< I Piotra 2 >

1 Przetoż złożywszy wszelką złość i wszelką zdradę, i obłudę, i zazdrość, i wszelakie obmowiska,
Therefore, do not act maliciously in any way or deceive others. Do not (be a hypocrite/try to make others think that you have qualities that you do not really have), and do not (envy/be jealous of) others. Do not ever slander anyone.
2 Jako dopiero narodzone niemowlątka, szczerego mleka słowa Bożego pożądajcie, abyście przez nie urośli,
Just like newborn babies [long for their mothers’] pure milk [MET], you should long for [God’s] spiritual [truth], so that by learning it you may become [spiritually] mature. [You need to] do this until the day when God [will] free you completely [from all the evil in this world].
3 Jeźliście tylko skosztowali, że dobrotliwy jest Pan.
[Also, you need to do this] because you have experienced that the Lord [acts in] a good way toward you.
4 Do którego przystępując, do kamienia żywego, acz od ludzi odrzuconego, ale od Boga wybranego i kosztownego,
You have come to the Lord Jesus. He is [like an important] stone [MET] [put in the foundation of a building], [but he is] alive, [not lifeless like a stone]. He was rejected by [many] people {[Many] people rejected him}, but God chose him and [considers him] to be very precious.
5 I wy jako żywe kamienie budujcie się w dom duchowny, w kapłaństwo święte, ku ofiarowaniu duchowych ofiar, przyjemnych Bogu przez Jezusa Chrystusa.
[And like men] build houses with stones [MET], [God] is causing you to be joined together into a group in which [God’s] Spirit [lives], in order that you, because of what Jesus Christ did for us, might, like priests who offer sacrifices, [do things] that are pleasing to God.
6 A przetoż mówi Pismo: Oto kładę na Syonie kamień narożny węgielny, wybrany, kosztowny; a kto w niego uwierzy, nie będzie zawstydzony.
[What Isaiah wrote] in the Scriptures [shows us that this is true]. [He wrote these words that God said]: Note this well: I am placing in Jerusalem [MTY] [one who is like] [MET] an extremely valuable [DOU] (stone/cornerstone, the most important stone in the structure of a building), and those who believe in him will never be disappointed.
7 Wam tedy wierzącym jest uczciwością, ale nieposłusznym, kamień, który odrzucili budujący, ten się stał głową węgielną,
Therefore, [God will] honor you who believe in [Jesus]. But those who [refuse to] believe in him [are like the builders] that this Scripture [talks about]: The stone that the builders rejected has become (the cornerstone/the most important stone in the foundation of the building).
8 I kamieniem obrażenia, i opoką zgorszenia tym, którzy się obrażają o słowo, nie wierząc, na co też wystawieni są.
And [it is also written] {[Isaiah wrote]} in the Scriptures: [He will be like] a stone that causes people to stumble, like a rock that people trip over. [Just as people are injured when] they stumble over a rock, people who disobey the message [about Jesus are injured spiritually], and that is what [God] determined would happen to them.
9 Ale wy jesteście rodzajem wybranym, królewskim kapłaństwem, narodem świętym, ludem nabytym, abyście opowiadali cnoty tego, który was powołał z ciemności ku dziwnej swojej światłości.
But you are people whom God has chosen [to belong to him]. You are [a group that represents God like] priests do, and you rule with God [MET] like kings. You are (a holy group of people/a group of people who are separate from evil). You are people who belong to God. This is in order that you might proclaim the virtues of [God. He has] called you from [your former ways], [when you were ignorant of his truth], into the marvelous [understanding that he gives us] [MET]. [That is, he has called you] out of [spiritual] darkness into [spiritual] light.
10 Którzyście niekiedy byli nie ludem, aleście teraz ludem Bożym; którzyście niekiedy nie dostąpili byli miłosierdzia, aleście teraz miłosierdzia dostąpili.
[What the prophet Hosea wrote is true of you] Formerly, you were not a people [who had a relationship with God], But now you are God’s people. At one time [God] had not acted mercifully toward you, But now he has acted mercifully toward you.
11 Najmilsi! proszę was, abyście się jako przychodniowie i goście wstrzymywali od cielesnych pożądliwości, które walczą przeciwko duszy,
You people whom I love, I urge you to consider that you are like foreigners [MET, DOU] [whose real home is in heaven]. As a result, avoid doing the things that your self-directed nature desires, because those desires (fight against/always oppose) your souls.
