< Atos 10 >

1 E havia em Cesarea um certo varão por nome Cornelio, centurião da cohorte chamada italiana,
[There was] a man [who lived] in Caesarea [city] whose name was Cornelius. He was an officer who commanded 100 men in a large group of [Roman] soldiers from Italy.
2 Piedoso e temente a Deus, com toda a sua casa, o qual fazia muitas esmolas ao povo, e de continuo orava a Deus.
He always tried to do what would please God; he and his entire household [MTY] [were non-Jews who] habitually worshipped God. He sometimes gave money to help poor [Jewish] people, and he prayed to God regularly.
3 Este, quasi á hora nona do dia, viu claramente em visão um anjo de Deus, que se dirigia para elle e dizia: Cornelio.
[One day] at about three o’clock in the afternoon [Cornelius saw] a vision. He clearly saw an angel whom God [had sent]. The angel came into [his room] and said to him, “Cornelius!”
4 E este, fixando os olhos n'elle, e muito atemorisado, disse: Que é, Senhor? E disse-lhe: As tuas orações e as tuas esmolas teem subido para memoria diante de Deus;
Cornelius stared at the angel and became terrified. Then he asked [fearfully], “Sir, what do you [(sg)] want?” The angel answered him, “You [(sg)] have pleased God because you have been praying [regularly to him] and you often give money to [help] poor people. [Those things have been] like a sacrifice [to God].
5 Agora, pois, envia varões a Joppe, e manda chamar a Simão, que tem por sobrenome Pedro.
So, now command some men to go to Joppa and [tell them to] bring back a man named Simon whose other name is Peter.
6 Este pousa em casa de um certo Simão curtidor, que tem a sua casa junto do mar. Elle te dirá o que deves fazer.
He is staying with a man, [also] named Simon, who makes leather. His house is near the ocean.”
7 E, ido o anjo que lhe fallava, chamou dois dos seus creados, e a um piedoso soldado dos que estavam ao seu serviço.
When the angel who spoke to Cornelius had gone, Cornelius summoned two of his household servants and a soldier who served him, one who also worshipped God.
8 E, havendo-lhes contado tudo, os enviou a Joppe.
He explained to them everything [that the angel had said. Then] he told them to go to Joppa [to ask Peter to come to Caesarea].
9 E no dia seguinte, indo elles seu caminho, e chegando perto da cidade, subiu Pedro ao terraço para orar, quasi á hora sexta.
About noon the next day those [three men] were traveling [along the road] and were coming near [Joppa. As they were approaching Joppa], Peter went up on the [flat] housetop to pray.
10 E, tendo fome, quiz comer; e, emquanto lh'o preparavam, sobreveiu-lhe um arrebatamento de sentidos:
He became hungry and wanted something to eat. While someone was preparing the food, [Peter] saw [this] vision:
11 E viu o céu aberto, e que para elle descia um certo vaso, como um grande lençol atado pelas quatro pontas, e abaixando-se para a terra.
(He saw heaven open/He saw an opening in the sky) and something like a large sheet was being lowered [to the ground]. [It was tied at] its four corners [with ropes].
12 No qual havia de todos os animaes da terra quadrupedes, féras e reptis, e aves do céu.
Inside the sheet were all kinds of creatures. [These included animals and birds that the Mosaic laws forbade Jews to eat]. Some had four feet, others scurried across the ground, and others were wild birds.
13 E foi-lhe dirigida uma voz: Levanta-te, Pedro, mata e come.
Then [he heard] God [SYN] say to him, “Peter, stand up, kill [and cook some of these] and eat [their meat]!”
14 Porém Pedro disse: De modo nenhum, Senhor, porque nunca comi coisa alguma commum nem immunda.
But Peter replied, “Lord, surely you [(sg)] do not [really want me to do that]! I have never eaten any [meat] that [our Jewish law says] is unacceptable to God or [something that we(exc)] must not eat!”
15 E segunda vez lhe disse a voz: Não faças tu commum ao que Deus purificou.
[Then Peter heard] [MTY] God talk to him a second time. He said, “[I am] God, [so] if I have made something acceptable [to eat], do not say that it is not acceptable [to eat]!”
16 E aconteceu isto por tres vezes; e o vaso tornou a recolher-se para o céu.
[This happened] three [times, so Peter knew that he had to think carefully about what it might mean]. Immediately [after God had said that the third time], ([the] sheet [with the animals and birds] was the pulled back into heaven/[someone] pulled the sheet [with the animals and birds] up into the sky again).
17 E, estando Pedro duvidando entre si que seria aquella visão que tinha visto, eis que os varões que foram enviados por Cornelio, pararam á porta, perguntando pela casa de Simão.
While Peter was trying to understand what that vision meant, the men who had been sent by Cornelius {whom Cornelius had sent} [arrived in Joppa. They asked people how to get to] Simon’s house. [So they found his house] and were standing outside the gate.
