< Kolosan 1 >

1 Paweł, Apostoł Jezusa Chrystusa przez wolę Bożą, i Tymoteusz brat,
I, Paul, [am writing this letter to you], and our fellow believer Timothy [is with me]. I am an apostle who represents Christ Jesus, because that is what God wanted.
2 Tym, którzy są w Kolosiech, świętym i wiernym braciom w Chrystusie Jezusie. Łaska wam i pokój niech będzie od Boga, Ojca naszego, i od Pana Jezusa Chrystusa.
[I am sending this letter] to you who are in Colossae [city], and who are God’s people, and our faithful fellow believers who have a close relationship with Christ. We pray that God our Father will be acting kindly towards you, and that he will cause you to have [inner] peace.
3 Dziękujemy Bogu i Ojcu Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa, zawsze modląc się za was,
Very often [HYP] we thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, while we are praying for you,
4 Usłyszawszy o wierze waszej w Chrystusie Jezusie i miłości przeciwko wszystkim świętym,
because we have heard that you believe in Christ Jesus, and that you love all God’s people.
5 Dla nadziei onej wam odłożonej w niebiesiech, o którejście przedtem słyszeli przez słowo prawdy, to jest Ewangielii,
You do that because you confidently expect to receive that which God is (reserving/keeping safe) for you in heaven, which you heard about previously when you heard the true message, that is, the message [about Christ].
6 Która przyszła do was jako i na wszystek świat, i przynosi owoc, jako i u was, od onego dnia, któregoście usłyszeli i poznali łaskę Bożą w prawdzie.
[People] proclaimed it [PRS] to you, just like [people] have proclaimed it in many different countries [HYP, IDM]. The true message is changing more and more people’s lives, just like it changed your lives because you heard it and you truly experienced that God acts kindly towards us in ways we do not deserve.
7 Jakoście się też nauczyli od Epafry, miłego spółsługi naszego, który jest wiernym sługą Chrystusowym dla was;
That is just what Epaphras taught you [would happen]. We love Epaphras. He serves Christ together with us and works for Christ faithfully for your benefit.
8 Który też oznajmił nam miłość waszę w duchu.
He told us that you love [all God’s people], just like God’s Spirit [has enabled you to] (OR, spiritually).
9 Dlatego i my od onego dnia, któregośmy to usłyszeli, nie przestajemy się za was modlić i prosić, abyście byli napełnieni znajomością woli jego we wszelkiej mądrości i w wyrozumieniu duchownem.
Because of what we heard about you, we have also been praying [LIT] very often to God for you [HYP], ever since we heard this report about you. We pray that you will truly know all that God wants you to do; that is, that you will become very wise, and that you will understand spiritual matters well.
10 Abyście chodzili przystojnie przed Panem ku wszelkiemu jego upodobaniu, w każdym uczynku dobrym owoc przynosząc i rosnąc w znajomości Bożej,
We have been praying like that in order that you will conduct yourselves as the Lord’s people should conduct themselves, in order that you will please the Lord in every way. Specifically, we have been praying like that in order that you will be doing every sort of good deed [IDM] and in order that you will be getting to know God truly, more and more.
11 Wszelką mocą umocnieni będąc według chwalebnej mocy jego, ku wszelkiej cierpliwości i nieskwapliwości z radością,
And we pray that [God] will greatly strengthen you [spiritually] with the mighty power that he has shown [to people], in order that you will always be steadfast and patient [when you experience difficulties], while [at the same time] you will be rejoicing.
12 Dziękując Ojcu, który nas godnymi uczynił, abyśmy byli uczestnikami dziedzictwa świętych w światłości;
And we pray that you will be thanking God our Father, because he has enabled you/us to receive the things that he will give to his people in heaven [SYN].
13 Który nas wyrwał z mocy ciemności i przeniósł do królestwa Syna swego miłego,
God our Father rescued us [spiritually] so that the evil one no longer rules us [MET, MTY], and he caused us now to be ruled by his Son, whom he loves.
14 W którym mamy odkupienie przez krew jego, to jest odpuszczenie grzechów;
That is, because of our relationship with his Son (OR, because of what the one who is also God did), God has redeemed/bought us; in particular, he has forgiven our sins.
15 Który jest obrazem Boga niewidzialnego i pierworodny wszystkich rzeczy stworzonych.
God’s Son reveals perfectly what God, his Father, is like, whom no one can see. God’s Son existed before and ranks above everything that God has created.
16 Albowiem przezeń stworzone są wszystkie rzeczy, które są na niebie i na ziemi, widzialne i niewidzialne, bądź trony, bądź państwa, bądź księstwa, bądź zwierzchności, wszystko przezeń i dla niego stworzone jest.
When God created everything that is on the earth, he did it by having his Son do it. He created everything that [people] can see, and also everything which is in heaven that [people] cannot see. In particular, his Son created all ranks of important spirit beings. [And his Son ranks above everything], because God by the work of had his Son, and because by his Son all things were created {because [God] had his Son create everything} in order that everything might praise his Son,
17 A on jest przed wszystkimi i wszystko w nim stoi.
and because it is his Son who existed before anything else existed, and because God sustains everything by what his Son [does].
18 On też jest głową ciała, to jest kościoła, który jest początkiem i pierworodnym z umarłych, aby on między wszystkimi przodkował;
And [God’s Son ranks above everything], because it is his Son who [rules over his people] [MET] [as a person’s] head [controls his physical] body, because his Son causes his people to live [spiritually]. [God’s Son] is the first one who became alive again, in order that he should become more important than anything and everyone.
