< Isaías 51 >
1 Ouvi-me vós, os que seguis justiça, os que buscaes ao Senhor: olhae para a rocha d'onde fostes cortados, e para a caverna do poço d'onde fostes cavados.
[Yahweh says], “You people who desire to act righteously/justly, who want to do what I want you to do, listen to me! Think about Abraham! [It is as though] [MET] he was a huge rock cliff; and when you [people of Israel became a nation], [it was as though] [MET] you were cut from that rock [DOU].
2 Olhae para Abrahão, vosso Pae, e para Sarah, que vos pariu; porque, sendo elle só, o chamei, e o abençoei e multipliquei.
Think about your ancestor Abraham and [his wife] Sarah, of whom [all of] you are descendants. When I first spoke to Abraham, he had no children. But after I blessed him, he had a huge number of descendants.
3 Porque o Senhor consolará a Sião; consolará a todos os seus logares desertos, e fará o seu deserto como o Eden, e a sua solidão como o jardim do Senhor: gozo e alegria se achará n'ella, acção de graças, e voz de melodia.
[Some day I], Yahweh, will encourage his descendants [again], and I will comfort all [the people who live in] the ruins [of Jerusalem]. The desert in that area will become like Eden, like the garden that I, Yahweh, [made/planted]. All the people there will be joyful and happy; they will thank me and sing.
4 Attendei-me, povo meu, e, nação minha, inclinae os ouvidos para mim; porque de mim sairá a lei, e o meu juizo farei repousar para luz dos povos.
My people of Judah, listen carefully [DOU] to me, because [I want you to] proclaim my laws; the just/right things that I do will be [like] [MET] a light for the people of the nations.
5 Perto está a minha justiça, vem saindo a minha salvação, e os meus braços julgarão os povos: as ilhas me aguardarão, e no meu braço esperarão.
I will soon/quickly rescue you [DOU]; by my power [MTY] I will bring you back [from being exiled in Babylonia] [DOU]. The people who live on islands in the ocean will wait for me [to help them], confidently expecting for me to use my power [MTY].
6 Levantae os vossos olhos para os céus, e olhae para a terra de baixo, porque os céus desapparecerão como o fumo, e a terra se envelhecerá como um vestido, e os seus moradores morrerão similhantemente; porém a minha salvação durará para sempre, e a minha justiça não será quebrantada
Look up at the sky, and look at the earth, [and see what they are like now], because [some day] the sky will disappear like [SIM] smoke, and the earth will wear out like [SIM] old clothes wear out, and people on the earth will die like gnats/flies. But I will rescue/save you, and you will remain free forever, and I will rule you righteously/fairly forever.
7 Ouvi-me, vós que conheceis a justiça, vós, povo em cujo coração está a minha lei: não temaes o opprobrio dos homens, nem vos turbeis pelas suas injurias.
You people who know what things are right to do, and who know in your inner beings [what is written in] my laws, listen to me! Do not be afraid of people who taunt/insult you; do not be disturbed/upset when people revile you,
8 Porque a traça os roerá como a um vestido, e o bicho os comerá como á lã: mas a minha justiça durará para sempre, e a minha salvação de geração em geração
because [some day they will be destroyed] like [MET] clothing that is eaten by ([larvae of] moths/cockroaches), like wool garments that have been eaten by worms. I will save you people, and you will be saved forever.”
9 Desperta-te, desperta-te, veste-te de força, ó braço do Senhor: desperta-te como nos dias já passados, como nas gerações antigas; porventura não és tu aquelle que cortou em pedaços a Rahab, o que feriu ao dragão?
Yahweh, wake up [and do something for us]! Show your power! Do mighty things like you did long ago, when you stabbed [RHQ] that sea monster/dragon Rahab and cut it into pieces.
10 Não és tu aquelle que seccou o mar, as aguas do grande abysmo? o que fez o caminho no fundo do mar, para que passassem os remidos?
Surely you are [RHQ] the one who caused the [Red] Sea to become dry and made a path through that deep water in order that your people could cross it!
11 Assim tornarão os resgatados do Senhor, e virão a Sião com jubilo, e perpetua alegria haverá sobre as suas cabeças: gozo e alegria alcançarão, a tristeza e o gemido fugirão.
And those whom Yahweh will rescue [from being exiled in Babylonia] will [similarly] return to Jerusalem, singing. Their being joyful forever will be [like] [MET] a crown on their heads. They will not be sad or mourn any more; they will be [completely] joyful and happy.
