< Ezequiel 30 >

1 E veiu a mim a palavra do Senhor, dizendo:
The LORD’s word came again to me, saying,
2 Filho do homem, prophetiza, e dize: Assim diz o Senhor Jehovah: Uivae: Ah! aquelle dia!
“Son of man, prophesy, and say, ‘The Lord GOD says: “Wail, ‘Alas for the day!’
3 Porque já está perto o dia, já está perto, digo, o dia do Senhor: dia nublado: o tempo dos gentios será.
For the day is near, even the LORD’s day is near. It will be a day of clouds, a time of the nations.
4 E espada virá ao Egypto, e haverá grande dôr na Ethiopia, quando cairem os traspassados no Egypto; e tomarão a sua multidão, e quebrar-se-hão os seus fundamentos.
A sword will come on Egypt, and anguish will be in Ethiopia, when the slain fall in Egypt. They take away her multitude, and her foundations are broken down.
5 Ethiopia, e Put, e Lud, e toda a mistura de gente, e Cub, e os filhos da terra do concerto, com elles cairão á espada.
“‘“Ethiopia, Put, Lud, all the mixed people, Cub, and the children of the land that is allied with them, will fall with them by the sword.”
6 Assim diz o Senhor: Tambem cairão os que o Egypto sustem, e descerá a soberba de seu poder: desde a torre de Sevene n'elle cairão á espada, diz o Senhor Jehovah.
“‘The LORD says: “They also who uphold Egypt will fall. The pride of her power will come down. They will fall by the sword in it from the tower of Seveneh,” says the Lord GOD.
7 E serão assolados no meio das terras assoladas; e as suas cidades estarão no meio das cidades desertas.
“They will be desolate in the middle of the countries that are desolate. Her cities will be amongst the cities that are wasted.
8 E saberão que eu sou o Senhor, quando eu puzer fogo ao Egypto, e forem quebrados todos os que lhe davam auxilio.
They will know that I am the LORD when I have set a fire in Egypt, and all her helpers are destroyed.
9 N'aquelle dia sairão mensageiros de diante de mim em navios, para espantarem a Ethiopia descuidada; e haverá n'elles grandes dôres, como no dia do Egypto; porque, eis que já vem
“‘“In that day messengers will go out from before me in ships to make the careless Ethiopians afraid. There will be anguish on them, as in the day of Egypt; for, behold, it comes.”
10 Assim diz o Senhor Jehovah: Eu pois farei cessar a multidão do Egypto, por mão de Nabucodonozor, rei de Babylonia.
“‘The Lord GOD says: “I will also make the multitude of Egypt to cease, by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.
11 Elle e o seu povo com elle, os mais formidaveis das nações, serão levados para destruirem a terra; e desembainharão as suas espadas contra o Egypto, e encherão a terra de traspassados.
He and his people with him, the terrible of the nations, will be brought in to destroy the land. They will draw their swords against Egypt, and fill the land with the slain.
12 E os rios farei seccos, e venderei a terra á mão dos maus, e assolarei a terra e a sua plenitude pela mão dos estranhos; eu, o Senhor, o fallei.
I will make the rivers dry, and will sell the land into the hand of evil men. I will make the land desolate, and all that is therein, by the hand of foreigners. I, the LORD, have spoken it.”
13 Assim diz o Senhor Jehovah: Tambem destruirei os idolos, e farei cessar as imagens de Noph: e não haverá mais um principe da terra do Egypto; e porei o temor na terra do Egypto.
“‘The Lord GOD says: “I will also destroy the idols, and I will cause the images to cease from Memphis. There will be no more a prince from the land of Egypt. I will put a fear in the land of Egypt.
14 E assolarei a Pathros, e porei fogo a Zoan, e executarei juizos em No.
I will make Pathros desolate, and will set a fire in Zoan, and will execute judgements on No.
15 E derramarei o meu furor sobre Sin, a força do Egypto, e exterminarei a multidão de No.
I will pour my wrath on Sin, the stronghold of Egypt. I will cut off the multitude of No.
16 E porei fogo no Egypto; Sin terá grande dôr, e No será fendida, e Noph terá angustias quotidianas.
I will set a fire in Egypt Sin will be in great anguish. No will be broken up. Memphis will have adversaries in the daytime.
17 Os mancebos de Aven e Pibeseth cairão á espada, e as moças irão em captiveiro.
The young men of Aven and of Pibeseth will fall by the sword. They will go into captivity.
18 E em Tahpanes se escurecerá o dia, quando eu quebrar ali os jugos do Egypto, e n'ella cessar a soberba da sua força: uma nuvem a cobrirá, e suas filhas irão em captiveiro.
At Tehaphnehes also the day will withdraw itself, when I break the yokes of Egypt there. The pride of her power will cease in her. As for her, a cloud will cover her, and her daughters will go into captivity.
19 Assim executarei juizos no Egypto, e saberão que eu sou o Senhor.
Thus I will execute judgements on Egypt. Then they will know that I am the LORD.”’”
20 E succedeu que, no anno undecimo, no mez primeiro, aos sete do mez, veiu a mim a palavra do Senhor, dizendo:
In the eleventh year, in the first month, in the seventh day of the month, the LORD’s word came to me, saying,
21 Filho do homem, eu quebrei o braço de Pharaó, rei do Egypto, e eis que não será atado com emplastos, nem lhe porão uma ligadura para o atar, para o esforçar, para que pegue na espada.
“Son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Behold, it has not been bound up, to apply medicines, to put a bandage to bind it, that it may become strong to hold the sword.
22 Portanto assim diz o Senhor Jehovah: Eis que eu estou contra Pharaó, rei do Egypto, e quebrarei os seus braços, assim o forte como o quebrado, e farei cair da sua mão a espada.
Therefore the Lord GOD says: ‘Behold, I am against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and will break his arms, the strong arm, and that which was broken. I will cause the sword to fall out of his hand.
23 E espalharei os egypcios entre as nações, e os espalharei pelas terras.
I will scatter the Egyptians amongst the nations, and will disperse them through the countries.
24 E esforçarei os braços do rei de Babylonia, e darei a minha espada na sua mão; porém quebrarei os braços de Pharaó, e diante d'elle gemerá como geme o traspassado.
I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, and put my sword in his hand; but I will break the arms of Pharaoh, and he will groan before the king of Babylon with the groaning of a mortally wounded man.
25 Esforçarei, digo, os braços do rei de Babylonia, mas os braços de Pharaó cairão; e saberão que eu sou o Senhor, quando eu metter a minha espada na mão do rei de Babylonia, e elle a estender sobre a terra do Egypto
I will hold up the arms of the king of Babylon, but the arms of Pharaoh will fall down. Then they will know that I am the LORD when I put my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he stretches it out on the land of Egypt.
26 E espalharei os egypcios entre as nações, e os espalharei pelas terras: assim saberão que eu sou o Senhor.
I will scatter the Egyptians amongst the nations and disperse them through the countries. Then they will know that I am the LORD.’”

< Ezequiel 30 >