< Luka 14 >
1 Lishaka limu lya kwoyera, Yesu kagenditi kuliya shiboga kwa yumu gwa walongoziya wa Mafalisayu, na wantu wawaweriti palii waweriti wankumlola handa hakatendi shishi.
One day--it was a Sabbath--He was taking a meal at the house of one of the Rulers of the Pharisee party, while they were closely watching Him.
2 Muntu mweni magulu na mawoku gakuwi gatutuma, kamwiziliti Yesu,
In front of Him was a man suffering from dropsy.
3 na Yesu kawakosiyiti wafunda wa Malagaliru na Mafalisayu, “Hashi, Lilagaliru lya twenga lituruusu kuponiziya mulishaka lya kwoyera?”
This led Jesus to ask the lawyers and Pharisees, "Is it allowable to cure people on the Sabbath?"
4 Kumbiti womberi watakula ndiri shintu. Yesu kamshinkula muntu ulii na kumponiziya na kamleka kagendi zyakuwi.
They gave Him no answer; so He took hold of the man, cured him, and sent him away.
5 Su kawagambira, “Kwana muntu yoseri pakati penu yakawera na mwana ama ng'ombi yakapatukiliti mulirindi mulishaka lya kwoyera su hapeni kamlaviyi toziya ya lishaka lya kwoyera?”
Then He turned to them and said, "Which of you shall have a child or an ox fall into a well on the Sabbath day, and will not immediately lift him out?"
6 Woseri wasinda shakutakula, su wanyamalira jii.
To this they could make no reply.
7 Yesu kaloliti wahenga wamu ntambu yawasyagula pahala paherepa nentu, su kawagambira woseri mfanu agu,
Then, when He noticed that the invited guests chose the best seats, He used this as an illustration and said to them,
8 “Muntu yoseri pakakushemerani mumsambu gwa arusi, namlivaga pahala paherepa nentu. Mana pamonga kwana muntu yakawera mkulu kuliku gwenga wamshemera,
"When any one invites you to a wedding banquet, do not take the best seat, lest perhaps some more honoured guest than you may have been asked,
9 Na ulii mwenikaya kakugambili, ‘Gumlekeli shiti ayu.’ Su palii haguwoni soni na hagugendi kulivaga pahala pa upeleru.
and the man who invited you both will come and will say to you, 'Make room for this guest,' and then you, ashamed, will move to the lowest place.
10 Ira pagushemelwa, gugendi na kulivaga pahala pa upeleru, su mweni kaya gwaku hakizi kwaku na kukugambira, ‘Ganja gwangu, gwizi uganu, pahala paherepa ng'anji.’ Palii hagupananwi ligoya palongolu pa wahenga wamonga woseri.
On the contrary, when you are invited go and take the lowest place, that when your host comes round he may say to you, 'My friend, come up higher.' This will be doing you honour in the presence of all the other guests.
11 Kwa woseri yawalikweniziya hawawasulusiyi, na woseri yawalisulusiya weni hawawakweniziyi.”
For whoever uplifts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be uplifted.
12 Shakapanu Yesu kumgambira na ulii yakamshemera, “Handa pagutenda msambu paliwala ama pashiru naguwashemera waganja waku ama walongu waku ama wapakwegera waku, toziya hawakushemeri na gwenga vira, na kwanjira ayi hagupati shilii shagutenditi kwawu.
Also to His host, who had invited Him, He said, "When you give a breakfast or a dinner, do not invite your friends or brothers or relatives or rich neighbours, lest perhaps they should invite you in return and a requital be made you.
13 Gwenga pagutenda msambu, guwashemeli wahushu, na wavibyeketu, na wana lwisi,
But when you entertain, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind;
14 na hagutekelelwi, toziya hapeni wakulipi shilii shagutenditi kwawu. Mlungu hakakulipi gwenga mulishaka lya wantu waheri pawazyuka.”
and you will be blessed, because they have no means of requiting you, but there will be requital for you at the Resurrection of the righteous."
15 Yumu gwa wantu yawalivagiti kulongolu kwa meza kapikaniriti aga, kamgambiriti Yesu, “Mbaka woseri hawawalivagi mumsambu Muufalumi wa Mlungu!”
