< Jeremias 17 >

1 O peccado de Judah está escripto com um ponteiro de ferro, com ponta de diamante, gravado na taboa do seu coração e nos cornos dos vossos altares.
[Yahweh said, “It is as though a list of] the sins [committed by the people of] Judah is engraved with an iron chisel, or engraved using the fine point of a very hard stone, on the altars [where they worship idols]. And [it is as though] this list is engraved on their inner beings!
2 Como tambem seus filhos se lembram dos seus altares, e dos seus bosques junto ás arvores verdes, sobre os altos outeiros.
[Even] their children are happy to go to the altars [to worship their gods], and to the poles [that represent the goddess] Asherah [at which their parents worshiped], shrines that are underneath all the big trees and on [all] the high hills.
3 A minha montanha juntamente com o campo, a tua riqueza e todos os teus thesouros, darei por preza, como tambem os teus altos, pelo peccado, em todos os teus termos.
So, I will allow your enemies to capture [Zion], your holy hill, and all your wealth and your (treasures/valuable things), and [even] the shrines on all those hills, because of the sins that you people have committed throughout your land.
4 Assim por ti mesmo te deixarás da tua herança que te dei, e far-te-hei servir os teus inimigos, na terra que não conheces; porque o fogo que accendeste na minha ira arderá para sempre.
The [wonderful] land that I gave to you will no longer belong to you. I will tell your enemies to take you to a land that you do not know about, and you will become their slaves. [I will do that] because I am extremely angry [with you]; my being angry is [like] a fire that will burn forever.”
5 Assim diz o Senhor: Maldito o varão que confia no homem, e põe a carne por seu braço, e cujo coração se aparta do Senhor!
This is [also] what Yahweh says: “[I] will curse/condemn those who trust in human beings [to help them], those who rely on their own strength and turn away from me.
6 Porque será como a tamargueira no deserto, que não sente quando vem o bem; antes morará nos logares seccos do deserto, na terra salgada e inhabitavel.
They are like [dry] bushes in the desert, they are people who will not experience any good things. Those people will live in the barren desert in a salty area, where nothing grows.
7 Porém bemdito o varão que confia no Senhor, e cuja confiança é o Senhor.
But I am pleased with those who trust in [me], Yahweh, and who confidently expect [me to take care of them].
8 Porque será como a arvore plantada junto ás aguas, que estende as suas raizes para o ribeiro, e não sente quando vem o calor, e a sua folha fica verde, e no anno de sequidão não se afadiga, nem deixa de dar fructo.
Those people are like [SIM] fruit trees that have been planted along a riverbank, trees that have roots that go down into the [wet ground beside] the water. They are trees whose leaves remain green when it becomes hot, trees that continue to bear fruit when there are many months in which there is no rain.
9 Enganoso é o coração, mais do que todas as coisas, e perverso: quem o conhecerá?
Human minds are extremely corrupt/deceitful, and you cannot change that. It is also completely impossible [RHQ] for anyone to understand that.
10 Eu, o Senhor, esquadrinho o coração e experimento os rins: e isto para dar a cada um segundo os seus caminhos e segundo o fructo das suas acções.
But I, Yahweh, search what is in everyone’s inner being, and I examine what they are thinking. I will give all people rewards, what they deserve for what they have done.”
11 Como a perdiz que ajunta ovos que não choca, assim é o que ajunta riquezas, mas não com direito; no meio de seus dias as deixará, e no seu fim se fará um insensato.
[I, Jeremiah, agree, because I know that] people who become rich by doing things that are unjust are like birds that hatch eggs that they (did not lay/stole from another nest). So, when those people have lived only half of the years [that they expect to live], their wealth will disappear. Then [other people will realize that] those rich people have been foolish.
12 Um throno de gloria e altura, desde o principio, é o logar do nosso sanctuario.
Yahweh, your temple is [like] a glorious throne that is still on a high hill.
13 Ó Senhor, Esperança d'Israel! todos aquelles que te deixam serão envergonhados e os que se apartam de mim serão escriptos sobre a terra; porque deixam ao Senhor, a fonte das aguas vivas.
You are the one whom [we] Israeli people confidently expect [to bless us], and all those who turn away from you will be disgraced. Their names will be written [only] in the dust, [and will soon disappear], because they have abandoned you, [who are like] [MET] a fountain where people obtain fresh water.
14 Sara-me, Senhor, e sararei: salva-me, e serei salvo; porque tu és o meu louvor.
Yahweh, [please] heal me, because [if you heal me], I will truly be healed. [If you] rescue me, I will truly be safe, because you are the [only] one whom I praise.
