< Iudaj 1 >

1 IUDAJ, ladu en Iejuj Krijtuj amen, o ri en Iakopuj, ranamau won irail, me pilipildar o me kompoke pan Kot Jam, o me nekinek ren Iejuj Krijtuj.
IVde a seruaunt of Iesus Christ, and brother of Iames, to them which are called and sanctified of God the Father, and returned to Iesus Christ:
2 Kalanan, o popol, o limpok en rokalan komail!
Mercie vnto you, and peace and loue be multiplied.
3 Kompok kan, ni ai nonki kaualap, intin won komail ekij, duen atail dorela ni lamalam ta pot, i men intin won komail o panaui komail, en upaliki pojon, me udan panalan jaraui kan.
Beloued, when I gaue al diligece to write vnto you of the common saluation, it was needful for me to write vnto you to exhort you, that yee should earnestly contend for the maintenace of ye faith, which was once giuen vnto the Saintes.
4 Pwe aramaj akai wailon on, me ar pakadeik mia jan maj o: Irail me doo jan Kot, o re kawukila mak en Kot, on kapwaiada inon jued en uduk, o re kamameki Kot o atail Kaun Iejuj Krijtuj, me iei eta Kaun.
For there are certaine men crept in, which were before of olde ordeined to this condemnation: vngodly men they are which turne the grace of our God into wantonnesse, and denie God the onely Lord, and our Lord Iesus Christ.
5 Komail ajaer meakaroj, ari jo, i men kataman kin komail, me Kaun o kotin jauaja japwilim a aramaj akan ren men Akipten, a mur a kotin kame ir ala, me jota pojon.
I wil therfore put you in remebrance, forasmuch as ye once knew this, how that the Lord, after that he had deliuered the people out of Egypt, destroied them afterward which beleeued not.
6 O tounlan kai, me jota kajampwaleki arail koa, ap muei jan udan deu arail, a kotin nekid kin arail jal mata joutik ni waja rotorot on ran en kadeik lapalap. (aïdios g126)
The Angels also which kept not their first estate, but left their owne habitation, hee hath reserued in euerlasting chaines vnder darkenesse vnto the iudgement of the great day. (aïdios g126)
7 Dueta Jodom, O Komora, o kanim akan, me mi imp ara, me pil nenenek ni tiak ota, dueta ira, o inon ion uduk toror, ap wiala kilel eu, ni ar kamekameki kijinieai joutik. (aiōnios g166)
As Sodom and Gomorrhe, and the cities about them, which in like maner as they did, committed fornication, and followed strange flesh, are set foorth for an ensample, and suffer the vengeance of eternall fire. (aiōnios g166)
8 I dueta mepukat, me kalap auramen, kin kajaminela uduk, o jota duki on kaun o, lalue me linan akan.
Likewise notwithstanding these sleepers also defile the flesh, and despise gouernment, and speake euill of them that are in authoritie.
9 A Mikael, tounlan lapalap amen, ni a Akamai on tewil, akakamaiki kalep en Mojej, a jota kotin ainar on lalaue o kadeikada i, pwe a kotin majanier: Kaun en kotin kapun on uk!
Yet Michael the Archangell, when hee stroue against the deuill, and disputed about the body of Moses, durst not blame him with cursed speaking, but sayd, The Lord rebuke thee.
10 A mepukat kin lalaue, me re jaja; a meakan me re udan aja, dueta man akan, me jota ar lamalam, kawela pein irail.
But these speake euill of those thinges, which they know not: and whatsoeuer things they know naturally, as beasts, which are without reason, in those things they corrupt them selues.
11 Juedi on irail! Irail weweid kier al en Kain, o re lodi on pakotaue en Pileam pweki moni, o ni ar kanudi dueta Kora, re mekilar.
Wo be vnto them: for they haue followed the way of Cain, and are cast away by the deceit of Balaams wages, and perish in the gainsaying of Core.
