< I Tesaloniczan 3 >

1 Przeto nie mogąc dłużej znosić, upodobało się nam, abyśmy sami w Atenach zostali.
As a result of that, when I could no longer endure [worrying about you], I decided that [Silas and I] would stay behind alone in Athens [city],
2 I posłaliśmy Tymoteusza, brata naszego i sługę Bożego, i pomocnika naszego w Ewangielii Chrystusowej, aby was utwierdził i napominał z strony wiary waszej.
and we two sent Timothy [to you. You know that he is] our close associate and also works for God by [proclaiming] the message about Christ. [Silas and I sent him] in order that he would urge you to continue to strongly trust [in Christ].
3 Aby się żaden nie poruszał w tych uciskach; gdyż sami wiecie, żeśmy na to wystawieni.
We wanted none [of you] to consider turning away from Christ as a result of [people] causing you to suffer. You know that [God has] planned that [we who trust in him will suffer like that when people do that to us who trust in him].
4 Albowiem gdyśmy byli u was, opowiadaliśmy wam, żeśmy mieli być uciśnieni, jakoż się też to stało, i wiecie o tem.
Remember that when we were present with you, we kept telling you that we would be persecuted {that [people] would cause us to suffer}. And because that is what happened, you know that [what we said] was true!
5 Dlatego i ja, nie mogąc tego dłużej znosić, posłałem go, abym się dowiedział o wierze waszej, by was snać nie kusił ten, co kusi, a nie była daremna praca nasza.
[I was] afraid that [Satan], the one who tempts us, had caused you [to stop trusting in Christ. If that had happened], we would have worked uselessly [while we were present with you! So] I sent [Timothy to you] in order to find out whether or not you were [still] trusting [in Christ]. I sent him because I could no longer endure [not knowing (about your spiritual condition/whether or not you were still trusting in Christ]).
6 Lecz teraz Tymoteusz od was do nas przyszedł i zwiastował nam wesołą nowinę o wierze i miłości waszej, a iż nas zawsze dobrze wspominacie, żądając nas widzieć, tak jako i my was.
Now Timothy has just returned to Silas and me from [being with] you, and he has told us the good news that you [still] trust [in Christ] and that you love [him] (OR, [each other]). He told us also that you always happily remember us [and that] you strongly desire that we visit you, just like we strongly desire to visit you.
7 Dlatego pocieszeni jesteśmy, bracia! z was w każdym utrapieniu i potrzebie naszej przez wiarę waszę;
My fellow believers, [even though] we are suffering very much [DOU] because of what people are doing to us here, we have been cheered up because [Timothy told us about] your [still] trusting [in Christ].
8 Bo teraz my żyjemy, jeźli wy stoicie w Panu.
Now we feel very encouraged [IDM] that you continue to strongly [trust] in the Lord [Jesus].
9 Albowiem jakież dziękowanie możemy Bogu oddać za was za wszelkie wesele, którem się weselimy dla was przed Bogiem naszym?
(We cannot thank God adequately for [what he has done for] you!/How can we thank God enough for [what he has done for] you?) [RHQ] We greatly rejoice concerning you [when we pray to] our God!
10 W nocy i we dnie bardzo się gorliwie modląc, abyśmy oglądali oblicze wasze i dopełnili niedostatków wiary waszej.
We constantly [HYP] and fervently/earnestly ask [God] that [we will be able] to visit you [SYN] and that [we will be able] to help you to trust [in Christ/God] more strongly!
11 Lecz sam Bóg i Ojciec nasz, i Pan nasz, Jezus Chrystus, niech wyprostuje drogę naszę do was;
We pray to God, our Father, and to our Lord Jesus, that they will (clear the way/make it possible) so that we can return to you.
12 A was Pan niech pomnoży i obfitującymi uczyni w miłości jednego ku drugiemu, i ku wszystkim, jako i nas ku wam,
As for you, we pray that the Lord Jesus will help you to love each other and other people more and more, just like we continue loving you more and more.
13 Aby utwierdzone były serca wasze nienaganione w świętobliwości przed Bogiem i Ojcem naszym, na przyjście Pana naszego, Jezusa Chrystusa, ze wszystkimi świętymi jego.
We pray that our Lord Jesus will strengthen your resolve to do what pleases God (OR, strengthen you spiritually). We pray that God our Father will enable you to conduct your lives in a way that is pure and that no one can justly criticize, so that when Jesus comes back to earth accompanied by all those who belong to him, he will be pleased with you.

< I Tesaloniczan 3 >