< 2 Crônicas 5 >
1 Assim se acabou toda a obra, que Salomão fez para a casa do Senhor, então trouxe Salomão as coisas consagradas de seu pae David, e a prata, e o oiro, e todos os vasos, e pôl-os entre os thesouros da casa de Deus.
So all the work which Solomon did for the house of the Lord was complete. And Solomon took the holy things which David his father had given, the silver and the gold and all the vessels, and put them in the store-houses of the house of God.
2 Então Salomão convocou em Jerusalem os anciãos de Israel, e a todos os chefes das tribus, os principes dos paes entre os filhos d'Israel, para fazerem subir a arca do concerto do Senhor, da cidade de David, que é Sião.
Then Solomon sent for all the responsible men of Israel, all the chiefs of the tribes and the heads of families of the children of Israel, to come to Jerusalem and take the ark of the Lord's agreement up out of the town of David, which is Zion.
3 E todos os homens d'Israel se congregaram ao rei na festa, que era no setimo mez.
And all the men of Israel came together to the king at the feast in the seventh month.
4 E vieram todos os anciãos d'Israel; e os levitas levantaram a arca.
All the responsible men of Israel came, and the Levites took up the ark.
5 E fizeram subir a arca, e a tenda da congregação, com todos os vasos sagrados, que estavam na tenda: os sacerdotes e os levitas os fizeram subir.
They took up the ark and the Tent of meeting and all the holy vessels which were in the Tent; all these the priests, the Levites, took up.
6 Então o rei Salomão, e toda a congregação d'Israel, que se tinha congregado com elle diante da arca, sacrificaram carneiros, e bois, que se não podiam contar, nem numerar, por causa da sua multidão.
And King Solomon and all the men of Israel who had come together there with him, were before the ark, making offerings of sheep and oxen more than might be numbered.
7 Assim trouxeram os sacerdotes a arca do concerto do Senhor ao seu logar, ao oraculo da casa, á sanctidade das sanctidades, até debaixo das azas dos cherubins.
And the priests took the ark of the Lord's agreement and put it in its place, in the inner room of the house, in the most holy place, under the wings of the winged ones.
8 Porque os cherubins estendiam ambas as azas sobre o logar da arca, e os cherubins por cima cobriam a arca e os seus varaes.
For their wings were outstretched over the place where the ark was, covering the ark and its rods.
9 Então os varaes sobresairam para que as pontas dos varaes da arca se vissem perante o oraculo, mas não se vissem de fóra: e esteve ali até o dia d'hoje.
The rods were so long that their ends were seen from the holy place before the inmost room; but they were not seen from outside; and there they are to this day.
10 Na arca não havia, senão sómente as duas taboas, que Moysés tinha posto junto a Horeb, quando o Senhor fez concerto com os filhos d'Israel, saindo elles do Egypto.
Nothing was in the ark but the two flat stones which Moses put there at Horeb, where the Lord made an agreement with the children of Israel when they came out of Egypt.
11 E succedeu que, saindo os sacerdotes do sanctuario (porque todos os sacerdotes, que se acharam, se sanctificaram, sem guardarem as suas turmas.
Now when the priests had come out of the holy place, (for all the priests who were present had made themselves holy, not keeping to their divisions;
12 E os levitas, cantores de todos elles, d'Asaph, d'Heman, de Jeduthun, e de seus filhos, e de seus irmãos, vestidos de linho fino, com cymbalos, e com alaudes, e com harpas, estavam em pé para o oriente do altar; e com elles até cento e vinte sacerdotes, que tocavam as trombetas),
And the Levites who made the music, all of them, Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, and their sons and brothers, robed in fair linen, were in their places with their brass and corded instruments at the east side of the altar, and with them a hundred and twenty priests blowing horns; )
13 Elles uniformemente tocavam as trombetas, e cantavam para fazerem ouvir uma só voz, bemdizendo e louvando ao Senhor: e levantando elles a voz com trombetas, e cymbalos, e outros instrumentos musicos, e bemdizendo ao Senhor, porque era bom, porque a sua benignidade durava para sempre, a casa se encheu d'uma nuvem, a saber: a casa do Senhor.
And when the players on horns, and those who made melody in song, with one voice were sounding the praise and glory of the Lord; with loud voices and with wind instruments, and brass and corded instruments of music, praising the Lord and saying, He is good; his mercy is unchanging for ever: then the house was full of the cloud of the glory of the Lord,
14 E não podiam os sacerdotes ter-se em pé, para ministrar, por causa da nuvem: porque a gloria do Senhor encheu a casa de Deus.
So that the priests were not able to keep their places to do their work because of the cloud; for the house of God was full of the glory of the Lord.