< Deuteronômio 34 >

1 Então subiu Moysés das campinas de Moab ao monte Nebo, ao cume de Pisga, que está defronte de Jericó; e o Senhor mostrou-lhes toda a terra desde Gilead até Dan;
Moses [Drawn out] went up from the plains of Moab [From father] to Mount Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, that is over against Jericho [Fragrant, Moon]. Adonai showed him all the land of Gilead, to Dan [He judged],
2 E todo Naphtali, e a terra d'Ephraim, e Manasseh; e toda a terra de Judah, até ao mar ultimo;
and all Naphtali [My wrestling], and the land of Ephraim [Fruit] and Manasseh [Causing to forget], and all the land of Judah [Praised], to the western sea,
3 E o sul, e a campina do valle de Jericó, a cidade das palmeiras até Zoar.
and the south, and the Plain of the valley of Jericho [Fragrant, Moon] the city of palm trees, to Zoar [Small].
4 E disse-lhe o Senhor: Esta é a terra de que jurei a Abrahão, Isaac, e Jacob, dizendo: Á tua semente a darei: mostro-t'a para a veres com os teus olhos; porém lá não passarás.
Adonai said to him, “This is the land which I swore to Abraham [Father of a multitude], to Isaac [Laughter], and to Jacob [Supplanter], saying, ‘I will give it to your offspring.’ I have caused you to see it with your eyes, but you shall not go over there.”
5 Assim morreu ali Moysés, servo do Senhor, na terra de Moab, conforme ao dito do Senhor.
So Moses [Drawn out] the servant of Adonai died there in the land of Moab [From father], according to Adonai’s word.
6 E o sepultou n'um valle, na terra de Moab, defronte de Beth-peor; e ninguem tem sabido até hoje a sua sepultura.
He buried him in the valley in the land of Moab [From father] opposite Beth Peor, but no man knows where his tomb is to this day.
7 Era Moysés da edade de cento e vinte annos quando morreu: os seus olhos nunca se escureceram, nem perdeu o seu vigor.
Moses [Drawn out] was one hundred twenty years old when he died. His eye was not dim, nor his strength gone.
8 E os filhos d'Israel prantearam a Moysés trinta dias nas campinas de Moab: e os dias do pranto do luto de Moysés se cumpriram.
The children of Israel [God prevails] wept for Moses [Drawn out] in the plains of Moab [From father] thirty days, until the days of weeping in the mourning for Moses [Drawn out] were ended.
9 E Josué, filho de Nun, foi cheio do espirito de sabedoria, porquanto Moysés tinha posto sobre elle as suas mãos: assim os filhos d'Israel lhe deram ouvidos, e fizeram como o Senhor ordenara a Moysés.
Joshua [Salvation Yah] the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom; for Moses [Drawn out] had laid his hands on him. The children of Israel [God prevails] sh'ma ·heard obeyed· him, and did as Adonai enjoined Moses [Drawn out].
10 E nunca mais se levantou em Israel propheta algum como Moysés, a quem o Senhor conhecera cara a cara;
Since then, there has not arisen a prophet in Israel [God prevails] like Moses [Drawn out], whom Adonai knew face to face,
11 Nem similhante em todos os signaes e maravilhas, a que o Senhor o enviou para fazer na terra do Egypto, a Pharaó, e a todos os seus servos, e a toda a sua terra;
in all the signs and the wonders, which Adonai sent him to do in the land of Egypt [Abode of slavery], to Pharaoh, and to all his servants, and to all his land,
12 E em toda a mão forte, e em todo o espanto grande, que obrou Moysés aos olhos de todo o Israel.
and in all the mighty hand, and in all the awesome deeds, which Moses [Drawn out] did in the sight of all Israel [God prevails].

< Deuteronômio 34 >