18 E, chamando, perguntaram se Simão, que tinha por sobrenome Pedro, pousava ali.
They called and were asking if a man named Simon, whose other name was Peter, was staying there.
19 E, pensando Pedro n'aquella visão, disse-lhe o Espirito: Eis que tres varões te buscam:
While Peter was still trying to understand [what] the vision [meant], [God’s] Spirit said to him, “Three men [are here who] want to see you.
20 Levanta-te pois, e desce, e vae com elles, não duvidando; porque eu os enviei.
So get up and go downstairs and go with them! Do not think that you [(sg)] should not go with them [because of their being non-Jews], because I have sent them [here]!”
21 E Pedro, descendo para junto dos varões que lhe foram enviados por Cornelio, disse: Eis que sou eu a quem procuraes; qual é a causa porque estaes aqui?
So Peter went down to the men and said to them, “[Greetings!] I am [the man] you are looking for. Why have you come?”
22 E elles disseram: Cornelio, o centurião, varão justo e temente a Deus, e que tem bom testemunho de toda a nação dos judeos, foi avisado por um sancto anjo para que mandasse chamar-te a sua casa, e ouvisse de ti palavras.
One of them replied, “Cornelius, who is a [Roman] army officer, [sent us here]. He is a righteous man who worships God, and all of the Jewish people [HYP] [who know about him] say that he is a very good man. An angel (who was sent from God/whom God sent) said to him, ‘Tell some men to [go to Joppa to see Simon Peter and] bring him here, so that you [(sg)] can hear what he has to say.’”
23 Então, chamando-os para dentro, os recebeu em casa. Porém no dia seguinte foi Pedro com elles, e foram com elle alguns irmãos de Joppe.
So Peter [said that he would go with them, and then he] invited them into [the house] and told them that they could stay [there that night]. Acts 10:23b-26 The next day Peter got ready and went with the men. Several of the believers from Joppa went with him.
24 E no dia immediato chegaram a Cesarea. E Cornelio os estava esperando, tendo já convidado a seus parentes e amigos mais intimos.
The day after that, they arrived in Caesarea. Cornelius was waiting for them. He had also invited his relatives and close friends [to come to his house, so they were there, too].
25 E aconteceu que, entrando Pedro, saiu Cornelio a recebel-o, e, prostrando-se a seus pés, o adorou.
When Peter entered the house, Cornelius met him and bowed low in front of him to worship him.
26 Porém Pedro o levantou, dizendo: Levanta-te, eu mesmo tambem sou homem.
But Peter [grasped Cornelius by the hand and] lifted him to his feet. He said, “Stand up! [Do not revere/worship me] I myself am only human, [like you]!”
27 E, fallando com elle, entrou, e achou muitos que ali se haviam ajuntado.
While he was talking to Cornelius, Peter [and the others] entered [a large room inside the house]. Peter saw that many people had gathered together [there].
28 E disse-lhes: Vós bem sabeis como não é licito a um varão judeo ajuntar-se ou chegar-se a estrangeiros; mas Deus mostrou-me que a nenhum homem chame commum ou immundo:
Then Peter said to them, “You all know that any [of us] Jews think we are disobeying [our Jewish] laws if we [(exc)] associate with a non-Jewish person or [if we even] visit him. However, God has shown me [in a vision] that I should not say about anyone that God will not accept him.
29 Pelo que, sendo chamado, vim sem contradizer. Pergunto pois; por que razão mandastes chamar-me?
So when you sent [some men] to ask me to come [here], I came [right away. I] did not say that I could not go [with non-Jewish people. So, please tell me], why have you asked me to come [here]?”
30 E disse Cornelio: Ha quatro dias estava eu em jejum até esta hora, e orava em minha casa á hora nona.
Cornelius replied, “About this time four days ago I was praying [to God] in my house, [as I regularly do] at three o’clock in the afternoon. Suddenly a man whose clothes [shone] brightly stood in front of me,
31 E eis que diante de mim se apresentou um varão com um vestido resplandecente, e disse: Cornelio, a tua oração é ouvida, e as tuas esmolas estão em memoria diante de Deus
and said, ‘Cornelius, when you [(sg)] have prayed, you have been heard by God {God has heard [when] you [(sg)] have prayed [to him]}. He has also noticed that you have [often] given money to [help] poor people, [and he is pleased with that].
32 Envia pois a Joppe, e manda chamar Simão, o que tem por sobrenome Pedro; este pousa em casa de Simão o curtidor, junto do mar, e elle, vindo, te fallará.
So now, send [messengers to go] to Joppa, [in order] to ask Simon whose other name is Peter to come [here]. He is staying near the ocean in a house that belongs to [another] man named Simon, who makes leather. [When Simon Peter comes, he will tell you a message from God].’
33 Assim que logo mandei a ti; e bem fizeste em vir. Agora pois estamos todos presentes diante de Deus, para ouvir tudo quanto por Deus te é mandado.
So I immediately sent [some men who asked] you [(sg) to come here], and I [certainly] thank you for coming. Now we [(exc)] all are gathered [here, knowing that] God is with us, in order to hear all the things that the Lord [God] has commanded you [to say. So please speak to us].”
