< Galacjan 1 >
1 Paweł, apostoł nie od ludzi ani przez człowieka, ale przez Jezusa Chrystusa i Boga Ojca, który go wskrzesił z martwych;
[I], Paul, [write this letter to you. I remind you that I am] an apostle. That is not because a group of people [appointed me], nor because a human being [sent me to be an apostle]. Instead, Jesus Christ and God [our heavenly] Father, who caused Jesus to become alive again after he died, have [appointed and] sent [me to be an apostle].
2 I wszyscy bracia, którzy są ze mną, do kościołów Galacji:
All the fellow believers [who are here] with me [approve of this message that I am writing. I am sending this letter] to the congregations that [are] in Galatia [province].
3 Łaska wam i pokój od Boga Ojca i naszego Pana Jezusa Chrystusa;
[I pray that] God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ will kindly [help] you and enable [you to have inner] peace.
4 Który wydał samego siebie za nasze grzechy, aby nas wyrwać z obecnego złego świata według woli Boga i Ojca naszego; (aiōn )
Christ offered himself [as a sacrifice] in order that [he might remove the guilt for] our sins. He did that in order that he might enable us to not [do the evil things that people who do not know him] do. [He did this] because God, who is our Father, wanted it. (aiōn )
5 Któremu chwała na wieki wieków. Amen. (aiōn )
[I pray that people will] praise God forever. (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn )
6 Dziwię się, że tak szybko dajecie się odwieść od tego, który was powołał ku łasce Chrystusa, do innej ewangelii;
I am very disappointed [IRO] that so soon [after you trusted in Christ] you have turned away from [God]. He chose you in order that [you might have what] Christ freely/kindly gives. I am also disappointed that so soon you are believing a different [message which some say is] “good news.”
7 Która nie jest inną; są tylko pewni [ludzie], którzy was niepokoją i chcą wypaczyć ewangelię Chrystusa.
Their message is not a true message. [What is happening is that] certain persons are confusing your [minds]. They are desiring to change the good message (that Christ [revealed/about] Christ) [and are creating another message].
8 Lecz choćbyśmy nawet my albo anioł z nieba głosił wam ewangelię [inną] od tej, którą wam głosiliśmy, niech będzie przeklęty.
But even if we [(exc) apostles] or an angel from heaven would tell you a message that is different from the good message that we told you [before], I [appeal to God] that [he] punish such a person [forever].
9 Jak powiedzieliśmy przedtem, tak i teraz znowu mówię: Gdyby wam ktoś głosił ewangelię [inną] od tej, którą przyjęliście, niech będzie przeklęty.
As I told you previously, so now I tell you this once more: Someone is telling you [what he says is] a good message, but it is a message that is different from [the good message] that I gave you. So I [appeal to God] that [he] severely punish that person.
10 Czy teraz bowiem chcę pozyskać ludzi, czy Boga? Albo czy staram się przypodobać ludziom? Gdybym nadal ludziom chciał się przypodobać, nie byłbym sługą Chrystusa.
[I said that] because [RHQ] I do not desire that people approve me, [contrary to what some have said about me]. It is God whom I desire to approve me. [Specifically, I do not say and do] [RHQ] things just to please people. If it were still people whom I was trying to please, then I would not be one who [willingly and completely] serves Christ.
11 A oznajmiam wam, bracia, że głoszona przeze mnie ewangelia nie jest według człowieka.
My fellow believers, I want you to know that the message about Christ that I proclaim to people is not one that some person [created/thought up].
12 Nie otrzymałem jej bowiem ani nie nauczyłem się jej od człowieka, ale przez objawienie Jezusa Chrystusa.
I did not receive this message from a human [messenger], and no [human being] taught it to me. Instead, Jesus Christ revealed it to me.
13 Słyszeliście bowiem o moim dawniejszym postępowaniu w judaizmie, że ponad miarę prześladowałem kościół Boży i niszczyłem go;
People have told you how I used to behave when [I practiced] the Jewish religion. They told you that I continually did very harmful things to the groups of believers that God [established], and they told you that I tried to get rid of those people.
14 I wyprzedzałem w judaizmie wielu moich rówieśników z mojego narodu, będąc bardzo gorliwym zwolennikiem moich ojczystych tradycji.
I practiced the Jewish religion more thoroughly than many [other Jews] who were my age practiced it. I much more enthusiastically tried to get others to obey the traditions that my ancestors [kept].
15 Lecz gdy upodobało się Bogu, który mnie odłączył w łonie mojej matki i powołał swoją łaską;
Nevertheless, before I was born, [God] (set me apart/selected me). He chose me [to live eternally], something that I did not deserve.
16 Aby objawić swego Syna we mnie, abym głosił go wśród pogan, natychmiast, nie radząc się ciała i krwi;
He wanted me to know that Jesus is (his Son/the man who is also God), so that I would tell others the message about him in regions where non-Jews live. But I did not immediately go to any human beings [SYN] in order to gain [an understanding of that message. I received it directly from Christ!]!
17 Ani nie udając się do Jerozolimy, do tych, którzy przede mną byli apostołami, poszedłem do Arabii, po czym znowu wróciłem do Damaszku.
I did not [immediately] leave Damascus and go to Jerusalem [for that purpose] to those who were apostles before I was. Instead, I went away to Arabia [region, a desert area]. Later I returned once more to Damascus [city].
18 Potem, trzy lata później, udałem się do Jerozolimy, aby zobaczyć się z Piotrem, u którego przebywałem piętnaście dni.
Then three years after [God revealed this good message to me], I went up to Jerusalem in order that I might meet Peter. But I stayed with him for [only] 15 days, [which was not long enough for him to teach me thoroughly about Christ].
19 A spośród apostołów nie widziałem żadnego innego poza Jakubem, bratem Pana.
I also saw James, the brother of our Lord [Jesus and the leader of the believers there, but] I did not see any other apostle.
20 [Oświadczam] przed Bogiem, że w tym, co do was piszę, nie kłamię.
God knows that what I am writing to you is completely true [LIT]!
21 Potem udałem się w okolice Syrii i Cylicji;
After [I left Jerusalem], I went to [the regions of] Syria and Cilicia.
22 A nie byłem osobiście znany kościołom Judei, które są w Chrystusie.
[At that time, people in] the Christian congregations that are in Judea [province] still had not met me [SYN] personally.
23 Słyszeli tylko: ten, który kiedyś nas prześladował, teraz głosi wiarę, którą przedtem niszczył.
They only heard [others say about me] repeatedly, “[Paul], the one who was formerly doing harmful things to us, is now telling the [same message] which we believe and which formerly he was trying (to destroy/to cause people to stop believing)!”
24 I chwalili Boga z mojego powodu.
And they praised God because of [what had happened to] me.