defeat those kings, I will return and tear down this tower!”
10 Estavam pois Zebah e Salmuna em Carcor, e os seus exercitos com elles, uns quinze mil homens, todos os que ficavam do exercito dos filhos do oriente: e os que cairam foram cento e vinte mil homens, que arrancavam a espada.
By that time, Zebah and Zalmunna had gone to Karkor [town] with 15,000 troops. They were all that were left of the armies that had come from the east. 120,000 of their men had already been killed.
11 E subiu Gideon pelo caminho dos que habitavam em tendas, para o oriente de Nobah e Jogbehah: e feriu aquelle exercito, porquanto o exercito estava descuidado.
Gideon [and his men] went east along the road on which caravans travel. They went past Nobah and Jogbehah [villages] and arrived at the enemy camp by surprise.
12 E fugiram Zebah e Salmuna; porém elle os perseguiu, e tomou presos a ambos os reis dos midianitas a Zebah e a Salmuna, e afugentou a todo o exercito.
Zebah and Zalmunna fled, but Gideon’s men pursued them and captured them and all their warriors.
13 Voltando pois Gideon, filho de Joás, da peleja, antes do nascer do sol,
After that, Gideon and his men [took Zebah and Zalmunna with them and] started to return, going through Heres Pass.
14 Tomou preso a um moço dos homens de Succoth, e lhe fez perguntas: o qual descreveu os principes de Succoth, e os seus anciãos, setenta e sete homens.
There he captured a young man from Succoth, and demanded that he write down the names of all of the leaders in the town. The young man wrote down seventy-seven names.
15 Então veiu aos homens de Succoth, e disse: Vedes aqui a Zebah e a Salmuna, dos quaes desprezivelmente me deitastes em rosto, dizendo: Está já a palma da mão de Zebah e Salmuna na tua mão, para que dêmos pão aos teus homens, já cançados?
Then Gideon and his men returned to Succoth and said to those leaders, “Here are Zebah and Zalmunna. When we were here before, you made fun of me and said ‘You have not [RHQ] caught Zebah and Zalmunna yet! After you catch them, we will give your exhausted men some food.’”
16 E tomou os anciãos d'aquella cidade, e os espinhos do deserto, e os abrolhos: e com elles ensinou aos homens de Succoth.
Then Gideon’s men took the town leaders and whipped them with whips made from briers from the desert, to teach them [that they deserved to be punished for not giving them any food].
17 E derribou a torre de Penuel, e matou os homens da cidade.
Then [they went to] Peniel and tore down the tower, and killed all the men in the town.
18 Depois disse a Zebah e a Salmuna: Que homens eram os que matastes em Tabor? E disseram: Qual tu, taes eram elles; cada um ao parecer, como filhos d'um rei.
Then Gideon said to Zebah and Zalmunna, “The men you killed near Tabor [Mountain], what did they look like?” They replied, “They were like you; they all looked like they were sons of a king.”
19 Então disse elle: Meus irmãos eram, filhos de minha mãe: vive o Senhor, que, se os tivesseis deixado em vida, eu não vos mataria a vós
Gideon replied, “They were my brothers! Just as surely as Yahweh lives, I would not kill you if you had not killed them.”
20 E disse a Jether, seu primogenito: Levanta-te, mata-os. Porém o mancebo não arrancou da sua espada, porque temia; porquanto ainda era mancebo.
Then he turned to his oldest son, Jether. He said to him, “Kill them!” But Jether was only a boy, and he was afraid, so he did not pull out his dagger [to kill them].
21 Então disseram Zebah e Salmuna: Levanta-te tu, e accommette-nos; porque, qual o homem, tal a sua valentia. Levantou-se pois Gideon, e matou a Zebah e a Salmuna, e tomou as lunetas, que estavam aos pescoços dos seus camelos.
Then Zebah and Zalmunna said to Gideon, “Do not ask a young boy to do the work that a man should do!” So Gideon killed both of them. Then he took the gold ornaments from the necks of their camels.
