< 1 Crônicas 12 >

1 Estes porém são os que vieram a David, a Siclag, estando elle ainda encerrado, por causa de Saul, filho de Kis: e eram dos valentes que ajudaram a esta guerra,
These also are they that came to Dauid to Ziklag, while he was yet kept close, because of Saul the sonne of Kish: and they were among the valiant and helpers of the battel.
2 Armados de arco, e usavam da mão direita e esquerda em atirar pedras e em despedir frechas com o arco: eram estes dos irmãos de Saul, benjamitas.
They were weaponed with bowes, and could vse the right and the left hand with stones and with arrowes and with bowes, and were of Sauls brethren, euen of Beniamin.
3 Ahiezer, o chefe, e Joás, filho de Semaa, o gibeathita, e Jeziel e Pelet, filhos de Azmaveth, e Beracha, e Jehu, o anathotita,
The chiefe were Ahiezer, and Ioash the sonnes of Shemaah a Gibeathite, and Ieziel, and Pelet the sonnes of Asinaueth, Berachah and Iehu the Antothite,
4 E Ismaias, o gibeonita, valente entre os trinta, e capitão dos trinta, e Jeremias, e Jahaziel, e Johanan, e Jozabad, o gederathita,
And Ishmaiah the Gibeonite, a valiant man among thirtie, and aboue the thirtie, and Ieremiah, and Iehaziel, and Iohanan, and Ioshabad the Gederathite,
5 Eluzai, e Jerimoth, e Bealias, e Samarias, e Saphatias, o haruphita,
Eluzai, and Ierimoth, and Bealiah, and Shemariah, and Shephatiah the Haruphite,
6 Elkana, e Issias, e Azareel, e Joezer, e Jasobeam, os korahitas,
Elkanah, and Ishiah, and Azariel, and Ioezer, Iashobeam of Hakorehim,
7 E Joela, e Zabadias, filhos de Jeroham de Gedor.
And Ioelah, and Zebadiah, the sonnes of Ieroham of Gedor,
8 E dos gaditas se retiraram a David, ao logar forte no deserto, varões valentes, homens de guerra para pelejar, armados com rodela e lança: e seus rostos eram como rostos de leões, e ligeiros como corças sobre os montes:
And of the Gadites there separated them selues some vnto Dauid into the holde of the wildernesse, valiant men of warre, and men of armes, and apt for battel, which coulde handle speare and shielde, and their faces were like the faces of lyons, and were like the roes in the mountaines in swiftnesse,
9 Ezer, o cabeça, Obadias, o segundo, Eliab, o terceiro,
Ezer the chiefe, Obadiah the second, Eliab the third,
10 Mismanna, o quarto, Jeremias, o quinto,
Mishmanah the fourth, Ieremiah the fift,
11 Atthai, o sexto, Eliel, o setimo,
Attai the sixt, Eliel the seuenth,
12 Johanan, o oitavo, Elzabad, o nono,
Iohanan the eight, Elzabad the ninth,
13 Jeremias, o decimo, Machbannai, o undecimo.
Ieremiah the tenth, Macbannai the eleuenth.
14 Estes, dos filhos de Gad, foram os capitães do exercito: um dos menores tinha o cargo de cem, e o maior de mil.
These were the sonnes of Gad, captaines of the hoste: one of the least could resist an hundreth, and the greatest a thousand.
15 Estes são os que passaram o Jordão no mez primeiro, quando elle trasbordava por todas as suas ribanceiras, e fizeram fugir a todos os dos valles para o oriente e para o occidente.
These are they that went ouer Iorden in the first moneth when he had filled ouer all his bankes, and put to flight all them of the valley, toward the East and the West.
16 Tambem vieram alguns dos filhos de Benjamin e de Judah a David, ao logar forte.
And there came of the children of Beniamin, and Iudah to the hold vnto Dauid,
17 E David lhes saiu ao encontro, e lhes fallou, dizendo: Se vós vindes a mim pacificamente e para me ajudar, o meu coração se unirá comvosco; porém se é para me entregar aos meus inimigos, sem que haja deslealdade nas minhas mãos, o Deus de nossos paes o veja e o reprehenda.
And Dauid went out to meete them, and answered and sayde vnto them, If yee be come peaceably vnto me to helpe me, mine heart shall be knit vnto you, but if you come to betray me to mine aduersaries, seeing there is no wickednes in mine handes, the God of our fathers beholde it, and rebuke it.
18 Então entrou o espirito em Amasai, chefe de trinta, e disse: Nós somos teus, ó David! e comtigo estamos, ó filho de Jessé! paz, paz comtigo! e paz com quem te ajuda! pois que teu Deus te ajuda. E David os recebeu, e os fez capitães das tropas.
And the spirit came vpon Amasai, which was the chiefe of thirtie, and he said, Thine are we, Dauid, and with thee, O sonne of Ishai. Peace, peace be vnto thee, and peace be vnto thine helpers: for thy God helpeth thee. Then Dauid receiued them, and made them captaines of the garison.
19 Tambem de Manassés alguns passaram a David, quando veiu com os philisteos para a batalha contra Saul, ainda que não os ajudaram; porque os principes dos philisteos, com conselho, o despediram, dizendo: Á custa de nossas cabeças passará a Saul, seu senhor.
And of Manasseh some fell to Dauid, when he came with the Philistims against Saul to battell, but they helped them not: for the Princes of the Philistims by aduisement sent him away, saying, He will fall to his master Saul for our heads.
