< Dzieje 16 >

1 I przyszedł do Derby i do Listry; a oto tam był uczeń niektóry, imieniem Tymoteusz, syn niektórej niewiasty Żydówki wiernej a ojca Greka.
Paul [and Silas] to Derbe [city and visited the believers there]. Next [they went to] Lystra [city]. A believer whose name was Timothy lived there. His mother was a Jewish believer, but his father was a Greek.
2 Temu świadectwo dawali bracia, którzy byli w Listrze i w Ikonii.
The believers in Lystra and Iconium said good things about Timothy,
3 Chciał tedy Paweł, aby ten z nim szedł, którego wziąwszy, obrzezał dla Żydów, którzy byli na onych miejscach; bo wszyscy wiedzieli, że ojciec jego był Grekiem.
and Paul wanted to take Timothy with him [when he went] to other places, so he circumcised Timothy. [He did that so that] the Jews who lived in those places [would accept Timothy], because they knew that his non-Jewish father [had not allowed him to be circumcised] {[anyone to circumcise his son]}.
4 A gdy chodzili po miastach, podawali im ku chowaniu ustawy, które były postanowione od Apostołów i starszych, którzy byli w Jeruzalemie.
[So Timothy went with Paul and Silas] and they traveled to many other towns. [In each town] they told [the] believers the rules that had been decided by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem {that the apostles and elders in Jerusalem had decided} that [non-Jewish] believers should obey.
5 A tak się zbory utwierdzały w wierze i przybywało ich w liczbie na każdy dzień.
[God was helping] the believers in those towns to trust more strongly [in the Lord Jesus], and every day more people became believers.
6 Tedy przeszedłszy Frygiję i Galatską krainę, zawściągnieni będąc od Ducha Świętego, aby nie opowiadali słowa Bożego w Azyi,
Paul and his companions wanted/planned to enter Asia [province] preach the message [about Jesus] there, but they were prevented by the Holy Spirit {the Holy Spirit prevented them} [from going there. So] they traveled through Phrygia and Galatia [provinces].
7 Przyszedłszy do Mizyi, kusili się iść do Bitynii, ale im Duch Jezusowy nie dopuścił.
They arrived at the border of Mysia [province] and they wanted to go [north] Bithynia [province]. But [again] the Spirit of Jesus showed them that they should not [go there].
8 Tedy minąwszy Mizyję, zstąpili do Troady.
So they went through Mysia [province] and arrived at Troas, a [port city. I, Luke, joined them there].
9 I pokazało się Pawłowi w nocy widzenie: Mąż niejaki Macedończyk stał, prosząc go i mówiąc: Przepraw się do Macedonii, a ratuj nas.
That night [God gave] Paul a vision in which he saw a man [who was a native] of Macedonia [province]. He was standing [some distance away], and he was earnestly calling to Paul, “[Please] come over [here] to Macedonia and help us!”
10 A ujrzawszy to widzenie, zaraześmy się starali o to, jakobyśmy się puścili do Macedonii, będąc tego pewni, iż nas Pan powołał, abyśmy im kazali Ewangieliję.
[The next morning] we [(exc)] immediately got ready to go to Macedonia, because we believed that God had called us to [go and] preach the good message to the people there.
11 Puściwszy się tedy z Troady, prostośmy bieżeli do Samotracyi, a nazajutrz do Neapolu.
So we [(exc)] got on a ship in Troas and sailed across [the sea] Samothrace [Island. We spent the night there], and the next day [we sailed again across the sea and arrived] at Neapolis [port/town].
12 A stamtąd do Filipowa, które jest pierwsze miasto tej części Macedonii nowo osadzone; i zostaliśmy w onem mieście przez kilka dni.
Then we [left Neapolis and] went [by land] to Philippi. It was a very important city in Macedonia [province, where many] Roman citizens lived. We stayed in Philippi several days.
13 A w dzień sabatu wyszliśmy przed miasto nad rzekę, gdzie zwykły bywać modlitwy, a usiadłszy mówiliśmy do niewiast, które się tam były zeszły.
On the first (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest) [after we(exc) arrived], we went outside the city gate [down] to the river. We had heard [someone say] that [Jewish] people gathered to pray there. [When we arrived there, we saw] some women who had gathered [to pray]. So we sat down and began to tell them [the message about Jesus].
14 A niektóra niewiasta, imieniem Lidyja, która szarłat sprzedawała w mieście Tyjatyrskiem, Boga się bojąca, słuchała; której Pan otworzył serce, aby pilnie słuchała tego, co Paweł mówił.
