< Atos 24 >
1 E cinco dias depois o summo sacerdote Ananias desceu com os anciãos, e um certo Tertullo, orador, os quaes compareceram perante o presidente contra Paulo.
And after five days, Ananias the chief priest came down with the elders and a certain orator, Tertullus; and they informed the governor against Paul.
2 E, sendo citado, Tertullo começou a accusal-o, dizendo:
And when he was called forth, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying:
3 Que por ti tenhamos tanta paz e que, por tua prudencia, a este povo se façam muitos e louvaveis serviços, sempre e em todo o logar, ó potentissimo Felix, com todo o agradecimento o reconhecemos.
Since through you we enjoy great quietness, and since whatever has been undertaken for this nation has been conducted to a successful issue by your foresight at all times and in all places, we accept it, most excellent Felix, with all thankfulness.
4 Porém, para que te não detenha muito, rogo-te que brevemente, conforme a tua equidade, nos ouças:
But that I may not detain you longer, I beseech you to hear us, in your clemency, a few words.
5 Porque temos achado que este homem é uma peste, e levantador de sedições entre todos os judeos, por todo o mundo; e o principal defensor da seita dos nazarenos;
For we have found this man a pest and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes.
6 O qual intentou tambem profanar o templo: ao qual tambem prendemos, e conforme a nossa lei o quizemos julgar.
He also attempted to profane the temple; and we took him, and wished to judge him according to our law.
7 Porém, sobrevindo o tribuno Lysias, nol-o tirou d'entre as mãos com grande violencia:
But Lysias the officer came, and, with much violence, took him out of our hands,
8 Mandando aos seus accusadores que viessem a ti: do qual tu mesmo, examinando-o, poderás entender tudo o de que o accusamos.
and commanded his accusers to come before you. From him you may be able yourself, by examination, to gain a knowledge of all these tilings of which we accuse him.
9 E tambem os judeos consentiram, dizendo serem estas coisas assim.
And the Jews united in accusing him, saying that these things were so.
10 Porém Paulo, fazendo-lhe o presidente signal que fallasse, respondeu: Porque sei que já vae para muitos annos que d'esta nação és juiz, com tanto melhor animo respondo por mim.
Then Paul, after the governor had nodded to him to speak, answered: Knowing that you have been for many years a judge of this nation, I do the more cheerfully offer a defense for myself:
11 Pois bem podes entender que não ha mais de doze dias que subi a Jerusalem a adorar;
for you can understand that there are not more than twelve days since I went up to Jerusalem to worship.
12 E não me acharam no templo fallando com alguem, nem amotinando o povo nas synagogas, nem na cidade.
And they found me neither disputing with any one in the temple, nor exciting the multitude in the synagogue, or in the city:
13 Nem tão pouco podem provar as coisas de que agora me accusam.
nor are they able to prove the things of which they now accuse me.
14 Porém confesso-te isto: que, conforme aquelle caminho que chamam seita, assim sirvo ao Deus de nossos paes, crendo tudo quanto está escripto na lei e nos prophetas.
But this I confess to you, that after the way which they call sect, so do I worship the God of my fathers; believing all things that are written in the law and in the prophets;
15 Tendo esperança em Deus, como estes mesmos tambem, esperam, de que ha de haver resurreição de mortos, assim dos justos como dos injustos.
having hope in God, which they themselves also admit, that I there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and of the unjust.
16 E por isso procuro sempre ter uma consciencia sem offensa, tanto para com Deus como para com os homens.
And I do exercise myself in this, always to have a conscience void of offense toward God and man.
17 Porém, muitos annos depois, vim trazer á minha nação esmolas e offertas.
But, after many years, I came to bring charitable gifts to my nation, and offerings.
18 N'isto me acharam já sanctificado no templo, não com gente, nem com alvoroços, uns certos judeos da Asia,
While engaged in these things, certain Jews from Asia found me fulfilling my vow of abstinence in the temple, not with a multitude, nor with tumult.
19 Os quaes convinha que estivessem presentes perante ti, e me accusassem, se alguma coisa contra mim tivessem.
These ought to be here before you, and bring their charge, if they have any, against me.
20 Ou digam estes mesmos, se acharam em mim alguma iniquidade, quando compareci perante o conselho.
Or let these persons here say, what offensive conduct they found in me when I stood before the Sanhedrim,
21 Senão só estas palavras, que estando entre elles, clamei: Hoje sou julgado por vós ácerca da resurreição dos mortos.
except in this one expression, which I uttered while standing among them: With respect to the resurrection I of the dead, I am judged by you this day.
22 Então Felix, havendo ouvido estas coisas, lhes poz dilação, dizendo: Havendo-me informado melhor d'este caminho, quando o tribuno Lysias tiver descido, então tomarei inteiro conhecimento dos vossos negocios.
But Felix, having a more accurate knowledge of this way, put them off, and said: When Lysias the officer comes down, I will inquire fully into your matters.
23 E mandou ao centurião que guardassem a Paulo, e estivesse com alguma liberdade, e que a ninguem dos seus prohibisse servil-o ou vir ter com elle.
And he commanded the centurion to keep him under guard, and to relax the rigor of his confinement, and to forbid no one of his friends to minister or to come to him.
24 E alguns dias depois, vindo Felix com sua mulher Drusilla, que era judia, mandou chamar a Paulo, e ouviu-o ácerca da fé em Christo.
And, after some days, Felix came with his wife Drusilla, who was a Jewess; and he sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ.
25 E, tratando elle da justiça, e da temperança, e do juizo vindouro, Felix, espavorido, respondeu: Por agora vae-te, e em tendo opportunidade te chamarei.
And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and the judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered: For the present withdraw; when I have a convenient season, I will call for you.
26 Esperando tambem juntamente que Paulo lhe désse dinheiro, para que o soltasse; pelo que tambem muitas vezes o mandava chamar, e fallava com elle.
He hoped, at the same time, that money would have been given him by Paul, to release him. For this reason, he sent for him very frequently, and conversed with him.
27 Porém, cumpridos dois annos, Felix teve por successor a Porcio Festo; e, querendo Felix comprazer aos judeos, deixou a Paulo preso.
But, after two years, Felix received Portius Festus as his successor; and Felix, wishing to confer a favor on the Jews, left Paul bound.