12 Eu, eu sou aquelle que vos consola; quem pois és tu, para que temas o homem, que é mortal? ou o filho do homem, que se tornará em feno?
[Yahweh says], “I am the one who encourages you. So (why are you/you should not be) [RHQ] afraid of humans who will [wither and disappear like] [MET] grass.
13 E te esqueces do Senhor que te fez, que estendeu os céus, e fundou a terra, e temes continuamente todo o dia o furor do angustiador, quando se prepara para destruir: pois onde está o furor do que te attribulava?
(Why have you/You should not have) [RHQ] forgotten [me], Yahweh, the one who created your nation, the one who stretched out the sky and laid the foundations of the earth. (Why are you/You should not be) [RHQ] continually afraid of those who are angry with you and (oppress you/treat you cruelly) and want to get rid of you. [You should not be afraid of them now], because those angry people have now disappeared!
14 O exilado captivo depressa será solto, e não morrerá na caverna, e o seu pão lhe não faltará.
Soon you people who have been caused to be slaves [in Babylonia] will be freed! You will not remain in prison, and you will not die of hunger,
15 Porque eu sou o Senhor teu Deus, que fendo o mar, e bramem as suas ondas. O Senhor dos Exercitos é o seu nome.
because I am Yahweh, your God, the one who stirs up the sea and causes the waves to roar; I am the Commander of the armies of angels!
16 E ponho as minhas palavras na tua bocca, e te cubro com a sombra da minha mão; para plantar os céus, e para fundar a terra, e para dizer a Sião: Tu és o meu povo.
I have given you my message [MTY] to proclaim, and I have protected you with my hand [MTY]. I stretched out the sky and laid the foundation of the earth. And I am the one who says to you Israeli people, ‘You are my people!’”
17 Desperta, desperta, levanta-te, ó Jerusalem, que bebeste da mão do Senhor o calix do seu furor; bebeste e chupaste as fezes do calix da vagueação.
[You people of] [APO] Jerusalem, wake up [DOU]! You have experienced Yahweh severely punishing [MTY] you. Yahweh has caused you to suffer much, all that he wanted you to suffer, like [MET] someone who causes another person to suffer by forcing him to drink every drop of [MTY] a cupful of bitter liquid.
18 De todos os filhos que pariu nenhum ha que a guie mansamente; e de todos os filhos que creou nenhum que a tome pela mão.
[Now] you do not have any children who are alive [DOU] and able to take your hand and guide you.
19 Estas duas coisas te aconteceram; quem tem compaixão de ti? a assolação, e o quebrantamento, e a fome, e a espada! por quem te consolarei?
You have experienced several disasters: Your country has become desolate/deserted; [your cities have been] destroyed; [many people have] died from hunger; [many people have been] killed by your enemies’ swords. Now, there is no one [RHQ] left to console/comfort you and sympathize with you.
20 Já os teus filhos desmaiaram, jazem nas entradas de todos os caminhos, como o boi montez na rede; cheios estão do furor do Senhor e da reprehensão do teu Deus.
Your children have fainted and lie in the streets; they are [as helpless as] [SIM] an antelope [that has been caught] in a net. What has happened to them is because Yahweh has been very angry with them; he has rebuked them severely.
21 Pelo que agora ouve isto, ó oppressa, e embriagada, mas não de vinho.
So now, you people who have suffered much, [you act as though] you are drunk, but it is not because you have drunk a lot of wine.
22 Assim diz o teu Senhor, Jehovah, e teu Deus, que pleiteará a causa do seu povo: Eis que eu tomo da tua mão o calix da vagueação, as fezes do calix do meu furor; nunca mais o beberás.
Yahweh, your Lord and your God, the one who argues/pleads your case, says this: “Note this: [It is as though] [MET] I have taken that cup of bitter liquid from your hands; I will not be angry with you and cause you to suffer any more.
23 Porém pôl-o-hei nas mãos dos que te entristeceram, que dizem á tua alma: Abaixa-te, e passaremos sobre ti: e tu pozeste as tuas costas como chão, e como caminho, aos viandantes.
Instead, I will cause those who have tormented you to suffer; [I will severely punish] those who said to you, ‘Prostrate yourselves in order that we may walk on you; [lie down on your stomachs] in order that your backs will be like [SIM] streets that we can walk on.’”