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1 Então aquelles tres homens cessaram de responder a Job; porque era justo aos seus proprios olhos.
So these three men ceased to answer Job, because he seemed just to himself.
2 E accendeu-se a ira d'Elihu, filho de Baracheel o buzita, da familia de Ram: contra Job se accendeu a sua ira, porque se justificava a si mesmo, mais do que a Deus.
And Eliu the son of Barachel the Buzite, of the kindred of Ram, was angry and was moved to indignation: now he was angry against Job, because he said he was just before God.
3 Tambem a sua ira se accendeu contra os seus tres amigos: porque, não achando que responder, todavia condemnavam a Job.
And he was angry with his friends because they had not found a reasonable answer, but only had condemned Job.
4 Elihu porém esperou que Job fallasse; porquanto tinham mais edade do que elle.
So Eliu waited while Job was speaking, because they were his elders that were speaking.
5 Vendo pois Elihu que já não havia resposta na bocca d'aquelles tres homens, a sua ira se accendeu.
But when he saw that the three were not able to answer, he was exceedingly angry.
6 E respondeu Elihu, filho de Baracheel o buzita, e disse: Eu sou de menos edade, e vós sois edosos; receei-me e temi de vos declarar a minha opinião.
Then Eliu the son of Barachel the Buzite answered and said: I am younger in days, and you are more ancient; therefore hanging down my head, I was afraid to shew you my opinion.
7 Dizia eu: Fallem os dias, e a multidão doa annos ensine a sabedoria.
For I hoped that greater age would speak, and that a multitude of years would teach wisdom.
8 Na verdade, ha um espirito no homem, e a inspiração do Todo-poderoso os faz entendidos.
But, as I see, there is a spirit in men, and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth understanding.
9 Os grandes não são os sabios, nem os velhos entendem juizo.
They that are aged are not the wise men, neither do the ancients understand judgment.
10 Pelo que digo: Dae-me ouvidos, e tambem eu declararei a minha opinião.
Therefore I will speak: Hearken to me, I also will shew you my wisdom.
11 Eis que aguardei as vossas palavras, e dei ouvidos ás vossas considerações, até que buscasseis razões.
For I have waited for your words, I have given ear to your wisdom, as long as you were disputing in words.
12 Attentando pois para vós, eis que nenhum de vós ha que possa convencer a Job, nem que responda ás suas razões:
And as long as I thought you said some thing, I considered: but, as I see, there is none of you that can convince Job, and answer his words.
13 Para que não digaes: Achamos a sabedoria; Deus o derribou, e não homem algum.
Lest you should say: We have found wisdom, God hath cast him down, not man.
14 Ora elle não dirigiu contra mim palavra alguma, nem lhe responderei com as vossas palavras.
He hath spoken nothing to me, and I will not answer him according to your words.
15 Estão pasmados, não respondem mais, faltam-lhes as palavras.
They were afraid, and answered no more, and they left off speaking.
16 Esperei pois, porém não fallam: porque já pararam, e não respondem mais.
Therefore because I have waited, and they have not spoken: they stood, and answered no more:
17 Tambem eu responderei pela minha parte: tambem eu declararei a minha opinião.
I also will answer my part, and will shew my knowledge.
18 Porque estou cheio de palavras, e aperta-me o espirito do meu ventre.
For I am full of matter to speak of, and the spirit of my bowels straiteneth me.
19 Eis que o meu ventre é como o mosto, sem respiradouro, e virá a arrebentar, como odres novos.
Behold, my belly is as new wine which wanteth vent, which bursteth the new vessels.
20 Fallarei, e respirarei: abrirei os meus labios, e responderei.
I will speak and take breath a little: I will open my lips, and will answer.
21 Oxalá eu não faça accepção de pessoas, nem use de sobrenomes com o homem!
I will not accept the person of man, and I will not level God with man.
22 Porque não sei usar de sobrenomes: em breve me levaria o meu Creador.
For I know not how long I shall continue, and whether after a while my Maker may take me away.

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