< Men Pilipi 2 >

1 MA panapanau eu ren Krijtuj mia, ma kamait en limpok, ma jau pena en Nen, ma limpok melel, o kadek jan nan nen omail,
If there be therfore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of loue, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any compassion and mercie,
2 Komail ap kaunjokela ai peren ni omail lamalam ta pot, o limpok ta ieu, o min ta ieu, o inon ion jon ta ieu,
Fulfill my ioye, that ye be like minded, hauing the same loue, being of one accorde, and of one iudgement,
3 O der aklemai o der wia meakot ni aklapalap a ni karakarak, amen en kakaki amen mo a.
That nothing be done through contention or vaine glory, but that in meekenesse of minde euery man esteeme other better then himselfe.
4 Amen amen ender apwali pein a dipijou kan, a amen amen en apwali en akai ar dipijou.
Looke not euery man on his owne things, but euery man also on the things of other men.
5 Pwe i tiak en mi re omail, me pil mi ren lejuj Krijtuj.
Let the same minde be in you that was euen in Christ Iesus,
6 Me mom en Kot, ap jota men ale on pein i en dueta Kot.
Who being in ye forme of God, thought it no robberie to be equall with God:
7 Ap akamaleki pein i o wiala ladu men o jon en aramaj akan.
But he made himself of no reputation, and tooke on him ye forme of a seruant, and was made like vnto men, and was founde in shape as a man.
8 O kotin janjaleda ni mom en aramaj, o kajapwilidi pein i, o ni a kotin peiki on lel mela, ei lel mela ni lopu.
He humbled himselfe, and became obedient vnto the death, euen the death of the Crosse.
9 Nan i me Kot kotin kajapwilada i waja ileile, o kotiki on i mar eu, jikida jan mar karoj.
Wherefore God hath also highly exalted him, and giuen him a Name aboue euery name,
10 Pwe karoj en kelepukidi ni mar en Iejuj, me mi nanlan o nin jappa o pan jappa.
That at the Name of Iesus shoulde euery knee bowe, both of things in heauen, and things in earth, and things vnder the earth,
11 O lo karoj en kadedeki, me Iejuj Krijtuj me Kaun pwen kalimmada Kot Jam.
And that euery tongue shoulde confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord, vnto the glory of God the Father.
12 Ari kompoke pai kan, duen omail okoke kokodo, kaidin ni omail wokaren ia do, a me jikidar anjau wet ni ai doo, en pere ki, o lomwiniki kadokedoke kamaur pamail.
Wherefore my beloued, as ye haue alwayes obeyed me, not as in my presence only, but now much more in mine absence, so make an end of your owne saluation with feare and trembling.
13 Pwe Kot me kotin wiada karoj nan lol omail: Inon o kapwaiada duen kupur a.
For it is God which worketh in you, both the will and the deede, euen of his good pleasure.
14 Komail wiada meakaroj jo lipanede o jo peikajal.
Do all things without murmuring and reasonings,
15 Pwe komail en pun o melel o jeri en Kot akan, me jo lol riapot nan pun en di jued o japun, me komail jer janjal nan pun arail, dueta jer en jappa kan.
That ye may be blamelesse, and pure, and the sonnes of God without rebuke in the middes of a naughtie and crooked nation, among whom yee shine as lights in the world,
16 Kajanjaleda majan en maur, pwen kapin pa i ni ran en Krijtuj, pwe i ender tan mal de dodok mal.
Holding forth the worde of life, that I may reioyce in the day of Christ, that I haue not runne in vaine, neither haue laboured in vaine.
17 A ma i dueta mairon urak eu wudoki on mairon o dodok en omail pojon, i kin peren kida, o i pan ian komail karoj pereperen.
Yea, and though I bee offered vp vpon the sacrifice, and seruice of your faith, I am glad, and reioyce with you all.
18 I me komail en pil perenki o komail en ian ia pereperen.
For the same cause also be ye glad, and reioyce with me.
19 A i kaporoporeki Kaun Iejuj, me i pan madan kadar won komail Timoteuj, pwe i en pil injenemau, i lao aja ir omail.
And I trust in the Lord Iesus, to sende Timotheus shortly vnto you, that I also may be of good comfort, when I knowe your state.
20 Pwe jota amen mi re i, me dueta i, me kin apwali komail melel.
For I haue no man like minded, who will faithfully care for your matters.
21 Pwe karoj kin rapaki me pein ar, a kaidin me japwilim en Krijtuj.
For all seeke their owne, and not that which is Iesus Christes.
22 A komail aja, me a tiak me pun, pwe a jauaja ia ni ronamau dueta jeri men on a papa.
But yee knowe the proofe of him, that as a sonne with the father, hee hath serued with me in the Gospel.
23 I me i kaporoporeki, me i pan kadarala eden, i lao aja ir ai.
Him therefore I hope to send assoone as I knowe howe it will goe with me,
24 A i liki Kaun o, me pein nai pil pan pwara wei madan.
And trust in the Lord, that I also my selfe shall come shortly.
25 A i lamedar, me mau en kadarlan i komail ri ai Epaprotuj me ai warok ni ai dodok o ai peipei, iei omail men en kadar, o me papa ia ni ai jamama.
But I supposed it necessarie to sende my brother Epaphroditus vnto you, my companion in labour, and fellowe souldier, euen your messenger, and he that ministred vnto me such things as I wanted.
26 Pwe komail aja, a non kin komail melel, o a patauki melel omail ronadar, me a jomau.
For he longed after all you, and was full of heauinesse, because yee had heard that hee had beene sicke.
27 Melel, a jomau meid laud, koren ion mela. A Kot me kotin kupuredar i; a kaidin i eta, pwe pil nai, pwe i de paiola pokon.
And no doubt he was sicke, very neere vnto death: but God had mercie on him, and not on him onely, but on me also, least I should haue sorowe vpon sorowe.
28 A i madan kadarala i, pwe komail en kilan i, ap peren kida, o ai injenjued en pil tikitikela.
I sent him therefore the more diligently, that when yee shoulde see him againe, yee might reioyce, and I might be the lesse sorowfull.
29 Komail ari kajamo i ni Kaun o popol, o wauneki me dueta i kan.
Receiue him therefore in the Lord with all gladnesse, and make much of such:
30 Pweki wiawia en Krijtuj a koren ion mela, ni a jota kajampwaleki pein maur i, pwen jauaja ia wiliandi komail.
Because that for the woorke of Christ he was neere vnto death, and regarded not his life, to fulfill that seruice which was lacking on your part towarde me.

< Men Pilipi 2 >