< Psalms 107 >

1 KAPIiNA Ieowa, pwe i me mau, pwe a kalanan pan potopot eta.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his loving kindness endures forever.
2 Iduen me dorelar ren Ieowa kan pan indinda, irail me a kotin dorelar jan nan pa en arail imwintiti;
Let the redeemed by the LORD say so, whom he has redeemed from the hand of the adversary,
3 Me a kotin kapokon pena jan jap en maj en lan, o kapin lan, o pali apan, o jan madau.
And gathered out of the lands, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south.
4 Irail janjalon jili nan jap tan, pol al apwal, re jota diarada deurail.
They wandered in the wilderness in a desert way. They found no city to live in.
5 Re men manadar o men nim piladar, o kaped arail luetalar.
Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them.
6 Rap weriwer won Ieowa ni ar kankaneraner, o a kotin dore ir jan nan ar apwal akan.
Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses,
7 O a kotin kalua ir on al pun, pwe ren lele on wajan kaukaujon.
he led them also by a straight way, that they might go to a city to live in.
8 Ren kapina Ieowa, pweki a kalanan o pweki a dodok manaman on aramaj akan.
Let them praise the LORD for his loving kindness, for his wonderful works for the descendants of Adam.
9 Pwe a kotin kamede kilar kaped en me men nim piladar, o kadir kila me mau kan kaped en me men manadar.
For he satisfies the longing soul. He fills the hungry soul with good.
10 Me mi ni waja rotorot o mot en mela, me jalikidi luet o mata.
Some sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron,
11 Pweki ar katiwo on majan en Kot, o ar mamaleki kujoned en ma lapalap o.
because they rebelled against the words of God, and condemned the counsel of the Most High.
12 I ap kaloke kin ir apwal akan, re wonon, a jota jauaj parail.
Therefore he brought down their heart with labor. They fell down, and there was none to help.
13 Rap weriwer won Ieowa ni ar apwal akan, i ap kotin dore ir ala jan katoutou parail.
Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses.
14 A kotin kalua ir jan nan rotorot, o mot en mela, o kotin kamueit pajan ar jal akan.
He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and broke their bonds in sunder.
15 Ren kapina Ieowa, pweki a kalanan o pweki a dodok manaman on aramaj akan.
Let them praise the LORD for his loving kindness, for his wonderful works for the descendants of Adam.
16 Pwe a kotin kawela wanim mata, o a kotin juk pajan katen mata pan wanim akan.
For he has broken the gates of bronze, and cut through bars of iron.
17 Me pweipwei kan pan kalokolokki al en ar katiwo o ar japun kan.
Fools are afflicted because of their disobedience, and because of their iniquities.
18 Kaped arail kin juedeki jon en mana karoj, o re lel on kalian mela.
Their soul abhors all kinds of food. They draw near to the gates of death.
19 Rap weriwer won Ieowa ni ar apwal akan, i ap kotin dore ir ala jan katoutou parail.
Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble; he saved them out of their distresses.
20 A kotin kadarado japwilim a majan, o kotin kamaur irail da, o kotin jauaja ir jan nan ar por akan.
He sent his word and healed them; he delivered them from their traps.
21 Ren kapina leowa pweki a kalanan o pweki a dodok mau on aramaj akan.
Let them praise the LORD for his loving kindness, for his wonderful works for the descendants of Adam.
22 O ren maironki mairon en kapin o kajokajoia duen a wiawia kan ki peren!
Let them offer the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with singing.
23 Me kin mi pon madau o dake jop akan, o me kin netinet pon pil kalaimun akan,
Those who go down to the sea in ships, who do business in great waters;
24 Irail pukat kin kilekilan wiawian leowa kan, o a manaman akan nan madau.
These see the LORD's works, and his wonders in the deep.
25 A kotin majan eta, melimel ap wiaui, me kin kalaudela iluk kan.
For he commands, and raises the stormy wind, which lifts up its waves.
26 Re kin koda ileile o kodi loledi, likamata kaped arail pei pajan ni ar majak.
They mount up to the sky; they go down again to the depths. Their soul melts away because of trouble.
27 Re rarauk jili dueta me jakaular, o ar lolekon karoj pan joredi.
They reel back and forth, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits' end.
28 Rap weriwer won leowa ni ar apwal akan, i ap kotin dore ir ala jan katoutou parail.
Then they cry to the LORD in their trouble, and he brings them out of their distress.
29 A kotin kawuki on mole melimel, iluk kan ap moledi.
He makes the storm a calm, so that its waves are still.
30 Rap peren kida, ma re pan moledi, o a kotin kalua ir nan kapitau me re inon ion.
Then they are glad because it is calm, so he brings them to their desired haven.
31 Ren kapina leowa, pweki a kalanan, o pweki a dodok manaman on aramaj akan.
Let them praise the LORD for his loving kindness, for his wonderful works for the descendants of Adam.
32 O ren kapina i nan pokon en aramaj, o ren kapina i nan momod en jaumaj akan.
Let them exalt him also in the assembly of the people, and praise him in the seat of the elders.
33 A kotin kawuki on jap tan pilap akan, o utun pil akan on jap madekon.
He turns rivers into a desert, water springs into a thirsty ground,
34 O jap kajelel eu wiala jap tan en jol, pweki dip en me kaukaujon waja o.
and a fruitful land into a salt waste, for the wickedness of those who dwell in it.
35 A kotin kawuki on len pil jap tan, o jap jued on utun pil.
He turns a desert into a pool of water, and a dry land into water springs.
36 O a kotin mueid on me men manadar akan, en kaukaujon waja o, o re wiadar deu arail.
There he makes the hungry live, that they may prepare a city to live in,
37 O re kin wia japajap o padukedi mat en wain, me kin wa ni a anjau.
sow fields, plant vineyards, and reap the fruits of increase.
38 O a kotin kamau irail la, rap kin totolar, o a kotin kanederela arail man akan.
He blesses them also, so that they are multiplied greatly. He doesn't allow their livestock to decrease.
39 O irail malaulaular o namenok kilar me jued, o japai o luet akan.
Again, they are diminished and bowed down through oppression, trouble, and sorrow.
40 A kotin wudokidi om jaupeidi kan namenok, o mueid on ir, ren janjalon jili nan jap tan, waja me jota al mia ia.
He pours contempt on princes, and causes them to wander in a trackless waste.
41 O a kotin pokada me jamama o jan ni a luet, o katotolar kadaudok a dueta pwin akai.
Yet he lifts the needy out of their affliction, and increases their families like a flock.
42 Me melel akan pan kilan, ap peren kida, o japun kan karoj pan kaku pena au arail.
The upright will see it, and be glad. All the wicked will shut their mouths.
43 Me lolekon kan pan kajampwale ki mepukat, o re pan dedeki kalanan en Ieowa.
Whoever is wise will pay attention to these things. They will consider the loving kindnesses of the LORD.

< Psalms 107 >