12 Ir pukat me kaopan omail kamadip limpok kan, ni ar jokrau jomajak o kamana pein irail. Re rajon dapok madekon kan, me an kin wewa jili, o rajon tuka, me jo ta o jo wa kan mia, me melar pan riapak, o jolar due’rail.
These are rockes in your feasts of charitie when they feast with you, without al feare, feeding themselues: cloudes they are without water, caried about of windes, corrupt trees and without fruit, twise dead, and plucked vp by ye rootes.
13 Re rajon iluk en matau, me punpun pototeta, kapwereda pein ar kanamanok kan, rajon moal en uju, ap nekinek on rotorot joutuk. (aiōn g165)
They are the raging waues of the sea, foming out their owne shame: they are wandring starres, to whome is reserued the blackenesse of darkenesse for euer. (aiōn g165)
14 Enok kaijimen murin Adam pil kokop duen irail majanier: Kilan, Kaun o kotido ian japwilim a jaraui kan, me kid neder.
And Enoch also the seuenth from Adam, prophecied of such, saying, Beholde, the Lord commeth with thousands of his Saints,
15 Pwen kadeikada karoj, o kapunada me jan Kot akan karoj, pweki ar dodok o wiawia jued akan, me re wiadar ni ar doo jan Kot, o pil ar lokaia jued, me irail dipan akan wiai on i.
To giue iudgement against al men, and to rebuke all the vngodly among them of all their wicked deeds, which they haue vngodly committed, and of all their cruel speakings, which wicked sinners haue spoken against him.
16 Mepukat kin lipaned o pilipil en pan moli anjau karoj, aki ar kapwaiada ar inon jued, o irail aklapalap ni ar lokaia, o lipilipil jan jal en aramaj pweki moni.
These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their owne lustes: Whose mouthes speake proud things, hauing mens persons in admiration, because of aduantage.
17 A komail, kompok kan, tamanda majan akan, me wanporon en atail Kaun Iejuj Krijtuj akan majanier maj o.
But, yee beloued, remember the wordes which were spoken before of the Apostles of our Lord Iesus Christ,
18 Ni ar majani on komail, me aramaj lalaue pan pwarado ni imwin anjau, me jan Kot, ap kekeideki pein ar inon jued.
How that they told you that there should be mockers in ye last time, which should walke after their owne vngodly lustes.
19 Ir pukat kin kamueit pajan jaulan kan, irail me pali uduk eta, a jota nen arail.
These are they that separate them selues from other, naturall, hauing not the Spirit.
20 A komail kompok kan, kaua kida pein komail omail pojon melel, o jaraui, o kapakapaki Nen jaraui.
But, yee beloued, edifie your selues in your most holy faith, praying in the holy Ghost,
21 Nekinek pein komail ni limpok en Kot, o kaporoporeki kalanan en atail Kaun Iejuj Krijtuj on maur joutuk. (aiōnios g166)
And keepe your selues in the loue of God, looking for the mercie of our Lord Iesus Christ, vnto eternall life. (aiōnios g166)
22 O akai irail me peikajal, komail kadek on,
And haue compassion of some, in putting difference:
23 Jaro kin ir wei jan nan kijiniai o dore ir ala. O kadek on me tei kan ni majak. O komail pil juedeki likau jamin en pali uduk.
And other saue with feare, pulling them out of the fire, and hate euen that garment which is spotted by the flesh.
24 A i me kak pera komail, jan omail pan depikelekel, o kamotan di on komail mon a linan, makelekel, o pereperen,
Nowe vnto him that is able to keepe you, that ye fall not, and to present you faultlesse before the presence of his glorie with ioy,
25 I Kot eta Jaunkamaur patail, ren Iejuj Krijtuj atail Kaun linan, lomin, o wiawia, o manaman en ko on, met o potopot eta kokolata! Amen. (aiōn g165)
That is, to God only wise, our Sauiour, be glorie, and maiestie, and dominion, and power, both nowe and for euer, Amen. (aiōn g165)

< Iudaj 1 >