< Objawienie 1 >

1 Objawienie Jezusa Chrystusa, które mu dał Bóg, aby okazał sługom swoim rzeczy, które się w rychle dziać mają; a on je oznajmił i posłał przez Anioła swojego słudze swemu Janowi,
[This book tells the message] that God revealed to Jesus Christ. God revealed it to him in order that he might reveal to his servants the [things/events] that must happen soon. Jesus communicated [this message] to [me], his servant John, by sending his angel to me.
2 Który świadectwo wydał słowu Bożemu i świadectwu Jezusa Chrystusa, i cokolwiek widział.
[As I write it, I], John, am truthfully reporting everything that I saw [and heard], the message from God that Jesus Christ [truthfully reported to me].
3 Błogosławiony, który czyta i ci, którzy słuchają słów proroctwa tego, i zachowują to, co w niem jest napisane; albowiem czas blisko jest.
[God is] pleased with those who read [this book to the congregations], and he will be pleased with those who listen carefully to it and obey what [he has commanded in this prophetic message that I] am writing. [So read this message to the congregations, listen carefully to it, and obey it], because [these things that Jesus has revealed] will happen soon.
4 Jan siedmiu zborom, które są w Azyi. Łaska wam i pokój niech będzie od tego, który jest i który był, i który przyjść ma; i od siedmiu duchów, którzy są przed oblicznością stolicy jego;
[I], John, am [writing this] to [you believers in] the seven congregations [that are located] in Asia [province]. [I pray that God the Father, God’s Spirit, and Jesus Christ] be kind to (OR, bless) you and cause you to have [inner] peace. [God the Father is] the one who exists, who has always existed, and who will always exist. The Spirit [of God, who] is in front of God’s throne, has [all kinds of power] (OR, The Spirit of God [is symbolized] by seven spirits who are in front of God’s throne).
5 I od Jezusa Chrystusa, który jest onym świadkiem wiernym, pierworodnym z umarłych i książęciem królów ziemi; który nas umiłował i omył nas z grzechów naszych krwią swoją;
Jesus Christ is the one who has faithfully told [people about God]. He is the first one (whom God has raised from the dead/who became alive again after being dead), in order [to show that God will raise us who trust in Jesus]. Jesus is the one who rules the kings of the earth. He is the one who loves us. He is the one who has erased the record our sins. He did that by shedding his blood [when he died on the cross].
6 I uczynił nas królami i kapłanami Bogu, Ojcu swemu; jemuż niech będzie chwała i moc na wieki wieków. Amen. (aiōn g165)
He is [the one who] has caused us to become people whose lives God rules, and he has made us to be priests [who serve] God his Father. [As a result of this, we acknowledge that] Jesus Christ is eternally divine and eternally powerful. (Amen!/That is true!) (aiōn g165)
7 Oto idzie z obłokami i ujrzy go wszelkie oko, i ci, którzy go przebili; i narzekać będą przed nim wszystkie pokolenia ziemi. Tak, Amen.
Listen carefully! Christ will surely come in the midst of the clouds [in order that he may judge the rebellious people of earth], and everyone [SYN] will see him [come]. Even those who [are responsible for] piercing [and killing] him [MTY] [will see him come. People from] all people-groups on earth will mourn because he [will punish them]. (Amen!/May it be so.)
8 Jam jest Alfa i Omega, początek i koniec, mówi Pan, który jest i który był, i który przyjść ma, on Wszechmogący.
The Lord God declares, “I am the one who created [everything], and I am the [one who will cause everything to] end [MET].” He is the one who exists, who has always existed, and who will always exist. He is the Almighty One.
9 Ja Jan, którym też jest bratem waszym i uczestnikiem w ucisku i w królestwie, i w cierpliwości Jezusa Chrystusa, byłem na wyspie, którą zowią Patmos, dla słowa Bożego i dla świadectwa Jezusa Chrystusa:
I, John, your fellow believer, am suffering as you [are] because of our letting Jesus rule [our lives]. We are steadfastly enduring [trials] because of our relationship with him. I was punished by being sent/exiled to Patmos island because [of my proclaiming] God’s message and telling [people about] Jesus.