19 Ponieważ się upodobało Ojcu, aby w nim wszystka zupełność mieszkała.
[God’s Son reveals perfectly what God his Father is like], because his Father chose to live completely in him.
20 I żeby przezeń z sobą pojednał wszystko, uczyniwszy pokój przez krew krzyża jego; przezeń, mówię, tak to, co jest na ziemi, jako i to, co jest na niebiesiech.
[God our Father caused his Son to rule us], because he decided to reconcile with himself everything that is on earth and that is in heaven by what his Son did, in order that everything might honor his Son; that is, God our Father decided to reconcile everything to himself as a result of his [Son’s] blood [flowing when he died] on the cross. [The chiastic material is rearranged below so that the directly related propositional clusters are joined together.] 13 God our Father rescued us [spiritually] so that we are no longer ruled by the evil one, and God our Father caused us now to be ruled by his Son (OR, the man who is also God) whom he loves. 14a That is, by means of what his Son did, we have been redeemed by God, our Father. 14b In particular, our sins have been forgiven by God, our Father. 20 God, our Father, has done this because he decided to reconcile to himself, by means of his Son, everything that is on earth and that is in heaven, in order that his Son might be honored; that is, God, our Father decided to reconcile everything to himself by means of God’s Son’s blood [flowing out when he died] on the cross. 15b God cannot be seen by anyone, 15a but his Son reveals perfectly what God—his Father—is like, 19a because it is in his Son that the Father chose 19b that he himself would dwell completely. 15c God’s Son ranks above everything 15d that has been created, 16 because it was by means of God’s Son that God created everything that is on the earth and that can be seen by people, and also everything that is in heaven and that cannot be seen by people. In particular, all types of important spirit beings were created by means of him, since everything has been created by God by means of God’s Son. And his Son ranks above everything, because everything has been created by God, in order that God’s Son might be honored by everything, 17 and because it is he who existed before anything else existed, and since everything is sustained by God by means of God’s Son. 18 And God’s Son ranks above everything because it is he who [rules over all believers, just like a person’s] head [controls his physical body, because he causes all believers to live spiritually]. His Son is the first one who rose from among those who have died, in order that he should become more important than everything and everyone.
21 I was, którzyście niekiedy byli oddaleni i nieprzyjaciele umysłem w złośliwych uczynkach, teraz też pojednał.
As for you, [although] formerly God [considered you his] enemies (OR, [God considered you] as alienated [from him]) and [although] you were formerly hostile [to God] because you thought evil thoughts and because you did evil deeds,
22 Ciałem własnem swojem przez śmierć, aby was wystawił świętemi i niepokalanemi, i bez nagany przed obliczem swojem;
nevertheless, God our Father has now reconciled you [with himself. He did that] as a result of his Son dying physically. He did it in order that you should be completely holy when he brings you into his presence.
23 Jeźli tylko trwacie w wierze ugruntowani i utwierdzeni, a nie poruszeni od nadziei Ewangielii, którąście słyszeli, która jest kazana wszelkiemu stworzeniu, które jest pod niebem, której ja Paweł stałem się sługą;
He wants you to continue [DOU] to believe the message about Christ; specifically, he wants you to continue to be stable/steadfast and to continue to confidently expect to receive that which you heard about when you heard that message. That message has been proclaimed {They have proclaimed that message} to people in very many places [HYP]; and I, Paul, also become someone who tells it to people.
24 Który się teraz raduję w doległościach moich dla was i dopełniam ostatków ucisków Chrystusowych na ciele mojem za ciało jego, które jest kościół.
At the present time I am rejoicing that I am suffering for your benefit; that is, I am completing what Christ [decided] that I should suffer physically for the benefit of all believers, [who are as dear to him as] his own body.
25 Któregom się ja stał sługą według daru Bożego, który mi jest dany dla was, abym wypełnił słowo Boże,
I myself became someone who serves God’s people, because I was appointed {[God] appointed me} to be responsible to [help] you [who are non-Jews]. I became one who serves God’s people in order that I should make known to you non-Jews the whole message from/about God.
26 To jest, tajemnicę onę, która była zakryta od wieków i od rodzajów, ale teraz objawiona jest świętym jego. (aiōn g165)
[We did not know this message previously; that is, God] concealed it from [the people who lived in all] the previous ages, but he has now revealed it to his people. (aiōn g165)
27 Którym chciał Bóg oznajmić, jakie jest bogactwo tej tajemnicy chwalebnej między poganami, która jest Chrystus między wami, nadzieja ona chwały;
That is, God decided to reveal to them this message, which declares that he will greatly bless the non-Jews. Specifically, this message declares that Christ, [by his Spirit], will live in you who are non-Jews, with the result that you confidently expect that you will experience how glorious [God is].
28 Którego my opowiadamy, napominając każdego człowieka i ucząc każdego człowieka we wszelkiej mądrości, abyśmy wystawili każdego człowieka doskonałym w Chrystusie Jezusie;
We tell about Christ [to every class of persons]; we warn them, and specifically, we teach everyone very wisely. We do this in order that every person who (has a close relationship with/is united to) Christ may be (all that God wants them to be/perfect) when we present them to Christ.
29 W czem też pracuję, bojując według skutecznej mocy jego, która we mnie dzieło swoje potężnie sprawuje.
In order that I might [achieve/accomplish this], I am also working very hard, depending on Christ to empowering me very greatly.

< Kolosan 1 >