A woman whose name was Lydia was one of those who were listening [to Paul. She was a non-Jewish woman], from Thyatira [city, who bought and] sold [expensive] purple cloth. She had accepted what the Jews believe about God. The Lord [God] caused her to pay attention to the message that Paul preached, and she believed it. [The members of her household also heard the good message and believed in Jesus] [MTY].
15 A gdy się ochrzciła i dom jej, prosiła, mówiąc: Ponieważeście mię osądzili wierną być Panu, wszedłszy do domu mego, mieszkajcie; i przymusiła nas.
After [Paul and Silas] baptized Lydia and the others who lived in her house [MTY] {After Lydia and the others who lived in her house were baptized}, she invited us to [go and stay in] her home. She said, “You [(pl)] know that I [now] believe in the Lord [Jesus], so [please] come and stay in my house.” She persuaded us [to do that, so we(exc) stayed there].
16 I stało się, gdyśmy szli na modlitwę, iż niektóra dzieweczka, co miała ducha wieszczego, zabieżała nam, a ta wielki zysk panom swoim przynosiła, wróżąc.
Another day, while we [(exc)] were going to the place where people regularly gathered to pray, we met a young woman who was a slave. An evil spirit was enabling her to be a ventriloquist and to tell people what would happen [to them]. People paid a lot of money to [the men who were] her owners, in return for her telling them things that [she said] would happen [to them].
17 Ta chodząc za Pawłem i za nami, wołała mówiąc: Ci ludzie sługami są Boga najwyższego, którzy nam opowiadają drogę zbawienia.
This young woman followed Paul and the rest of us. She continually shouted, “These men serve the God who is the greatest [of all gods]! They are telling you how ([God] can save you [so that he will not punish you/to be] saved)”
18 A to czyniła przez wiele dni; ale Paweł bolejąc nad tem i obróciwszy się, rzekł onemu duchowi: Rozkazuję ci w imieniu Jezusa Chrystusa, abyś wyszedł od niej. I wyszedł onejże godziny.
She continued to do that for many days. Finally Paul became irritated. So he turned [toward the young woman] and rebuked the evil spirit [that was in her. He said], “By the authority [MTY] of Jesus Christ, I command you [(sg)] to come out of this young woman!” Right away the evil spirit left her.
19 A widząc panowie jej, iż zginęła nadzieja zysku ich, pojmawszy Pawła i Sylę, ciągnęli je na rynek przed urząd,
And then her owners realized that she could no longer earn money for them [because she could no longer predict what would happen to people, so they were angry]. They grabbed Paul and Silas and forcefully took them to the public square, to [the place where] the government authorities and [a lot of other people were gathered].
20 A stawiwszy je przed hetmany, rzekli: Ci ludzie czynią zamieszanie w mieście naszem, będąc Żydami:
The owners [of the young woman] brought Paul and Silas to the city officials and told them, “These men are Jews, and they are greatly troubling [the people in] [MTY] our city.
21 I opowiadają zwyczaje, których się nam nie godzi przyjmować ani zachowywać, ponieważ jesteśmy Rzymianie.
They are teaching that we [(inc)] should follow customs that our laws do not allow us Romans to consider [to be correct] or to obey!”
22 I powstało pospólstwo przeciwko nim, a hetmani rozdarłszy szaty ich, kazali je siec rózgami.
Many of the crowd joined [those who were accusing] Paul and Silas, and started beating them. Then the [Roman] authorities commanded [soldiers] to tear the shirts off Paul and Silas and to beat them [with rods/sticks].
23 A gdy im wiele plag zadali, wrzucili je do więzienia przykazawszy stróżowi więzienia, aby ich dobrze opatrzył.
[So the soldiers] beat Paul and Silas vigorously [with rods]. After that, they [took them and] shoved them into the prison. They told the jailer that he should lock them up securely.
24 Który wziąwszy takie rozkazanie, wsadził je do najgłębszego więzienia, a nogi ich zamknął w kłodę.
[Because the officials] had [commanded] him [to do that], the jailer shoved Paul and Silas into the cell that was farthest inside. [There, he made them sit down on the floor/ground and stretch out their legs]. Then he fastened their ankles in [grooves] between two large wooden beams, [so that Paul and Silas could not move their legs].
25 A o północy Paweł i Sylas modląc się, chwalili Boga pieśniami, tak że je słyszeli więźniowie.
About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying [aloud] and praising God by singing hymns. The [other] prisoners were listening attentively to them.
26 I powstało z prędka wielkie trzęsienie ziemi, że się poruszyły grunty więzienia, i zarazem się otworzyły wszystkie drzwi, i wszystkich się związki rozwiązały.
Suddenly there was a very strong earthquake. It shook the entire jail [SYN] and its foundation [SYN]. [The earthquake caused] all the doors [of the jail] to open suddenly, and [caused] all the chains that fastened the prisoners to fall off.
