< 1 Pedro 4 >

1 Ora pois, já que Christo padeceu por nós na carne, armae-vos tambem vós com este pensamento, que aquelle que padeceu na carne já cessou do peccado,
Therefore, because Christ suffered physically, you also must think the way that he did [when he was willing to suffer], because those who suffer [because of belonging to Jesus] have stopped sinning [the way they used to sin].
2 Para, no tempo que lhe resta na carne, não viver mais segundo as concupiscencias dos homens, mas segundo a vontade de Deus.
As a result, during their remaining time here on earth, they do not do the things that sinful people desire to do, but instead they do the things that God wants them to do.
3 Porque basta-nos que no tempo passado da vida obrassemos a vontade dos gentios, andando em dissoluções, concupiscencias, borrachices, glotonerias, bebedices e abominaveis idolatrias,
[I say that to you] because [SAR] you have already spent too much of your time [here on earth] doing what the people who do not know God like to do. In the past you committed all kinds of sexually immoral acts [DOU], you got drunk and then participated in (orgies/wild parties) and carousing/revelry, and you [worshipped] idols, which is very displeasing to God.
4 O que estranham, por não correrdes com elles no mesmo desenfreamento de dissolução, blasphemando de vós.
[Because you used to do those things], [your friends] are surprised that you do not join them any more when they participate in that kind of wild behavior [that] ([is rushing to/will quickly]) [destroy them like] [MET] a flood. As a result, they say evil things about you.
5 Os quaes hão de dar conta ao que está preparado para julgar os vivos e os mortos.
But [God] is ready to judge the people who are living [now] and the people who have died, and he is the one who will decide whether he approves of what each of them has done.
6 Porque para isso foi prégado o evangelho tambem aos mortos, para que, na verdade, fossem julgados segundo os homens na carne, porém vivessem segundo Deus em espirito;
That is the reason why the message [about Christ] was preached {[people] preached the message [about Christ]} to believers who have now died. [That message was preached to them] in order that even though [sinful] people might judge them [and say that they are guilty], God’s Spirit would [enable them to] live [eternally].
7 E já está proximo o fim de todas as coisas: portanto sêde sobrios e vigiae em orações.
It is almost the time when everything on this earth will come to an end. Therefore, keep thinking sensibly/reasonably and control what you think [DOU], so that you can pray [clearly].
8 Mas, sobretudo, tende ardente caridade uns para com os outros; porque a caridade cobrirá a multidão de peccados.
Most important of all, love each other earnestly/wholeheartedly, because if we love others [PRS], we will just ignore many of the sinful things that [they do to us].
9 Hospedae-vos uns aos outros, sem murmurações.
Provide food and a place to sleep for those [who come to your community], [and do it] without complaining.
10 Cada um administre aos outros o dom como o recebeu, como bons dispenseiros da multiforme graça de Deus.
Believers should all use the spiritual gifts that God has given them to serve others. They should manage/use well the various gifts that God has kindly given them.
11 Se alguem fallar, falle segundo as palavras de Deus: se alguem administrar, administre segundo o poder que Deus dá; para que em tudo Deus seja glorificado por Jesus Christo, a quem pertence a gloria e poder para todo o sempre. Amen. (aiōn g165)
Those who speak [to the congregation] should do that as though they are speaking the [very] words of God. Those who do kind things to others should do it with the strength that God gives them, in order that God may be honored by all this {that all this may honor God} as Jesus Christ [enables us to do it. I pray that we will] praise [God] (OR, [Jesus]) and allow him [to rule over us] forever. (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn g165)
12 Amados, não estranheis o ardor que vos sobrevem para vos tentar, como se coisa estranha vos acontecesse;
You whom I love, do not be surprised about the painful things that you are suffering [because you belong to Christ]. [Those] things are [testing you as metals are tested by people putting them] in a fire. Do not think that something strange is happening to you.
13 Mas alegrae-vos de serdes participantes das afflicções de Christo: para que tambem na revelação da sua gloria vos regozijeis e alegreis.
Instead, rejoice that you are suffering the same kinds of things that Christ endured. Rejoice when [you suffer], in order that you may also be very glad [DOU] when Christ returns and reveals how glorious/wonderful he is.
14 Se pelo nome de Christo sois vituperados, bemaventurados sois, porque sobre vós repousa o Espirito da gloria de Deus; o qual, quanto a elles, é blasphemado, mas, quanto a vós, glorificado.
If you are insulted {If [people] insult you} because you believe in Christ [MTY], [God is] pleased with you, because it shows that the Spirit of God, the Spirit who [reveals how] great [God is], lives within you.
15 Porém nenhum de vós padeça como homicida, ou ladrão, ou malfeitor, ou como o que se entremette em negocios alheios;
If you suffer, do not let that suffering be the result of your being a murderer or a thief or as a result of doing some other evil thing, or as a result of interfering in someone else’s affairs.
16 Mas, se padece como christão, não se envergonhe, antes glorifique a Deus n'esta parte.
But if you suffer because of being a Christian, do not be ashamed about it. Instead, praise God that you are suffering because of belonging to Christ [MTY].
17 Porque já é tempo que comece o juizo pela casa de Deus; e, se primeiro começa por nós, qual será o fim d'aquelles que são desobedientes ao evangelho de Deus?
I say that, because it is now time for God to begin judging people, and first he will judge those who belong [MTY] to him. Since he will judge us believers first, think about the terrible things that will happen to [RHQ] those who do not obey the good message that comes from him!
18 E, se o justo apenas se salva, onde apparecerá o impio e o peccador?
[That will be as it] is written in the Scriptures, [Many] righteous people [will have to suffer] many [difficult trials before going to heaven]. So ungodly and sinful people will surely have to suffer [much severe punishment from God]!
19 Portanto tambem os que padecem segundo a vontade de Deus encommendem-lhe as suas almas, como ao fiel Creador, fazendo o bem.
Therefore, those who suffer because of its being God’s will that they suffer [because of being Christians] should commit themselves to God, the one who created them and the one who always does what he promises to do. And they should continue to do what is right.

< 1 Pedro 4 >