< Isaías 37 >
1 E aconteceu que, tendo-o ouvido o rei Ezequias, rasgou os seus vestidos, e se cobriu de sacco, e entrou na casa do Senhor.
When King Hezekiah heard what they reported, he tore his clothes and put on clothes made of rough sackcloth [because he was very distressed]. Then he went into the temple of Yahweh [and prayed].
2 Então enviou a Eliakim, o mordomo, e a Sebna, o escrivão, e aos anciãos dos sacerdotes, cobertos de saccos, a Isaias, filho d'Amós, o propheta.
Then he sent Eliakim, Shebna, and the (older/most important) priests, who were also wearing clothes made of rough sackcloth, to talk to me.
3 E disseram-lhe: Assim diz Ezequias: Este dia é dia d'angustia e de vituperação, e de blasphemias; porque chegados são os filhos ao parto, e força não ha para parir
He said to them, “Tell this to Isaiah: ‘King Hezekiah says that this is a day when we are greatly distressed. Other nations are causing us to be insulted and disgraced. We are like [SIM] a woman who is about to give birth to a baby, but she does not have the strength that she needs to do it.
4 Porventura o Senhor teu Deus ouvirá as palavras de Rabsaké, a quem enviou o seu senhor, o rei da Assyria, para affrontar o Deus vivo, e para vituperal-o com as palavras que o Senhor teu Deus tem ouvido: faze oração pelo resto que ainda se acha.
[But] perhaps Yahweh our God has heard what the official from Assyria said. Perhaps he knows that his boss, the King of Assyria, sent him to insult the all-powerful God, and that Yahweh will punish the King of Assyria for what he said. And the king requests that you pray for the few of us who are still alive [here in Jerusalem].’”
5 E os servos do rei Ezequias vieram a Isaias.
After those men gave me that message,
6 E Isaias lhes disse: Assim direis a vosso senhor: Assim diz o Senhor: Não temas á vista das palavras que ouviste, com as quaes os servos do rei da Assyria me blasphemaram.
I replied, “Tell the King, ‘This is what Yahweh says: “Those messengers from the King of Assyria have said evil things about me. But do not be disturbed by what they said.
7 Eis que metterei n'elle um espirito, e elle ouvirá um arroido, e voltará para a sua terra; e fal-o-hei cair morto á espada na sua terra.
Listen to this: I will cause Sennacherib to hear a rumor [that the armies of Babylon are about to attack his country], and that will worry him. So he will return to his own country, and there I will cause him to be assassinated by [men using] swords.”’”
8 Voltou pois Rabsaké, e achou ao rei da Assyria pelejando contra Libna; porque ouvira que já se havia retirado de Lachis.
The official from Assyria found out that the King of Assyria [and his army] had captured Lachish [city] and that they were attacking Libnah, [which is a nearby city]. So the official left Jerusalem and went to Libnah [to report to the king what had happened in Jerusalem].
9 E, ouvindo elle dizer que Tirhaká, rei da Ethiopia, tinha saido para lhe fazer guerra, assim como o ouviu, tornou a enviar mensageiros a Ezequias, dizendo:
Soon after that, King [Sennacherib] received a report that King Tirhakah of Ethiopia was leading his army to attack them. So before King Sennacherib left Libnah [with his army to fight against the army from Ethiopia], he sent other messengers to Hezekiah in Jerusalem with a letter. [In the letter he wrote this] to Hezekiah:
10 Assim fallareis a Ezequias, rei de Judah, dizendo: Não te engane o teu Deus, em quem confias, dizendo: Jerusalem não será entregue na mão do rei da Assyria.
“Do not allow your god, on whom you are relying, to deceive you by promising you that Jerusalem will not be captured by my army.
11 Eis que já tens ouvido o que fizeram os reis da Assyria a todas as terras, destruindo-as totalmente: e escaparias tu?
You have certainly heard what the armies of the kings of Assyria have done to all the other countries; our armies have destroyed them completely. So, (do you think that you will escape?/do not think that your god will save you!) [RHQ]
12 Porventura as livraram os deuses das nações ás quaes meus paes destruiram, como a Gozan, e a Haran, e a Reseph, e aos filhos d'Eden, que estavam em Telassar?
Did the gods of the nations that were about to be destroyed by the armies of the previous kings of Assyria rescue them? Did those gods rescue Gozan [region], and Haran and Rezeph [cities in northern Syria], and the people of Eden [region] who were forced to go to Tel-Assar [city]?