20 Voltando elle pois a Siclag, passaram para elle, de Manassés, Adnah, e Jozabad, e Jediael, e Michael, e Jozabad, e Elihu, e Zillethai, chefes de milhares dos de Manassés.
As he went to Ziklag, there fell to him of Manasseh, Adnah, and Iozabad, and Iediael, and Michael, and Iozabad, and Elihu, and Ziltai, heads of the thousands that were of Manasseh.
21 E estes ajudaram a David contra aquella tropa, porque todos elles eram heroes valentes, e foram capitães no exercito.
And they helped Dauid against that bad: for they were all valiant men and were captaines in the hoste.
22 Porque n'aquelle tempo, de dia em dia, vinham a David para o ajudar, até que se fez um grande exercito, como exercito de Deus,
For at that time day by day there came to Dauid to helpe him, vntill it was a great hoste, like the hoste of God.
23 Ora este é o numero dos chefes armados para a peleja, que vieram a David em Hebron, para transferir a elle o reino de Saul, conforme a palavra do Senhor.
And these are the nombers of the captaines that were armed to battell, and came to Dauid to Hebron to turne the kingdome of Saul to him, according to the worde of the Lord.
24 Dos filhos de Judah, que traziam rodela e lança, seis mil e oitocentos, armados para a peleja.
The children of Iudah that bare shield and speare, were sixe thousand and eight hundreth armed to the warre.
25 Dos filhos de Simeão, varões valentes para pelejar, sete mil e cem.
Of the children of Simeon valiant men of warre, seuen thousand and an hundreth.
26 Dos filhos de Levi, quatro mil e seiscentos.
Of the children of Leui foure thousande and sixe hundreth.
27 Joiada porém era o chefe dos de Aarão, e com elle tres mil e setecentos.
And Iehoiada was the chiefe of them of Aaron: and with him three thousande and seuen hundreth.
28 E Zadok, sendo ainda mancebo, varão valente; e da familia de seu pae, vinte e dois principes.
And Zadok a yong man very valiant, and of his fathers housholde came two and twentie captaines.
29 E dos filhos de Benjamin, irmãos de Saul, tres mil; porque até então havia ainda muitos d'elles que eram pela casa de Saul.
And of the children of Beniamin the brethren of Saul three thousande: for a great part of them vnto that time kept the warde of the house of Saul.
30 E dos filhos de Ephraim vinte mil e oitocentos varões valentes, homens de nome em casa de seus paes.
And of the children of Ephraim twentie thousande, and eight hundreth valiant men and famous men in the housholde of their fathers.
31 E da meia tribu de Manassés dezoito mil, que foram apontados pelos seus nomes para vir a fazer rei a David.
And of the halfe tribe of Manasseh eighteene thousand, which were appointed by name to come and make Dauid King.
32 E dos filhos d'Issacar, destros na sciencia dos tempos, para saberem o que Israel devia fazer, duzentos de seus chefes, e todos os seus irmãos seguiam a sua palavra.
And of the children of Issachar which were men that had vnderstanding of the times, to knowe what Israel ought to doe: the heades of them were two hundreth, and all their brethren were at their commandement.
33 De Zebulon, dos que sahiam ao exercito, ordenados para a peleja com todas as armas de guerra, cincoenta mil; como tambem destros para ordenarem uma batalha com coração constante.
Of Zebulun that went out to battel, expert in warre, and in all instruments of warre, fiftie thousande which could set the battell in aray: they were not of a double heart.
34 E de Naphtali, mil capitães, e com elles trinta e sete mil com rodela e lança.
And of Naphtali a thousand captaines, and with them with shielde and speare seuen and thirtie thousande.
35 E dos danitas, ordenados para a peleja, vinte e oito mil e seiscentos.
And of Dan expert in battell, eyght and twentie thousande, and sixe hundreth.
36 E de Aser, dos que sahiam para o exercito, para ordenarem a batalha, quarenta mil.
And of Asher that went out to the battell and were trained in the warres, fourtie thousand.
37 E da banda d'além do Jordão, dos rubenitas e gaditas, e da meia tribu de Manassés, com toda a sorte de instrumentos de guerra para pelejar, cento e vinte mil.
And of the other side of Iorden of the Reubenites, and of the Gadites, and of the halfe tribe of Manasseh with all instruments of warre to fight with, an hundreth and twentie thousand.
38 Todos estes homens de guerra, postos em ordem de batalha, com coração inteiro, vieram a Hebron para levantar a David rei sobre todo o Israel: e tambem todo o mais d'Israel tinha o mesmo coração para levantar a David rei
All these men of warre that coulde leade an armie, came with vpright heart to Hebron to make Dauid King ouer all Israel: and all the rest of Israel was of one accorde to make Dauid King:
39 E estiveram ali com David tres dias, comendo e bebendo; porque seus irmãos lhes tinham preparado as provisões.
And there they were with Dauid three dayes, eating and drinking: for their brethren had prepared for them.
40 E tambem seus visinhos de mais perto, até Issacar, e Zebulon, e Naphtali, trouxeram pão sobre jumentos, e sobre camelos, e sobre mulos, e sobre bois, provisões de farinha, pastas de figos e cachos de passas, e vinho, e azeite, e bois, e gado miudo em multidão; porque havia alegria em Israel.
Moreouer they that were neere them vntill Issachar, and Zebulun, and Naphtali brought bread vpon asses, and on camels, and on mules, and on oxen, euen meate, floure, figges, and reisins, and wine and oyle, and beeues and sheepe abundantly: for there was ioy in Israel.

< 1 Crônicas 12 >