27 A ocuciwszy się stróż więzienia i ujrzawszy otworzone drzwi u więzienia, dobył miecza, chcąc się sam zabić, mniemając, iż więźniowie pouciekali.
The jailer woke up and saw that the doors of the jail were open. He thought that the prisoners had escaped. So he pulled out his sword in order to kill himself, [because he knew that the officials would kill him if the prisoners escaped].
28 Lecz Paweł zawołał głosem wielkim, mówiąc: Nie czyń sobie nic złego: bo jesteśmy sami wszyscy.
Paul [saw the jailer and] shouted to him, “Do not harm yourself! We [(exc) prisoners] are all here!”
29 A kazawszy zaświecić, wpadł tam, a drżąc przypadł do nóg Pawłowi i Syli:
The jailer shouted [to someone] to bring torches/lanterns, [and after they brought them], he rushed into the jail and knelt down in front of Paul and Silas. [He was very afraid, so] much so that he was trembling/shaking.
30 A wywiódłszy je z więzienia, rzekł: Panowie! co mam czynić, abym był zbawiony?
Then he brought Paul and Silas out [of the jail] and asked: “Sirs, what do I need to do to be saved [from being punished for my sins]?”
31 A oni rzekli: Wierz w Pana Jezusa Chrystusa, a będziesz zbawiony, ty i dom twój.
[They answered], “Trust in [what] the Lord Jesus [has done for you], and you will be saved {[God] will save you}, and the others who live in [MTY] your house will [also] be saved [if they believe in Jesus].”
32 I opowiadali mu słowo Pańskie i wszystkim, którzy byli w domu jego.
Then the jailer took Paul and Silas into his house, washed their wounds, and gave them a meal. [He woke up all the people in his house, and] Paul and Silas told all of them the message about the Lord [Jesus. They all believed in him]. Immediately [after that, the jailer and all his family were baptized] {[Paul and Silas] baptized the jailer and all his family}. They were very happy, because now they all believed in God.
33 A wziąwszy je onejże godziny w nocy, omył rany ich i ochrzcił się zaraz, on i wszyscy domownicy jego.
34 A wprowadziwszy je do domu swego, nagotował im stół i weselił się ze wszystkim domem swoim, uwierzywszy Bogu.
35 A gdy był dzień, posłali hetmani sługi miejskie, mówiąc: Wypuść one ludzie.
The next morning, the [Roman] officials commanded [some] police officers [to go to the jail to say to the jailer], “[Our bosses] say, ‘Let those [two] prisoners go [now]!’”
36 I oznajmił stróż więzienia te słowa Pawłowi, iż hetmani posłali, abyście byli wypuszczeni: teraz tedy wyszedłszy, idźcie w pokoju.
[After the officers went and told that to] the jailer, he [went and] told Paul, “The [Roman] authorities have sent a message [(sg)] saying that I should release you [(sg)] and Silas [from prison]. So you [two] can leave [the jail] now. Now you can go peacefully!”
37 Ale im Paweł rzekł: Usiekłszy nas jawnie rózgami nie przekonanych, gdyżeśmy są ludzie Rzymianie, wrzucili do więzienia; a teraz nas potajemnie wyganiają? Nic z tego; ale sami niech przyjdą i wyprowadzą nas.
But Paul said to the police officers, “The authorities [commanded men to] beat us in front of a crowd before [those authorities] had learned if we [(exc)] had done anything wrong! Then they [ordered men to] shove us into jail! [But that was not legal, because] we [(exc)] are Roman citizens! And now they want [RHQ] to send us away secretly! We will not accept that! Those [Roman] officials must come themselves and [tell us that they are sorry], and take us out [of jail].”
38 Tedy powiedzieli hetmanom słudzy miejscy te słowa. I zlękli się, usłyszawszy, że byli Rzymianie,
So the police officers [went and] told the city authorities [what Paul had said]. When those authorities heard that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens, they were afraid [that someone would report to more important officials what they had done, and as a result they would be punished] {[those officials would punish them]}.
39 A przyszedłszy, przeprosili ich, a wywiódłszy ich, prosili ich, aby wyszli z miasta.
So the city authorities came to Paul and Silas and told them that they were sorry for what they had done to them. The authorities brought them out of the jail, and repeatedly asked them to leave the city [soon].
40 Wyszedłszy tedy z więzienia, weszli do Lidyi, a ujrzawszy braci pocieszyli je i odeszli.
After Paul and Silas left the jail, they went to Lydia’s house. There they met with her and the [other] believers. They encouraged the believers [to continue trusting in the Lord Jesus], and then the two apostles left [Philippi].

< Dzieje 16 >