10 Byłem w zachwyceniu ducha w dzień Pański i słyszałem za sobą głos wielki jako trąby, mówiący:
[God’s] Spirit took control of me on one of the days [that we believers met to worship] the Lord.
11 Jam jest Alfa i Omega, on pierwszy i ostatni; a co widzisz, napisz w księgi i poślij siedmiu zborom, które są w Azyi, do Efezu i do Smyrny, i do Pergamu, i do Tyjatyru, i do Sardów, i do Filadelfii, i do Laodycei.
[At that time], I heard behind me someone [speaking to me as loudly and as clearly] [SIM] as a trumpet. He was saying [to me], “Write on a scroll what you see, and send it to seven congregations. Send it to [the congregations] in Ephesus [city], in Smyrna [city], in Pergamum [city], in Thyatira [city], in Sardis [city], in Philadelphia [city], and in Laodicea [city].”
12 I obróciłem się, abym widział on głos, który mówił ze mną; a obróciwszy się, ujrzałem siedm świeczników złotych,
[In this vision] I turned in order that I might see who had spoken to me [SYN]. When I turned,
13 A w pośrodku onych siedmiu świeczników podobnego Synowi człowieczemu, obleczonego w długą szatę, i przepasanego na piersiach pasem złotym;
I saw seven golden lampstands. In the midst of the lampstands there was [someone] who looked like he came from heaven. He wore a robe that reached to his feet, and he wore a gold band around his chest.
14 A głowa jego i włosy były białe jako wełna biała, jako śnieg, a oczy jego jako płomień ognia;
The hair on his head was white like white wool [or] like snow. His eyes were [shining brightly] [SIM], like a flame of fire.
15 A nogi jego podobne mosiądzowi, jakoby w piecu rozpalone, a głos jego jako głos wielu wód.
His feet [looked] like brass that glows [as it is being] purified {as [people] purify it} in a furnace. [When he spoke], his voice [sounded] like the sound [made by] a huge waterfall (OR, a great/wide river of rushing water).
16 I miał w prawej ręce swojej siedm gwiazd, a z ust jego wychodził miecz z obu stron ostry, a oblicze jego jako słońce, kiedy jasno świeci.
In his right hand he held seven stars. A sword that had two sharp edges extended from his mouth. His face [shone as bright] as the sun shines [at midday] [MTY].
17 A gdym go ujrzał, upadłem do nóg jego jako martwy. I włożył prawą rękę swoję na mię, mówiąc mi: Nie bój się! Jam jest on pierwszy i ostatni,
When I saw him, I fell down at his feet [and was unable to move or speak] [SIM], as though [I were] dead. But he put his right hand on me and said to me, “Don’t be afraid! I am the one who created [all things] and the [one who will cause all things to] end.
18 I żyjący; a byłem umarły, a otom jest żywy na wieki wieków. I mam klucze piekła i śmierci. (aiōn g165, Hadēs g86)
I am the living one. Although I died, I am alive again and will live forever! I have [the power to cause people] to die, and I have authority over the place where all the dead people [are]. (aiōn g165, Hadēs g86)
19 Napisz te rzeczy, któreś widział i które są, i które się dziać mają napotem.
So write the [vision] that you are seeing. Write about the [conditions] that exist now, and the [events] that are about to happen next.
20 Tajemnicę onych siedmiu gwiazd, któreś widział w prawej ręce mojej i siedmiu świeczników złotych. Siedm onych gwiazd są Aniołowie siedmiu zborów, a siedm świeczników, któreś widział, jest siedm zborów.
The meaning of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and the seven golden lampstands [that you saw is this]: The seven stars [in my hand represent the leaders, who are like] angels, [who watch over] the seven congregations, and the [seven] lampstands [represent] the seven congregations.”

< Objawienie 1 >