< Tytusa 1 >

1 Paweł, sługa Boży i Apostoł Jezusa Chrystusa według wiary wybranych Bożych i znajomości prawdy, która jest według pobożności,
I, Paul, [am writing this letter to you, Titus]. [God appointed me to be] his servant and [to be] an apostle [who represents] Jesus Christ. [God appointed me in order that I might teach] those whom God has chosen [to be his people] to [correctly] believe [in him]. He wants me to teach them the true [teachings about God], in order that they will learn to behave (in a [godly manner/] a [manner that pleases God]).
2 Ku nadziei żywota wiecznego, który obiecał przed czasy wiekuistemi ten, który nie kłamie, Bóg, a objawił czasów swoich, (aiōnios g166)
[As a result of my doing these things, his people] confidently expect that God will cause them to live forever. God, who never lies, promised before he created the world that [his people] would live forever. (aiōnios g166)
3 To słowo swoje przez kazanie, które mi jest zwierzone według rozrządzenia zbawiciela naszego Boga:
Then at the time that he [chose], he revealed [to us his] message. [Specifically], God our Savior gave this message to me, and he trusted me to proclaim it to people.
4 Tytusowi, własnemu synowi według spólnej wiary, łaska, miłosierdzie i pokój niech będzie od Boga Ojca, i Pana Jezusa Chrystusa, zbawiciela naszego.
Titus, [I am writing this letter] to [you because you are like] a true son [MET] [to me because I led/helped you to] believe the same [teachings about Christ that I do]. ([I pray that/May]) [God our Father and Christ Jesus our Savior will continue to] act kindly toward you and cause you to have [inner] peace.
5 Dlategom cię zostawił w Krecie, abyś to, co tam jeszcze zostaje, w rząd dobry wprawił i postanowił po miastach starszych, jakom ci ja był rozkazał;
When I [asked you] to stay on Crete [island], I wanted you to do these things: [Teach the believers what they need to know so that they] can understand correctly the [spiritual] matters about which some are teaching wrongly. Appoint elders [in the congregation] in each town in the manner in which I told you to do.
6 Jeźli kto jest bez nagany, mąż jednej żony, dzieci wierne mający, które by nie mogły być obwinione w zbytku, albo niepoddane rządowi.
[When you appoint men as elders], you must choose men whom no one can [justly] accuse of [habitually] doing what is wrong (OR, whom everyone speaks well of). Specifically, appoint men who have been faithful to their wives. Appoint men whose children faithfully obey [them. Do not appoint men whose children habitually] do all the things that their bodies urge them to do, or who refuse to obey their parents.
7 Albowiem biskup ma być bez nagany, jako szafarz Boży, nie sam sobie się podobający, nie gniewliwy, nie pijanica wina, nie bitny, nie szukający zysku sprośnego;
Leaders [of the congregation] must be [men] who, as everyone knows, habitually do what is good (OR, [whom] no one can [justly] accuse of doing what is wrong), because it is on God’s behalf that they will direct/serve [the congregation. Specifically, they must] not be arrogant/proud. They must not easily become angry. They must not [be men who] drink much alcohol. They must not [be men who] ([act] violently/fight) [when they are angry. They must] not [be men who are] (greedy for/strongly desire to get) money.
8 Ale gościnny, dobre miłujący, roztropny, sprawiedliwy, świętobliwy, powściągliwy,
Instead, they must be ones who welcome and take care of guests. They must (be devoted to/like to do) what is good. They must do [what God considers] to be right. They must be (holy/completely dedicated to God). They must be men who do what their minds tell them is right to do [and not what their emotions/desires urge them to do].
9 Trzymający się onej wiernej mowy, która jest według nauki, iżby też mógł napominać nauką zdrową i tych, którzy się sprzeciwiają, przekonywać;
They must firmly believe in the message [about Jesus Christ] exactly as [I/we(inc)] taught it, in order that they might be able to teach [the believers] what is correct and to urge [them to follow it well. If they firmly accept our message], they will be able to convince those who oppose [what is correct that they are wrong].
10 Albowiem jest wiele rządowi niepoddanych, próżnomównych i zwodzicieli myśli, a najwięcej tych, którzy są z obrzezki,
[I say this] because there are many [people who oppose the correct teachings]. They refuse to obey people who have authority over them, they talk ([on and on/without stopping]), saying what helps no one, and they deceive people. The Jewish [believers] [MTY] [who insist we must obey all the Jewish rituals are] especially [doing this].
11 Którym trzeba usta zatkać; którzy całe domy podwracają, ucząc rzeczy niesłusznych dla zysku sprośnego.
[You and the leaders whom you appoint] should prevent such people from teaching [the believers]. They are causing whole families to stop believing in the correct teachings [MET] by means of their teaching [people wrong ideas/teachings. They are teaching people only] in order that people will give them money, [which is very] shameful [for them to do].
12 Powiedział niektóry z nich własny ich prorok: Kreteńczycy zawsze są kłamcami, złemi bestyjami, brzuchami leniwemi.
A man from Crete [island] whom [they consider] a prophet said, “[My fellow] Cretan people are always lying [to one another! They are like dangerous] wild animals [MET]! They are lazy and always eat too much food [SYN]!”
13 To świadectwo jest prawdziwe; dla której przyczyny ostro ich karz, aby zdrowi byli w wierze.
The words that this man said [about the Cretan people] are [still] true, [especially about their being liars]. So, rigorously convince/show [those Cretan believers] that those [false teachings] are wrong. Tell them to [firmly] believe in the correct teachings.
14 Nie pilnując żydowskich baśni i przykazań ludzi tych, którzy się odwracają od prawdy.
[Teach them that] they should no [longer] listen to the stories that the Jews (made up/invented). [Especially] they should refuse to obey those who reject our true teachings, because those people are teaching things that only come from human beings, [not from God].
15 Wszystkoć czyste czystym, lecz pokalanym i niewiernym nie masz nic czystego, ale pokalany jest i umysł, i sumienie ich.
[Believers should reject] what they teach about food, [because] no [food that we eat] can make us unacceptable to God if we are pure [in our] ([inner beings/hearts]). But if people are evil and they do not trust [in Christ Jesus], there is no [ritual] that can make them acceptable to God. Such people’s way of thinking has been ruined {Such people have ruined their way of thinking}, and they do not even feel guilty [when they do what is evil].
16 Udawają, że Boga znają; ale uczynkami swemi tego się zapierają, będąc obrzydłymi i nieposłusznymi, a do wszelkiego dobrego uczynku niesposobnymi.
Even though they claim/say that they know God, by what they do they [show that they] do not know (God/his true teaching). They do not obey [God], and they are unable to do anything that he considers to be good. [So God considers them to be absolutely] disgusting!

< Tytusa 1 >