15 Eis que elles me dizem: Onde está a palavra do Senhor? venha agora.
People often ridicule me and say, “You tell us messages that you say came from Yahweh, but (why have the things that you predicted not happened?/those predictions have not come true!)” [RHQ]
16 Porém eu não me apressei em ser o pastor após ti; nem tão pouco desejei o dia mortal, tu o sabes; o que saiu dos meus labios está diante de tua face
Yahweh, you [appointed me to take care of your people like] a shepherd [takes care of his sheep] [MET]; I have not abandoned that work, and you know that I have not [previously] wanted this time of disaster [to come to people who ridicule me]. And you know everything that I have said [MTY] [to your people].
17 Não me sejas por espanto: meu refugio és tu no dia do mal.
Do not cause me to be terrified! When disasters come/occur, you are the one to whom I will go to be safe.
18 Envergonhem-se os que me perseguem, e não me envergonhe eu; assombrem-se elles, e não me assombre eu: traze sobre elles o dia do mal, e com dobrada esmigalhadura os esmigalha.
[So now], cause those who (persecute me/cause me to suffer) to be ashamed and dismayed, but do not [do things to me that will] cause me to be ashamed and dismayed. Cause them to be terrified! Do to them many things that will completely destroy them!
19 Assim me disse o Senhor: Vae, e põe-te á porta dos filhos do povo, pela qual entram os reis de Judah, e pela qual saem; como tambem a todas as portas de Jerusalem.
This is what Yahweh said to me: “Go to the city gates in Jerusalem. [First] go to the gate where the kings of Judah go in and out of the city, and [then] go to each of the [other] gates.
20 E dize-lhes: Ouvi a palavra do Senhor, vós, reis de Judah e todo o Judah, e todos os moradores de Jerusalem, que entraes por estas portas.
Say to the people [at each gate], ‘You kings of Judah and everyone [else] who is living in Jerusalem and all [you other people of] Judah who enter these gates, listen to this message from Yahweh!
21 Assim diz o Senhor: Guardae as vossas almas, e não tragaes cargas no dia de sabbado, nem as introduzaes pelas portas de Jerusalem:
He says, “Listen to this warning carefully! [Stop doing work] on (Sabbath/our rest) days! Stop carrying loads through these gates [on those days]!
22 Nem tireis cargas de vossas casas no dia de sabbado, nem façaes obra alguma: antes sanctificae o dia de sabbado, como eu dei ordem a vossos paes.
Do not carry loads out of your houses or do any [other] work on Sabbath days! Instead, cause Sabbath days to be (holy/set apart for me). I commanded your ancestors to do that,
23 Porém não deram ouvidos, nem inclinaram as suas orelhas; mas endureceram a sua cerviz, para não ouvirem, e para não receberem correcção.
but they did not listen to me or obey me. When I did things to correct them, they stubbornly [IDM] refused to pay attention to what I said or to accept it.
24 Será pois que, se diligentemente me ouvirdes, diz o Senhor, não introduzindo cargas pelas portas d'esta cidade no dia de sabbado, e sanctificardes o dia de sabbado, não fazendo n'elle obra alguma:
But I say that if you obey me, and if you do not carry loads through these gates [on Sabbath days] or do any other work on Sabbath days, and if you dedicate the Sabbath days to me,
25 Então entrarão pelas portas d'esta cidade reis e principes, assentados sobre o throno de David, andando em carros e montados em cavallos, assim elles como os seus principes, os homens de Judah, e os moradores de Jerusalem: e esta cidade será para sempre habitada.
kings of Judah [MTY] and [their] officials will [continue to] go in and out of these gates. There will [always] be someone who is a descendant of [MTY] [King] David ruling [here] [MTY] in Jerusalem. Kings and their officials will go in and out of these gates, riding in chariots and on horses, and there will be people living in this city forever.
26 E virão das cidades de Judah, e dos contornos de Jerusalem, e da terra de Benjamin, e das planicies, e das montanhas, e do sul, trazendo holocaustos, e sacrificios, e offertas de manjares, e incenso, como tambem trazendo sacrificios de louvores á casa do Senhor.
And people will come [to Jerusalem] bringing offerings to be completely burned [on the altar] and [other] offerings. They will bring to the temple grain offerings and incense and offerings to thank [me]. People will bring those offerings from the towns in Judah and the villages near Jerusalem and from the land [where the tribe] of Benjamin [lives] and from the western foothills and from the desert in the south.
27 Porém, se não me derdes ouvidos, para sanctificardes o dia de sabbado, e para não trazerdes carga alguma, quando entrardes pelas portas de Jerusalem no dia de sabbado, então accenderei fogo nas suas portas, que consumirá os palacios de Jerusalem, e não se apagará.
But if you do not pay attention to what I say, and if you refuse to dedicate the Sabbath days to me, and if you [continue to] carry loads through these gates into the city on Sabbath days, I will burn these gates completely. The fire will spread to the palaces, and no one will be able to put out that fire.”’”

< Jeremias 17 >