13 Onde está o rei d'Hamath, e o rei d'Arpad, e o rei da cidade de Sepharvaim, Hena e Iva?
What happened to the King of Hamath and the King of Arpad? What happened to the kings of Sepharvaim, Hena, and Ivvah [cities]? [Did their gods rescue them] [RHQ]?”
14 Recebendo pois Ezequias as cartas das mãos dos mensageiros, e lendo-as, subiu á casa do Senhor e Ezequias as estendeu perante o Senhor.
Hezekiah received the letter that the messengers gave him, and he read it. Then he went up to the temple and spread out the letter in front of Yahweh.
15 E orou Ezequias ao Senhor, dizendo:
And [then] Hezekiah prayed this:
16 Ó Senhor dos Exercitos, Deus d'Israel, que habitas entre os cherubins; tu mesmo, só tu és Deus de todos os reinos da terra; tu fizeste os céus e a terra.
“O Yahweh, Commander of the armies of angels, the God to whom [we] Israelis belong, you are seated on your throne above the statues of the creatures with wings, [above the Sacred Chest]. Only you are [truly] God. You rule all the kingdoms on this earth. You are the one who created everything on the earth and in the sky.
17 Inclina, ó Senhor, o teu ouvido, e ouve: abre, Senhor, os teus olhos, e olha; e ouve todas as palavras de Senacherib, o qual enviou para affrontar o Deus vivo.
[So], Yahweh, [please] listen to what I am saying, and look at [what is happening]! And listen to what Sennacherib has said to insult you, the all-powerful God!
18 Verdade é, Senhor, que os reis da Assyria assolaram todas as terras, com as suas comarcas,
Yahweh, it is true that [the armies of] the kings of Assyria have completely destroyed many nations and ruined their land.
19 E lançaram no fogo os seus deuses; porque deuses não eram, senão obra de mãos d'homens, madeira e pedra; por isso os destruiram.
And they have thrown all the idols of those nations into fires and burned them. But they were not [really] gods. They were only idols made of wood and stone, [and that is why they were destroyed easily].
20 Agora pois, ó Senhor nosso Deus, livra-nos da sua mão; e assim saberão todos os reinos da terra, que só tu és o Senhor.
So now, Yahweh our God, [please] rescue us from the power [MTY] of [the King of Assyria], in order that [the people in] all the kingdoms of the world will know that you, Yahweh, are the only one who is [truly] God.”
21 Então Isaias, filho d'Amós, mandou dizer a Ezequias: Assim diz o Senhor, o Deus d'Israel: Quanto ao que me pediste ácerca de Senacherib, rei da Assyria,
Then I sent this message to Hezekiah: “This is what Yahweh, the God to whom [we] Israelis belong, says: Because you prayed about what King Sennacherib of Assyria [said],
22 Esta é a palavra que o Senhor fallou d'elle: A virgem, a filha de Sião, te despreza, de ti zomba; a filha de Jerusalem menea a cabeça por detraz de ti
this is what I say to him: ‘The people of Jerusalem despise you and make fun of you. They will wag/shake their heads to mock you while you flee from here.
23 A quem affrontaste e blasphemaste? e contra quem alçaste a voz, e ergueste os teus olhos ao alto? Contra o Sancto d'Israel.
Whom do you think you have been despising and ridiculing? Whom do you think you were shouting at? Whom do you think you were looking at [very] proudly/arrogantly? [It was I], the Holy One whom the Israelis worship!
24 Por meio de teus servos affrontaste o Senhor, e disseste: Com a multidão dos meus carros subi eu aos cumes dos montes, aos lados do Libano; e cortarei os seus altos cedros e as suas faias escolhidas, e entrarei na altura do seu cume, ao bosque do seu campo fertil.
The messengers whom you sent made fun of me. You said, “With my many chariots I have gone to the highest mountains, [even] to the highest mountains in Lebanon. We have cut down its tallest cedar [trees] and its nicest pine/cypress [trees]. We have been to the most distant/remote peaks and to its densest forests.
25 Eu cavei, e bebi as aguas; e com as plantas de meus pés sequei todos os rios do Egypto.
We have dug wells [in many countries] and drunk water [from them]. And by marching through [MTY] the streams of Egypt, we dried them all up [HYP]!”
26 Porventura não ouviste que já muito d'antes eu fiz isto, e já desde os dias antigos o formei? agora porém o fiz vir, para que tu fosses o que destruisses as cidades fortes, e as reduzisses a montões assolados.
