< Jana 9 >
1 A mimo idąc, ujrzał człowieka ślepego od narodzenia.
As Jesus walked along [with us], he saw a man who had been blind from the time he was born.
2 I pytali go uczniowie jego, mówiąc: Mistrzu! któż zgrzeszył, ten czyli rodzice jego, iż się ślepym narodził?
We disciples asked him, “Teacher, was this man blind from when he was born because his parents sinned or because he himself sinned?”
3 Odpowiedział Jezus: Ani ten zgrzeszył, ani rodzice jego; ale żeby się okazały sprawy Boże na nim.
Jesus replied, “His being blind was not because he or his parents sinned. Instead, [he has been blind] in order that [people can] see the power of God {the power of God can be seen} as a result of [what will now happen] to him.
4 Jać muszę sprawować sprawy onego, który mię posłał, pokąd dzień jest; przychodzi noc, gdy żaden nie będzie mógł nic sprawować.
While there is still time, I must do the work that the one who sent me [wants me to do. Just like daytime is followed by] nighttime when people do not work, [at the end of our lives] [MET] [it is too late for us to do what God wants].
5 Pókim jest na świecie, jestem światłością świata.
While I am still [living] in this world, I am the [one who enables people to know about God, like] [MET] [a] light enables the people in [MTY] this world [to see what is in the darkness].”
6 To rzekłszy plunął na ziemię, a uczynił błoto z śliny i pomazał onem błotem oczy ślepego,
After he said that, he spat on the ground. He made [a little bit of] mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes.
7 I rzekł mu: Idź, umyj się w sadzawce Syloe, co się wykłada posłany. Poszedł tedy i umył się, i przyszedł widząc.
Then he said to him, “Go and wash in Siloam pool!” (That name means ‘sent;’ [just like they sent the water by a channel into the pool, God sent Jesus]). So the man went and washed [in the pool], and when he went home he was able to see!
8 A tak sąsiedzi i którzy go przedtem widywali ślepego, mówili: Izali nie ten jest, który siadał i żebrał?
His neighbors and others who previously had seen him when he was begging said, “He is the man who used to sit here and beg, isn’t he?”
9 Drudzy mówili: Iż ten jest; a drudzy, iż jest jemu podobny. Lecz on mówił, żem ja jest.
Some said, “[Yes], he is.” Others said, “No, [he is not]. It is [just] a man who looks like him!” But the man himself said, “Yes, I am that man!”
10 Tedy mu rzekli: Jakoż są otworzone oczy twoje?
So they said to him, “How is it that now you can see?”
11 A on odpowiedział i rzekł: Człowiek, którego zowią Jezusem, uczynił błoto i pomazał oczy moje, a rzekł mi: Idź do sadzawki Syloe, a umyj się; a tak odszedłszy i umywszy się, przejrzałem.
He replied, “The man whose name is Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes. Then he told me to go to Siloam [pool] and wash. So I went there and washed, and then I could see.”
12 Tedy mu rzekli: Gdzież on jest? Rzekł: Nie wiem.
They said to him, “Where is that man [now]?” He said, “I do not know.”
13 Tedy przywiedli onego, który przedtem był ślepy, do Faryzeuszów.
They took to the Pharisees the man who was previously blind.
14 A był sabat, gdy Jezus uczynił błoto i otworzył oczy jego.
The day on which Jesus made the mud and enabled the man to see again was a (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest). [The Pharisees considered that healing someone was work, and their rules did not permit people to do any work] ([on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day]).
15 Tedy go znowu pytali i Faryzeuszowie, jako przejrzał? A on im rzekł: Włożył mi błota na oczy, i umyłem się i widzę.
So the Pharisees also asked that man, “How did you become able to see?” He said to them, “The man put mud on my eyes. Then I washed, and now I can see!”
16 Tedy niektóry z Faryzeuszów rzekł: Człowiek ten nie jest z Boga; bo nie strzeże sabatu. Drudzy zasię mówili: Jakoż może człowiek grzeszny takowe cuda czynić? I było rozerwanie między nimi.
So some of the Pharisees said, “Since this man [Jesus] disobeys [our rules about working] (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day), he is not from God.” But others said, “If he was a sinner, (he could certainly not do such miracles!/how could he do such miracles?) [RHQ]” So they were divided.
17 Rzekli tedy ślepemu po wtóre: Ty co mówisz o nim, ponieważ otworzył oczy twoje? A on rzekł: Prorok jest.
So one of them said to the blind man again, “You are the man whom he enabled to see. What do you yourself say about him?” The man said, “[I think] he is a prophet!” [So they told him to go].
18 A nie wierzyli Żydowie o nim, żeby był ślepym, a że przejrzał, aż zawołali rodziców onego, który przejrzał.
The Jewish [leaders] [SYN] still did not believe that the man was blind when he was born, and that he was [now] able to see. So they sent someone to bring the man’s parents.
19 I pytali ich, mówiąc: Tenże jest syn wasz, o którym wy powiadacie, iż się ślepo narodził? jakoż wżdy teraz widzi?
[When they got there], one of [the Jewish leaders] asked them, “Is that man your son? Do you say that he was blind when he was born? [If that is true], how is he now able to see?”
20 Odpowiedzieli im rodzice jego i rzekli: Wiemy, żeć to jest syn nasz, i że się ślepo narodził;
His parents replied, “We know that he is our son. We know that he was blind when he was born.
21 Lecz jako teraz widzi, nie wiemy, albo kto otworzył oczy jego, my nie wiemy; mać lata, pytajcież go, on sam o sobie powie.
But we do not know how he is able to see now. We also do not know who enabled him to see. Ask our son! He is old enough [to answer questions from authorities like you] He can tell you himself!”