12 Obcowanie wasze mając poczciwe między poganami, aby zamiast tego, w czem was pomawiają jako złoczyńców, dobrym się uczynkom waszym przypatrując, chwalili Boga w dzień nawiedzenia.
Keep conducting your lives in a good way among those who do not know God. [If you do that], although they may accuse you, saying that you are people who do evil things, they will see your good behavior, and at the time when God comes [to judge people], they will (give honor to him/say that what he does is right).
13 Bądźcież tedy poddani wszelkiemu ludzkiemu urzędowi dla Pana, bądź królowi, jako najwyższemu,
For the sake of the Lord [Jesus], submit yourselves to every human authority. That includes submitting yourselves to the king, who is the most important authority,
14 Bądź przełożonym, jako od niego posłanym ku pomście źle czyniących, a ku chwale dobrze czyniących.
and to governors, who are sent by the king {whom the king sends} to punish those who do what is wrong and to commend/honor those who do what is right.
15 Albowiem taka jest wola Boża, abyście dobrze czyniąc, usta zatkali nieumiejętności głupich ludzi.
What God wants is that by your doing [only] what is good you will cause foolish people who do not know [God] to be unable to say things ([to condemn you/to show you why you should be punished]).
16 (Bądźcież) jako wolni, a nie jako ci, którzy wolność zasłoną złości mają, ale jako słudzy Boży.
Conduct your lives as though you were free [from having to obey authorities], but do not think “Because I am free from having to obey authorities, I can do evil things.” Instead, act as servants of God [should].
17 Wszystkich czcijcie, braterstwo miłujcie, Boga się bójcie, króla w uczciwości miejcie.
Act respectfully toward everyone. Love all your fellow believers. Revere God, and honor the king.
18 Słudzy! bądźcie poddani panom we wszelakiej bojaźni, nie tylko dobrym i bacznym, ale i dziwnym.
You slaves [who are believers], submit yourselves to your masters and completely respect them. Submit yourselves not only to those who [act in a] good and kind [DOU] way towards you, but also submit yourselves to those who [act in a] harsh way [towards you].
19 Boć to jest łaska, jeźli kto dla sumienia Bożego ponosi frasunki, cierpiąc bezwinnie.
You should do that because God is pleased with those who, knowing that he is aware of what is happening to them, endure the pain that they suffer [because of being treated unjustly by their masters] {[their masters have treated them unjustly]}.
20 Bo cóż jest za chwała, jeźlibyście grzesząc, cierpliwie znosili, by was i pięściami bito? Ale jeźli dobrze czyniąc i cierpiąc znosicie, to jest łaska u Boga.
God will certainly not [RHQ] be pleased with you if you do something that is wrong and as a result you are beaten {someone beats you}! But if, instead of doing something that is wrong, you do what is good, and as a result of that, you suffer for doing something that is good, and you endure that suffering, God will (commend/be pleased with) you.
21 Albowiem na to też powołani jesteście, ponieważ i Chrystus cierpiał za was, zostawiwszy wam przykład, abyście naśladowali stóp jego.
One of the reasons why God chose you is that you would [suffer]. When Christ suffered for you, he became an example for you, in order that you would (imitate what/do like) he did.
22 Który grzechu nie uczynił, ani znaleziona jest zdrada w ustach jego.
[Remember how Christ conducted himself]: He never sinned, And he never said [MTY] anything to deceive people.
23 Któremu gdy złorzeczono, nie odzłorzeczył; gdy cierpiał, nie groził, ale poruczył krzywdę temu, który sprawiedliwie sądzi.
When people insulted him, he did not insult them in return. When people caused him to suffer, he did not threaten (to get revenge/to cause them to suffer). Instead, he decided to let God, who always judges justly, prove that he (was innocent/had done nothing that is wrong) (OR, he left his case in the hands of God, who always judges justly).
24 Który grzechy nasze na ciele swoim zaniósł na drzewo, abyśmy obumarłszy grzechom sprawiedliwości żyli, którego sinością uzdrowieni jesteście.
He himself endured physically the punishment for our sins when he died on the cross, in order that we would stop sinning (OR, no longer respond to sinful desires) and start living righteous lives. It is because he was wounded {they wounded him} that your [souls have been saved] [MET] [from being sinful, as people’s bodies] are healed [from being sick].
25 Albowiemeście byli jako owce błądzące; ale teraz jesteście nawróceni do pasterza i biskupa dusz waszych.
Truly you were like sheep that had gone astray [SIM], but now you have returned to [Jesus], who cares for your souls [as] a shepherd [cares for his sheep] [MET].

< I Piotra 2 >