22 Então os homens de Israel disseram a Gideon: Domina sobre nós, tanto tu, como teu filho e o filho de teu filho: porquanto nos livraste da mão dos midianitas.
Then a group of Israeli men [came to] Gideon and said to him, “You be our ruler! [We want] you and your son and your grandsons [to] be our rulers, because you rescued us from the Midian army.”
23 Porém Gideon lhes disse: Sobre vós eu não dominarei, nem tão pouco meu filho sobre vós dominará: o Senhor sobre vós dominará.
But Gideon replied, “No, I will not rule over you, and my son will not rule over you. Yahweh will rule over you.”
24 E disse-lhes mais Gideon: Uma petição vos farei: dae-me cada um de vós os pendentes do seu despojo (porque tinham pendentes de oiro, porquanto eram ishmaelitas).
Then he said, “I request only one thing. I request that each of you give me one earring from the things you captured after the battle.” [All the men descended from Ishmael wore gold earrings.]
25 E disseram elles: De boamente os daremos. E estenderam uma capa, e cada um d'elles deitou ali um pendente do seu despojo.
They replied, “We will be glad to give earrings to you!” So they spread a cloth [on the ground], and each man threw on it one gold earring that he had taken [from a man he had killed in the battle].
26 E foi o pezo dos pendentes d'oiro, que pediu, mil e setecentos siclos d'oiro, afóra as lunetas, e as cadeias, e os vestidos de purpura, que traziam os reis dos midianitas, e afóra as colleiras que os camelos traziam ao pescoço.
The weight of all the earrings was (43 pounds/19.4 kg.). That did not include other things [that they gave to Gideon]—the other ornaments or the pendants or the clothes that the kings of Midian wore or the gold chains that were on the necks of their camels.
27 E fez Gideon d'elle um ephod, e pôl-o na sua cidade, em Ophra; e todo o Israel fornicou ali após d'elle: e foi por tropeço a Gideon e á sua casa.
Gideon made/decorated a sacred vest from the gold, and later he put it in his hometown, Ophrah. But soon the Israeli people started to worship the vest. So it became like a trap [MET] for the people, [causing them to worship it instead of worshiping only God].
28 Assim foram abatidos os midianitas diante dos filhos d'Israel, e nunca mais levantaram a sua cabeça: e socegou a terra quarenta annos nos dias de Gideon.
That is how the Israelis defeated the people from Midian. The people of Midian did not become strong enough to attack Israel again. So while Gideon was alive, there was peace in the land for 40 years.
29 E foi-se Jerubbaal, filho de Joás, e habitou em sua casa.
Gideon went back home to live there.
30 E teve Gideon setenta filhos, que procederam da sua côxa: porque tinha muitas mulheres.
He had many wives, and they bore him seventy sons.
31 E sua concubina, que estava em Sichem, lhe pariu tambem um filho: e poz-lhe por nome Abimelech.
He also had a slave wife in Shechem [town], who bore him a son whom he named Abimelech.
32 E falleceu Gideon, filho de Joás, n'uma boa velhice: e foi sepultado no sepulchro de seu pae Joás, em Ophra dos abi-ezritas.
Gideon died when he was very old. They buried his body in the grave where his father Joash was buried, at Ophrah, in the land belonging to the descendants of Abiether.
33 E succedeu que, como Gideon falleceu, os filhos d'Israel se tornaram, e fornicaram após dos baalins: e pozeram a Baal-berith por deus.
But as soon as Gideon died, the Israelis [stopped worshiping God and started worshiping the images of the god Baal, like] [MET] adultresses [leave their husbands and go to sleep with other men]. They made a [statue of a] new god called Baal-Berith.
34 E os filhos d'Israel se não lembraram do Senhor seu Deus, que os livrara da mão de todos os seus inimigos em redor.
They forgot about Yahweh, the one who had rescued them from all their enemies that surrounded them.
35 Nem usaram de beneficencia com a casa de Jerubbaal, a saber, de Gideon, conforme a todo o bem que elle usara com Israel.
And even though Gideon had done many good things for the Israelis, they were not kind to Gideon’s family.