< Objawienie 2 >

1 Do anioła kościoła w Efezie napisz: To mówi [ten], który trzyma siedem gwiazd w swojej prawej ręce, który się przechadza wśród siedmiu złotych świeczników:
[He also said to me], “Write [this message] to the leader [MET] of the congregation in Ephesus [city: ‘I] am saying these things [to you: I am] the one who firmly holds the seven stars in my right hand. [I am] the one who walks among the seven golden lampstands.
2 Znam twoje uczynki, twoją pracę i twoją cierpliwość i [wiem], że nie możesz znieść złych i że poddałeś próbie tych, którzy nazywają się apostołami, a nimi nie są, i stwierdziłeś, że są kłamcami.
I know what you do: You labor [for me] intensely, and you continue [to serve me] steadfastly. [I know] that you cannot tolerate people [who teach what is] evil [MTY], and that you investigated people who falsely claimed that they are apostles, and you found that they were lying.
3 Wytrwałeś też i masz cierpliwość, i pracowałeś dla mego imienia, a nie ustałeś.
[I know] also that you continue [to serve me] steadfastly. [Even when people] ([caused you to suffer/persecuted you]), you continued to serve [me] because [you believe] in me, and you have not become too tired [to keep on serving me].
4 Ale mam [nieco] przeciw tobie – że porzuciłeś twoją pierwszą miłość.
Nevertheless, I have [this complaint] against you: You no longer love [each other and me] as you did when you first [MTY] [trusted in me].
5 Pamiętaj więc, skąd spadłeś, i pokutuj, i spełniaj pierwsze uczynki. A jeśli nie, przyjdę do ciebie szybko i ruszę twój świecznik z jego miejsca, jeśli nie będziesz pokutował.
[So, I tell you to] remember how you used to love [me and each other, and] to [realize] that you no longer love as you did. [I tell] you to turn away from your sin [of not loving me and each other], and start loving [each other and me again] as you did at first. If you do not turn away from your sinful behavior, I will come [to judge] you and cause your group to cease to be a Christian congregation [MET].
6 Ale masz tę [zaletę], że nienawidzisz uczynków nikolaitów, których i ja nienawidzę.
But you have the following good quality: Those Nicolaitans [teach you believers that you can worship idols and that you may act immorally]. However, you hate such teaching, just like I also hate it.
7 Kto ma uszy, niech słucha, co Duch mówi do kościołów: Temu, kto zwycięży, dam jeść z drzewa życia, które jest pośrodku raju Boga.
Everyone who wants to understand my message [MTY] must listen carefully to the message that [God’s] Spirit speaks to the congregations. To everyone who overcomes [Satan], I will give the right to eat [fruit] [MTY] from the tree [that gives] eternal life, the tree that is in God’s garden.’”
8 A do anioła kościoła w Smyrnie napisz: To mówi pierwszy i ostatni, który był umarły, a ożył:
“Write [this message] to the leader [MET] of the congregation in Smyrna [city: ‘I am] saying these things [to you. I am] the one who caused [everything to have a beginning] and [who will cause all things to] end. I am the one who died and became alive [again].
9 Znam twoje uczynki, ucisk i ubóstwo – lecz jesteś bogaty – i bluźnierstwo tych, którzy mówią, że są Żydami, a nimi nie są, ale są synagogą szatana.
I know that you suffer [because of what unbelievers do to you], and that you lack [material possessions]. But [I also know that] you are [spiritually] [MET] rich. [I know] that people (slander/say evil things about) you. They say that they are Jews, but I do not [consider that they are Jews. I consider that] they [belong to] the group that Satan [controls]!
10 Nic się nie bój tego, co masz cierpieć. Oto diabeł wtrąci [niektórych] z was do więzienia, abyście byli doświadczeni, i będziecie znosić ucisk przez dziesięć dni. Bądź wierny aż do śmierci, a dam ci koronę życia.
Do not be afraid of any of the things that you are about to suffer. The truth is that the devil is about to [put] some of you in prison, to tempt you [to deny that you believe in me]. For a short period of time you will suffer [because of what people will do to you] [MTY]. Continue to trust in me, [even if] they kill you [because you trust in me]. As a result, I will [reward you with] eternal life, [just like] [MET] [people reward a victorious athlete by putting] a wreath [on his head].
11 Kto ma uszy, niech słucha, co Duch mówi do kościołów: Ten, kto zwycięży, nie dozna szkody od drugiej śmierci.
Everyone who wants to understand [MTY] must listen carefully to the message that [God’s] Spirit speaks to the congregations. [After] those who conquer [Satan die], they will live with God. They will never suffer again, even though many others will suffer as though they died a second time.’”
12 A do anioła kościoła w Pergamonie napisz: To mówi ten, który ma ostry miecz obosieczny.
“Write [this message] to the leader [MET] of the congregation in Pergamum [city: ‘I am] saying these things [to you. I am] the one who has the sharp two-edged sword.
13 Znam twoje uczynki i [wiem], gdzie mieszkasz – [tam], gdzie jest tron szatana – a trzymasz się mojego imienia i nie wyparłeś się mojej wiary nawet w dniach, gdy Antypas, mój wierny świadek, został zabity u was, tam, gdzie mieszka szatan.
I know where you live: It is where Satan controls [MTY] [people]. [I know] that you firmly believe in me [MTY]. You did not deny that you believe/trust in me, not even in the time when Antipas, (my faithful witness/who faithfully told people about me), [was alive]. He was killed {People killed him} in your city, a city where [people] habitually obey Satan.
