< 1 Samuel 27 >

1 Disse porém David no seu coração: Ora ainda algum dia perecerei pela mão de Saul; não ha coisa melhor para mim do que escapar apressadamente para a terra dos philisteos, para que Saul perca a esperança de mim, e cesse de me buscar por todos os termos de Israel; e assim escaparei da sua mão.
And David said in his heart, Now shall I be one day delivered [for death] into the hands of Saul; and there is no good thing for me unless I should escape into the land of the Philistines, and Saul should cease from seeking me through every coast of Israel: so I shall escape out of his hand.
2 Então David se levantou, e passou com os seiscentos homens que com elle estavam a Achis, filho de Maoch, rei de Gath.
So David arose, and the six hundred men that were with him, and he went to Anchus, son Ammach, king of Geth.
3 E David ficou com Achis em Gath, elle e os seus homens, cada um com a sua casa: David com ambas as suas mulheres, Achinoam, a jizreelita, e Abigail, a mulher de Nabal, o carmelita.
And David lived with Anchus, he and his men, each with his family; and David and both his wives, Achinaam, the Jezraelitess, and Abigaia the wife of Nabal the Carmelite.
4 E, sendo Saul avisado que David tinha fugido para Gath, não cuidou mais em o buscar.
And it was told Saul that David had fled to Geth; and he no longer sought after him.
5 E disse David a Achis: Se eu tenho achado graça em teus olhos, dá-me logar n'uma das cidades da terra, para que ali habite: pois por que razão habitaria o teu servo comtigo na cidade real?
And David said to Anchus, If now your servant has found grace in your eyes, let them give me, I pray you, a place in one of the cities in the country, and I will dwell there: for why does your servant dwell with you in a royal city?
6 Então lhe deu Achis n'aquelle dia a cidade de Siclag: (pelo que Siclag pertence aos reis de Judah, até ao dia de hoje.)
And he gave him Sekelac in that day: therefore Sekelac came into possession of the king of Judea to this day.
7 E foi o numero dos dias, que David habitou na terra dos philisteos, um anno e quatro mezes.
And the number of the days that David lived in the country of the Philistines was four months.
8 E subia David com os seus homens, e deram sobre os gesuritas, e os gersitas, e os amalekitas; porque antigamente foram estes os moradores da terra desde como quem vae para Sur até á terra do Egypto.
And David and his men went up, and made an attack on all the Gesirites and on the Amalekites: and behold, the land was inhabited, (even the land from Gelampsur) by those who come from the fortified [cities] even to the land of Egypt.
9 E David feria aquella terra, e não dava vida nem a homem nem a mulher, e tomava ovelhas, e vaccas, e jumentos, e camelos, e vestidos; e voltava, e vinha a Achis.
And he struck the land, and saved neither man nor woman alive; and they took flocks, and herds, and asses, and camels, and raiment; and they returned and came to Anchus.
10 E dizendo Achis: Sobre onde déstes hoje? David dizia: Sobre o sul de Judah, e sobre o sul dos jerahmeleos, e sobre o sul dos keneos.
And Anchus said to David, On whom have you made an attack today? And David said to Anchus, On the south of Judea, and on the south of Jesmega, and on the south of the Kenezite.
11 E David não dava vida nem a homem nem a mulher, para trazel-os a Gath, dizendo: Para que porventura não nos denunciem, dizendo: Assim David o fazia. E este era o seu costume por todos os dias que habitou na terra dos philisteos.
And I have not saved man or woman alive to bring them to Geth, saying, Lest they carry a report to Geth against us, saying, These things David does. And this was his manner all the days that David lived in the country of the Philistines.
12 E Achis se confiava de David, dizendo: Fez-se elle por certo aborrecivel para com o seu povo em Israel; pelo que me será por servo para sempre.
So David had the full confidence of Anchus, who said, He is thoroughly disgraced amongst his people in Israel and he shall be my servant for ever.

< 1 Samuel 27 >