22 Tak mówili rodzice jego, że się bali Żydów; albowiem już byli Żydowie postanowili, aby ktokolwiek by go Chrystusem wyznał, był z bóżnicy wyłączony.
The Jewish [leaders] [SYN] had previously declared that they would prevent anyone who declared that Jesus was the Messiah from [entering] their synagogues. His parents [knew that, so] they were afraid of the Jewish [leaders] [SYN].
23 Przetoż rzekli rodzice jego: Mać lata, pytajcież go.
That is the reason that they said, “He is old enough [to answer questions], so ask him!”
24 Tedy zawołali powtóre człowieka onego, który był ślepy, i rzekli mu: Daj chwałę Bogu; myć wiemy, iż ten człowiek jest grzeszny.
So they sent someone to bring back to them the man who had been blind. [When he got there], the [Jewish leaders] said to him, “Knowing that God [is listening] [IDM], tell the truth! We know that the man who healed you is a sinner.”
25 A on odpowiedział i rzekł: Jeźli grzeszny jest, nie wiem; to tylko wiem, iż będąc ślepym, teraz widzę.
He replied, “I do not know if he is a sinner or not. But one thing I do know is that I was blind, but now I can see!”
26 I rzekli mu znowu: Cóż ci uczynił? Jakoż otworzył oczy twoje?
So they said to him, “What did he do to you? How did he enable you to see?”
27 Odpowiedział im: Jużemci wam powiedział, a nie słyszeliście; przeczże jeszcze słyszeć chcecie? Izali i wy chcecie być uczniami jego?
He replied, “I told you that already, but you did not [RHQ] pay attention! Why do you want to hear me tell you again? (Do you also want to become his disciples?/You talk as though [IRO] you also want to become his disciples [RHQ]).”
28 Tedy mu złorzeczyli i rzekli: Ty bądź uczniem jego; aleśmy my uczniami Mojżeszowymi.
Then they insulted him angrily. They said, “You are that man’s disciple, but we are Moses’ disciples!
29 My wiemy, że Bóg do Mojżesza mówił; lecz ten, skąd by był, nie wiemy.
We know that God spoke to Moses; but this man, we do not know where he is from or where he [gets any authority] from!”
30 Odpowiedział on człowiek i rzekł im: Toć zaprawdę rzecz dziwna, że wy nie wiecie, skąd jest, a otworzył oczy moje.
The man replied, “That is very surprising! You [say that] you do not know where he [gets any authority]. But he enabled me to see!
31 A wiemy, iż Bóg grzeszników nie wysłuchiwa; ale jeźliby kto chwalcą Bożym był i wolę jego czynił, tego wysłuchiwa.
We know that God does not help sinners [who ask God to help them]. Instead, he listens to [and helps] godly people who pray. He listens to people who do what God wants.
32 Od wieku nie słyszano, aby kto otworzył oczy ślepo narodzonego. (aiōn )
No one has ever enabled a man to see who was blind when he was born [like I was]. That has never happened since the world began! (aiōn )
33 Być ten nie był od Boga, nie mógłciby nic uczynić.
So if this man had not come from God, he would not be able to do anything [like that]!”
34 Odpowiedzieli i rzekli mu: Tyś się wszystek w grzechach narodził, a ty nas uczysz? I wygnali go precz.
They replied to him, “You (were born [as a result of your parents’] sin [EUP]/bastard)! (Do you think you are qualified to teach us?/You are not qualified to teach us!) [RHQ]” Then they threw him out [of the synagogue].
35 A usłyszawszy Jezus, iż go precz wygnali i znalazłszy go, rzekł mu: Wierzyszże ty w Syna Bożego?
Jesus heard [people say] that they had thrown that man out. He found the man and said to him, “Do you believe that the one who came down from heaven [is the Messiah]?”
36 A on odpowiedział i rzekł: A któż jest, Panie! abym weń wierzył?
The man answered, “Sir, who is he? [Tell me], in order that I may believe in him.”
37 I rzekł mu Jezus: I widziałeś go, i który mówi z tobą, onci jest.
Jesus said to him, “You have seen him. [In fact, it is I], the one who am speaking to you.”
38 A on rzekł: Wierzę Panie! i pokłonił mu się.
The man said, “Lord, I believe that [you are the Messiah]!” Then he [knelt down before] Jesus and worshipped him.
39 I rzekł mu Jezus: Na sądemci ja przyszedł na ten świat, aby ci, którzy nie widzą, widzieli, a ci, którzy widzą, aby ślepymi byli.
Jesus said, “I have come into this world to judge [the people in the world]. The result will be that [those who realize that they do not know God’s truth will perceive it. That is like] [MET] [enabling] those who are blind to see. But the result will also be that people who [falsely think] [IRO] that [they understand God’s truth will never understand it. That is like] [MET] [people] who are blind remaining blind permanently.”
40 I usłyszeli to niektórzy z Faryzeuszów, którzy byli z nim, i rzekli mu: Izali i my ślepymi jesteśmy?
Some of the Pharisees who were with him heard him say that, and said to him, “You are not suggesting that we are [like] blind people, are you?”
41 Rzekł im Jezus: Byście byli ślepymi, nie mielibyście grzechu; lecz teraz mówicie, iż widzimy, przetoż grzech wasz zostaje.
Jesus said to them, “If you [realized that you did not yet know God’s truth, but you wanted to, then you would be like] blind people [who wanted to see. God would be able to] forgive your sins. But you are now [falsely] claiming that you [know God’s truth, so you are like people who are blind who claim that they] can see. [Because of that, God is not able to] forgive your sins.”