< Ozeasza 13 >
1 Gdy Efraim przemawiał, [panował] strach, bo był wywyższony w Izraelu; ale gdy zgrzeszył przy Baalu, wtedy umarł.
[Previously], when [the leaders of] Israel spoke, the people trembled; those leaders were highly respected by the Israeli people. But the people sinned greatly by [worshiping] Baal, so now they will be killed [by their enemies].
2 A teraz dodają do swego grzechu, bo czynią sobie odlane posągi ze swego srebra i straszne bożki według swego pomysłu, a to wszystko jest dziełem rzemieślnika; [jednak] sami o nich mówią: Ludzie, którzy składają ofiary, niech całują cielce.
Now they sin more and more; they make idols for themselves [and coat the idols] with their silver. Those idols are statues that are very cleverly made, but those statues are made by [mere] humans. But [the people are told], “Kiss those idols [that resemble a] calf, and offer sacrifices to them!”
3 Dlatego staną się jak obłok poranny, jak przemijająca rosa poranna, jak plewy przez wicher porwane z klepiska i jak dym z komina.
Therefore, those people will [disappear quickly] like [SIM] the morning mist or the dew that lies [on the ground] early [in the morning]; [they will disappear] like [SIM] chaff that is blown away from where [the wheat] is threshed, like [SIM] smoke that goes out of a chimney.
4 Ale ja jestem PAN, twój Bóg, [od wyjścia] z ziemi Egiptu, a nie będziesz znał [innego] Boga oprócz mnie. I nie ma [innego] zbawiciela oprócz mnie.
But [Yahweh says to his people], “I am Yahweh, your God, [the one who brought your ancestors] out of Egypt. You must believe that only I am God and that there is no other God, and that there is no one else who can save you!
5 Ja cię poznałem na pustyni, w ziemi bardzo suchej.
I took care of your [ancestors when they were] in the desert, where it was extremely [hot and] dry.
6 Byli nasyceni dobrymi pastwiskami, ale gdy się nasycili, ich serce się wywyższyło; dlatego zapomnieli o mnie.
When I provided food for them, their [stomachs] were full, and they were satisfied. But then they became proud and they forgot [about] me, [and you are like your ancestors]!
7 Będę więc dla nich jak lew, jak lampart przy drodze [będę] czyhał.
So I will attack you like [SIM] a lion [attacks other animals]; I will be like [SIM] a leopard that waits beside the road [to attack another animal].
8 Napadnę na nich jak niedźwiedzica, której zabrano młode, rozerwę powłokę ich serca i pożrę ich tam jak lew, dziki zwierz ich rozszarpie.
Like [SIM] a female bear attacks anyone that steals her cubs, I will attack you Israelis and rip you open. I will completely destroy you like [SIM] lions or [other] wild animals tear apart the animals that they catch and devour them.
9 Zniszczyłeś się sam, Izraelu, ale we mnie jest twoja pomoc.
[You people of] Israel, you will be destroyed because you oppose me, the only one who (can help/helps) you.
10 Ja jestem twoim królem. Gdzież jest ten, który ma cię wybawić we wszystkich twoich miastach? I twoi sędziowie, o których mówiłeś: Daj mi króla i książąt.
You have a king; (why is he [unable to save you]?/but he is [unable to save you].) [RHQ] You have [RHQ] rulers in all your towns, but they are not helping you, [either]. Your [ancestors] said, ‘Appoint for us a king and [other] leaders [to rule over us] [like the other nations have]!’
11 Dałem ci [więc] króla w swoim gniewie i odebrałem [go] w swojej zapalczywości.
I was angry with them [for requesting that], but I appointed a king [to rule over] them. But [later] I became very angry with them [again], so I took their king away.
12 Nieprawość Efraima [jest] związana, jego grzech jest ukryty.
[I have written on a scroll] a record of the sins that have been committed by you people of Israel, and I have stored away that record.
13 Ogarną go bóle rodzącej. On jest niemądrym synem, bo inaczej nie zostałby tak długo w łonie matki.
You people are not wise; and now [you are helpless]. You are like [MET] a woman who is having birth pains but who is unable to give birth to the baby.
14 Wybawię ich z mocy grobu, wykupię ich od śmierci. O śmierci, będę twoją śmiercią! O grobie, będę twoim zniszczeniem! Żal się ukryje przed moimi oczami. (Sheol )
I certainly will not [RHQ] save you from being killed and from going to the place where the dead people are. I will [RHQ] cause you to be afflicted by plagues and to die and be buried in graves. I will not be merciful [to you]. (Sheol )
15 Choćby on wśród braci przyniósł owoc, przyjdzie [jednak] wiatr ze wschodu, wiatr PANA wyruszy z pustyni i wysuszy jego źródło, i wysuszy jego zdrój. On zagarnie skarby wszelkich kosztownych naczyń.
Even if you people of Israel prosper more than the nearby nations do, [the army of Assyria] will come [like] [MET] an east wind that blows from the desert; the springs and wells in Israel will become dry; and [your enemies] will take away all your valuable possessions.
16 Samaria będzie spustoszona, ponieważ sprzeciwiła się swemu Bogu. Padną od miecza, jej niemowlęta będą roztrzaskane, a jej brzemienne będą rozprute.
[You people of] Samaria must be punished because you have rebelled against [me], your God. You will be killed by [your enemies’] swords; your little children will be [killed by being] dashed/thrown to the ground; the [bellies of] women [among you] will be ripped open.”