34 E Pedro, abrindo a bocca, disse: Reconheço por verdade que Deus não faz accepção de pessoas;
So Peter began to speak [MTY] to them. He said, “[Now] I understand that it is true that God does not favor only certain groups [of people].
35 Mas que lhe é agradavel aquelle que, em qualquer nação, o teme e obra a justiça.
Instead, from every group of people he accepts [everyone who] honors him and who does what pleases him.
36 A palavra que elle enviou aos filhos d'Israel, annunciando a paz por Jesus Christo (este é o Senhor de todos),
[You know] the message that God sent to [us] Israelis. [He] proclaimed [to us the good news that he] would cause [people] to have peace [with him] because of what Jesus Christ [has done]. This [Jesus is Lord not only over us Israelis. He] is [also the] Lord [who rules] over all [people].
37 Esta palavra, vós bem sabeis, veiu por toda a Judea, começando desde a Galilea, depois do baptismo que João prégou;
You know what [he] did throughout the land of Judea, beginning in Galilee. He began [to do those things] after John had been proclaiming [to people that they should turn away from their sinful behavior before] he baptized them.
38 Emquanto a Jesus de Nazareth, como Deus o ungiu com o Espirito Sancto e com virtude; o qual andou fazendo bem, e curando a todos os opprimidos do diabo, porque Deus era com elle.
You know that God gave [MTY] his Holy Spirit to Jesus, [the Man] from Nazareth [town], and gave him the power [to do miracles. You also know] how Jesus went to many places, always doing good deeds and healing [people. Specifically], he was continually healing all the people whom the devil was causing to suffer. [Jesus was able to do those things] because God was always helping him.”
39 E nós somos testemunhas de todas as coisas que fez, tanto na terra da Judea como em Jerusalem: ao qual mataram, pendurando-o n'um madeiro.
“We [apostles] tell people about all the things that [we saw Jesus] do in Jerusalem and in the [rest of] Israel. [The leaders in Jerusalem] had him killed by being nailed to a cross.
40 A este resuscitou Deus ao terceiro dia, e fez que fosse manifesto,
However, God caused him to become alive again on the third day [after he had died]. God [also] enabled [some of us(exc)] to see him [so that we would know that he was alive again].
41 Não a todo o povo, mas ás testemunhas que Deus antes ordenára; a nós, que comemos e bebemos juntamente com elle, depois que resuscitou dos mortos.
God [did] not [let] all the [Jewish] people see him. Instead, he had chosen us [apostles] beforehand to see [Jesus after he became alive again], and to tell others [about him]. We [apostles are the people] who ate meals with him (after he had become alive [again]/after he had risen from the dead).
42 E mandou-nos prégar ao povo, e testificar que elle é aquelle que por Deus foi constituido juiz dos vivos e dos mortos.
God commanded us to preach to the people and tell them that Jesus is the one whom he has appointed to judge [everyone some day. He will judge all] those who will [still] be living and all those who will have died [by that time].
43 A este dão testemunho todos os prophetas, de que todos os que n'elle crêrem receberão o perdão dos peccados pelo seu nome.
All of the prophets [who wrote about the Messiah long ago] told [people] about him. [They wrote] that if people believe in the Messiah [MTY], God would forgive [them for] their sins, because of what [the Messiah would do] for them.”
44 E, dizendo Pedro ainda estas palavras, caiu o Espirito Sancto sobre todos os que ouviam a palavra.
While Peter was still speaking those words, suddenly the Holy Spirit (came down on/began to control) all [those non-Jewish people] who were listening to the message.
45 E os fieis que eram da circumcisão, todos quantos tinham vindo com Pedro, maravilharam-se de que o dom do Espirito Sancto se derramasse tambem sobre os gentios.
The Jewish believers who had come with Peter [from Joppa] were amazed that [God] had generously given the Holy Spirit to the non-Jewish people, too.
46 Porque os ouviam fallar linguas, e magnificar a Deus.
[The Jewish believers knew that God had done that] because they were hearing those people speaking languages [MTY] [that they had not learned] and telling how great God is.
47 Respondeu então Pedro: Pode alguem porventura impedir a agua, para que não sejam baptizados estes, que tambem receberam como nós o Espirito Sancto?
Then Peter said [to the other Jewish believers who were there], “[God] has given them the Holy Spirit just like [he gave him] to us [Jewish believers], so (surely all of you would agree that [we(exc)] should baptize these people!/would any of you forbid that these people should be baptized?) [RHQ]”
48 E mandou que fossem baptizados em nome do Senhor. Então rogaram-lhe que ficasse com elles por alguns dias.
Then Peter told those [non-Jewish] people that they should be baptized [to show that they had believed] [MTY] in the [Lord] Jesus Christ. [So they baptized all of them. After they were baptized], they requested that Peter stay [with them] several days. [So Peter and the other Jewish believers did that].

< Atos 10 >