< 1 Samuel 3 >

1 E o mancebo Samuel servia ao Senhor perante Eli: e a palavra do Senhor era de muita valia n'aquelles dias; não havia visão manifesta.
And the youth Samuel is serving YHWH before Eli, and the word of YHWH has been precious in those days—there is no vision breaking forth.
2 E succedeu n'aquelle dia que, estando Eli deitado no seu locar (e os seus olhos se começavam já a escurecer, que não podia ver),
And it comes to pass, at that time, that Eli is lying down in his place, and his eyes have begun [to be] faded—he is not able to see.
3 E estando tambem Samuel já deitado, antes que a lampada de Deus se apagasse no templo do Senhor, em que estava a arca de Deus,
And the lamp of God is not yet extinguished, and Samuel is lying down in the temple of YHWH, where the Ark of God [is],
4 O Senhor chamou a Samuel, e disse elle: Eis-me aqui.
and YHWH calls to Samuel, and he says, “Here I [am].”
5 E correu a Eli, e disse: Eis-me aqui, porque tu me chamaste. Mas elle disse: Não te chamei eu, torna a deitar-te. E foi e se deitou.
And he runs to Eli and says, “Here I [am], for you have called for me”; and he says, “I did not call; turn back, lie down”; and he goes and lies down.
6 E o Senhor tornou a chamar outra vez a Samuel, e Samuel se levantou, e foi-se a Eli, e disse: Eis-me aqui, porque tu me chamaste. Mas elle disse: Não te chamei eu, filho meu, torna a deitar-te.
And YHWH adds to call Samuel again, and Samuel rises and goes to Eli, and says, “Here I [am], for you have called for me”; and he says, “I have not called, my son, turn back, lie down.”
7 Porém Samuel ainda não conhecia ao Senhor, e ainda não lhe tinha sido manifestada a palavra do Senhor.
And Samuel has not yet known YHWH, and the word of YHWH is not yet revealed to him.
8 O Senhor pois tornou a chamar a Samuel terceira vez, e elle se levantou, e foi a Eli, e disse: Eis-me aqui, porque tu me chamaste. Então entendeu Eli que o Senhor chamava o mancebo.
And YHWH adds to call Samuel the third time, and he rises and goes to Eli, and says, “Here I [am], for you have called for me”; and Eli understands that YHWH is calling to the youth.
9 Pelo que Eli disse a Samuel: Vae te deitar, e ha de ser que, se te chamar, dirás: Falla, Senhor, porque o teu servo ouve. Então Samuel foi e se deitou no seu logar.
And Eli says to Samuel, “Go, lie down, and it has been, if He calls to you, that you have said, Speak, YHWH, for Your servant is hearing”; and Samuel goes and lies down in his place.
10 Então veiu o Senhor, e poz-se ali, e chamou como das outras vezes: Samuel, Samuel. E disse Samuel: Falla, porque o teu servo ouve.
And YHWH comes, and stations Himself, and calls as time by time, “Samuel, Samuel”; and Samuel says, “Speak, for Your servant is hearing.”
11 E disse o Senhor a Samuel: Eis aqui vou eu a fazer uma coisa em Israel, a qual todo o que ouvir lhe tinirão ambas as orelhas.
And YHWH says to Samuel, “Behold, I am doing a thing in Israel, at which the two ears of everyone hearing it tingle.
12 N'aquelle mesmo dia suscitarei contra Eli tudo quanto tenho fallado contra a sua casa: começal-o-hei e acabal-o-hei.
In that day I establish to Eli all that I have spoken to his house, beginning and completing;
13 Porque já eu lhe fiz saber que julgarei a sua casa para sempre, pela iniquidade que bem conhecia, porque, fazendo-se os seus filhos execraveis, não os reprehendeu.
and I have declared to him that I am judging his house for all time, for the iniquity which he has known, for his sons are making themselves vile, and he has not restrained them,
14 Portanto, jurei á casa d'Eli que nunca jámais será expiada a iniquidade da casa d'Eli com sacrificio nem com offerta de manjares.
and therefore I have sworn to the house of Eli: the iniquity of the house of Eli is not atoned for, by sacrifice, and by offering—for all time.”
15 E Samuel ficou deitado até pela manhã, e então abriu as portas da casa do Senhor: porém temia Samuel de relatar esta visão a Eli.
And Samuel lies until the morning, and opens the doors of the house of YHWH, and Samuel is afraid of declaring the vision to Eli.
16 Então chamou Eli a Samuel, e disse: Samuel, meu filho. E disse elle: Eis-me aqui.
And Eli calls Samuel and says, “Samuel, my son”; and he says, “Here I [am].”
17 E elle disse: Que é a palavra que te fallou? peço-te que m'a não encubras: assim Deus te faça, e outro tanto, se me encobrires alguma palavra de todas as palavras que te fallou.
And he says, “What [is] the word which He has spoken to you? Please do not hide it from me; so God does to you, and so does He add, if you hide from me a word of all the words that He has spoken to you.”
18 Então Samuel lhe contou todas aquellas palavras, e nada lhe encobriu. E disse elle: O Senhor é, faça o que bem parecer aos seus olhos.
And Samuel declares to him the whole of the words, and has not hid from him; and he says, “It [is] YHWH; that which is good in His eyes He does.”
19 E crescia Samuel, e o Senhor era com elle, e nenhuma de todas as suas palavras deixou cair em terra.
And Samuel grows up, and YHWH has been with him, and has not let any of his words fall to the earth;
20 E todo o Israel, desde Dan até Berseba, conheceu que Samuel estava confirmado por propheta do Senhor.
and all Israel knows, from Dan even to Beer-Sheba, that Samuel is established for a prophet to YHWH.
21 E continuou o Senhor a apparecer em Silo: porquanto o Senhor se manifestava a Samuel em Silo pela palavra do Senhor.
And YHWH adds to appear in Shiloh, for YHWH has been revealed to Samuel, in Shiloh, by the word of YHWH.

< 1 Samuel 3 >