[But I, Yahweh, reply], “Have you never heard that long ago I determined [those things]; I planned them long ago, and now I have been causing those things to occur. I planned that your army would destroy cities and cause them to become piles of rubble.
27 Por isso os seus moradores, com as mãos caidas, andaram atemorisados e envergonhados: eram como a herva do campo, e a hortaliça verde, e o feno dos telhados, e o trigo queimado antes da seara.
The people in those cities have no power, and as a result they are dismayed and discouraged. They are [as frail as] [MET] grass and plants in the fields, as frail as grass that grows on the roofs of houses and is scorched by the hot east wind.
28 Porém eu sei o teu assentar, e o teu sair, e o teu entrar, e o teu furor contra mim.
[But] I know [everything about you]; I know when you are [in your house and] when you go outside; I also know that you are (raging/speaking very angrily) against me.
29 Por causa do teu furor contra mim, e porque o teu tumulto subiu até aos meus ouvidos, portanto porei o meu anzol no seu nariz e o meu freio nos teus beiços, e te farei voltar pelo caminho por onde vieste.
[So], because you have raged against me and because I have heard you speak very proudly/arrogantly, [it will be as though] I will put a hook in your nose and I will put an iron (bit/metal bar) in your mouth [in order that I can lead you where I want you to go], and I will force you to return [to your own country], on the same road on which you came [here, without conquering Jerusalem].”’
30 E isto te seja por signal, que este anno se comerá o que de si mesmo nascer, e no segundo anno o que d'ahi proceder: porém no terceiro anno semeae e segae, e plantae vinhas, e comei os fructos d'ellas.
[Then I said to Hezekiah], ‘This will prove to you [that what I said will happen]: “This year, you(pl) will eat [only the crops] that grow by themselves, and next year the same thing will happen. But in the third year you will plant [crops] and harvest them; you will take care of your vineyards and eat the grapes.
31 Porque o que escapou da casa de Judah, e ficou de resto, tornará a lançar raizes para baixo, e dará fructo para cima.
And [you] people who are still [here] in Judah, will be strong and prosper again [MET].
32 Porque de Jerusalem sairá o restante, e do monte de Sião o que escapou: o zelo do Senhor dos Exercitos fará isto.
A small number of my people will survive, and they will spread out from Jerusalem [DOU].” That will happen because [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, am desiring very much to accomplish it.’
33 Pelo que assim diz o Senhor ácerca do rei da Assyria: Não entrará n'esta cidade, nem lançará n'ella frecha alguma: tão pouco virá perante ella com escudo, nem levantará contra ella tranqueira alguma.
And this is what [I], Yahweh, say about the King of Assyria: ‘His [armies] will not enter Jerusalem; they will not [even] shoot arrows into it. His soldiers will not [march outside] the city gates holding their shields, and they will not build high mounds of dirt against the walls of the city [to enable them to attack the city].
34 Pelo caminho por onde vier, por esse voltará; porém n'esta cidade não entrará, diz o Senhor.
And their king will return [to his own country] on the same road on which he came [here]. He will not enter this city!’ [That will happen because I], Yahweh, have said it!
35 Porque eu ampararei a esta cidade, para a livrar, por amor de mim e por amor do meu servo David.
For the sake of my own reputation and because of what I promised King David, who served me [well], I will defend this city and prevent it from being destroyed.”
36 Então saiu o anjo do Senhor, e feriu no arraial dos assyrios a cento e oitenta e cinco mil d'elles; e, levantando-se pela manhã cedo, eis que tudo eram corpos mortos.
[That night], an angel from Yahweh went out to where the army of Assyria had set up their tents and killed 185,000 of their soldiers. When [the rest of the soldiers] woke up the next morning, they saw that there were corpses everywhere.
37 Assim Senacherib, rei da Assyria, se retirou, e se foi, e voltou, e se ficou em Ninive.
Then King Sennacherib left and returned home to Nineveh [in Assyria], and stayed there.
38 E succedeu que, estando elle prostrado na casa de Nisroch, seu deus, Adramelech e Sarezer, seus filhos, o feriram á espada; porém elles se escaparam para a terra d'Ararat, e Esarhaddon, seu filho, reinou em seu logar.
[One day], when he was worshiping in the temple of his god Nisroch, his two sons, Adrammelech and Sharezer, killed him with their swords. Then they escaped and went to the Ararat [region northwest of Nineveh]. And another of Sennacherib’s sons, Esarhaddon, became the King of Assyria.