14 Ale mam nieco przeciwko tobie – że masz tam takich, którzy trzymają się nauki Balaama, który uczył Balaka, jak doprowadzić do upadku synów Izraela, żeby jedli ofiary składane bożkom i uprawiali nierząd.
Nevertheless, I have this [complaint] against you: You permit some of your [members] to teach things like Balaam [taught long ago. He] taught Balak to persuade the Israeli people to sin. [Specifically], he taught them to eat food that had been offered to idols, and to practice sexual immorality.
15 Podobnie masz i tych, którzy trzymają się nauki nikolaitów, czego nienawidzę.
In that way, you are also permitting some of [your members] to practice what the Nicolaitans teach, [which is like what Balaam taught].
16 Pokutuj! A jeśli nie, przyjdę do ciebie szybko i będę walczył z nimi mieczem moich ust.
So you must stop doing [this]. If [you do] not stop doing [it], I will come to you suddenly. Using the words that I will say I will fight against those [who believe this false teaching] [MTY], and I will ([condemn them/say that they must be punished]).
17 Kto ma uszy, niech słucha, co Duch mówi do kościołów: Temu, kto zwycięży, dam jeść z manny ukrytej i dam mu kamyk biały, a na kamyku wypisane nowe imię, którego nikt nie zna oprócz tego, który je otrzymuje.
Everyone who wants to understand [MTY] must listen carefully to the message that [God’s] Spirit speaks to the congregations. To everyone who conquers [Satan], I will give [blessings that will be like] the [food called] manna [that is in a jar] that is {that someone has} hidden. I will also give them a white stone on which [I will] engrave a new name, a name that no one but the ones who receive it will know.’”
18 A do anioła kościoła w Tiatyrze napisz: To mówi Syn Boży, który ma oczy jak płomień ognia, a jego stopy podobne są do mosiądzu:
“Write [this message] to the leader [MET] of the congregation in Thyatira [city: ‘I], (the Son of God/the one who is also God), am saying these things [to you: I am] the one whose eyes [shine] [SIM] like a flame of fire, and whose feet [shine] [MET] like fine brass.
19 Znam twoje uczynki i miłość, i służbę, i wiarę, i twoją cierpliwość, i twoje uczynki, i [wiem], że ostatnich rzeczy jest więcej niż pierwszych.
I know that you love [me and each other], and that you trust [in me]. I know that you serve [others] and that you steadfastly endure [a lot of difficulties/trials. I know] that you are doing these things more now than [you have done them] in the past.
20 Ale mam nieco przeciwko tobie – że kobiecie Jezabel, która nazywa siebie prorokinią, pozwalasz nauczać i zwodzić moje sługi, żeby uprawiali nierząd i jedli ofiary składane bożkom.
Nevertheless, I have this [complaint] about you: You tolerate that woman [among your members who is like] [MET] [that wicked queen] Jezebel [who lived long ago]. She says that she (is a prophetess/proclaims messages that come directly from God), but through what she teaches she is deceiving my servants. She is urging them to commit sexual immorality and to eat food that they have offered to idols.
21 I dałem jej czas, aby pokutowała ze swego nierządu, ale nie pokutowała.
Although I gave her time to stop [her sexual immorality and pagan practices], she did not want to stop [doing them].
22 Oto rzucę ją na łoże, a tych, którzy z nią cudzołożą, w ucisk wielki, jeśli nie będą pokutować ze swoich uczynków;
[As a result], I will cause her to become very ill [MTY]. I will also cause those [who act immorally as she does] [MET] to suffer greatly, if they do not stop [doing] what she does.
23 A jej dzieci porażę śmiercią. I poznają wszystkie kościoły, że ja jestem tym, który bada nerki i serca. I oddam każdemu z was według waszych uczynków.
Some [have become like] her children by doing [what she teaches] [MET]; I will certainly get rid of them. As a result, all the congregations will recognize that I am the one who finds out what everyone thinks and desires [MTY]. I will reward each of you according to what you have done.
24 Wam zaś i pozostałym w Tiatyrze, którzy nie mają tej nauki i którzy nie poznali – jak mówią – głębin szatana, oświadczam: Nie nałożę na was innego brzemienia.
But I have something good to say about the rest [of you believers] in Thyatira. [It is good] that you do not accept that [false] teaching. [It is good that you reject] what those [teachers] call their ‘secret [practices’, practices that] Satan [inspired] (OR, what those teachers [facetiously] call the secret, profound [practices that] Satan [inspires]). I will not burden you with any commands [other than that which you already have been told].
25 Trzymajcie się jednak tego, co macie, aż przyjdę.
Just keep [believing firmly in me, and obey me] until I return.
26 Temu, kto zwycięży i zachowa aż do końca moje uczynki, dam władzę nad narodami.
As for those who conquer [Satan] and who (OR, [because] they) keep on doing what I command until they die, I will give them authority, just like I myself received it from my Father. [They will exercise that authority] over the nations [that rebel against God].
27 I będzie rządził nimi laską żelazną, jak naczynia gliniane będą skruszeni, jak i ja otrzymałem od mego Ojca.
They will rule them [severely as if they were striking them] [HYP] with an iron rod. They [will destroy those who do evil things] just like [people] shatter clay pots [MET].
28 I dam mu gwiazdę poranną.
I will also enable [everyone who conquers Satan to shine gloriously like] the morning star [does] [MTY, MET].
29 Kto ma uszy, niech słucha, co Duch mówi do kościołów.
Everyone who wants to understand [MTY] must listen carefully to the message that [God’s] Spirit speaks to the congregations.’”

< Objawienie 2 >