After listening to this teaching, one of His fellow guests said to Him, "Blessed is he who shall feast in God's Kingdom."
16 Yesu kamgambira, “Kwana muntu yumu yakatenditi msambu mkulu na kawashemiriti wantu wavuwa.
"A man once gave a great dinner," replied Jesus, "to which he invited a large number of guests.
17 Payiweriti shipindi sha msambu, kawatumiti wantumintumi wakuwi wagendi wakawagambiri walii yawashemiritwi, ‘Wizi, toziya kila shintu shiwera kala!’
At dinner-time he sent his servant to announce to those who had been invited, "'Come, for things are now ready.'
18 Kumbiti wantu woseri, yumu pa yumonga wanjiti kulonga toziya ya kuleka kwiza. Muntu gwa kwanja kamgambiriti ntumintumi, ‘Hemeriti lirambu su nfiruwa ng'endi nukaliloli, su nduwa hapeni nizi.’
"But they all without exception began to excuse themselves. The first told him, "'I have purchased a piece of land, and must of necessity go and look at it. Pray hold me excused.'
19 Muntu gwingi katakula, ‘Hemeriti wang'ombi lilongu limu na nankugolokera kugenda kuwajera mulirambu, su nduwa hapeni nizi!’
"A second pleaded, "'I have bought five yoke of oxen, and am on my way to try them. Pray hold me excused.'
20 Na yumonga katakula, ‘Neni nyuga mdala, su hapeni nizi.’
"Another said, "'I am just married. It is impossible for me to come.'
21 “Su ntumintumi kawuya na kumgambira goseri mtuwa gwakuwi. Mtuwa ulii kakalaliti nentu na kumgambira ntumintumi gwakuwi, ‘kanongola gugendi munjira na muvipenyu vya muisi, gwakawajegi wahushu, na wavibyeketu na wanalwisi wavibyeketu wamonga.’
"So the servant came and brought these answers to his master, and they stirred his anger. "'Go out quickly,' he said, 'into the streets of the city--the wide ones and the narrow. You will see poor men, and crippled, blind, lame: fetch them all in here.'
22 Pamberi ntumintumi kalonga, ‘Mtuwa, vitwatira vitendeka ntambu yagutakuliti, kumbiti mwana fasi mnumba.’
"Soon the servant reported the result, saying, "'Sir, what you ordered is done, and there is room still.'
23 Su mtuwa kamgambiriti ntumintumi, ‘Gugendi munjira na muvipenyu, guwagambiri wantu mpaka wizi, su numba yangu hayimemi.
"'Go out,' replied the master, 'to the high roads and hedge-rows, and compel the people to come in, so that my house may be filled.
24 Nukugambira nakaka kwahera muntu ata yumu pakati pa walii yawawashemeriti hakalambiti ata tyee shiboga shaneni!’”
For I tell you that not one of those who were invited shall taste my dinner.'"
25 Palii lipinga likulu paliweriti lyankugenda pamuwera na Yesu, yomberi kagalambuka na kuwagambira,
On His journey vast crowds attended Him, towards whom He turned and said,
26 “Woseri yawiza kwa neni uganu wawafira tati na mawu wawu, wadala na wana, walongu na wadada wawu, ama womberi, hapeni waweri wafundwa waneni.
"If any one is coming to me who does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes and his own life also, he cannot be a disciple of mine.
27 Woseri yawatola ndiri lupingika lwawu weni na kunfata hapeni waweri wafundwa wangu.”
No one who does not carry his own cross and come after me can be a disciple of mine.
28 “Handa yumu pakati pa mwenga yakafira kunyawa mnara, kwanja kalivaga huti pasi na kulihola galama zakuwi, pakalola handa kana mpiya zitosha za kumalira lihengu.
"Which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not sit down first and calculate the cost, asking if he has the means to finish it? --
29 Handa gwahera mpiya, pagunyawiti liyanjiru hapeni guwezi kumalira kunyawa mnara, na woseri pawalola galii gagalawiriti hawakuseki.
lest perhaps, when he has laid the foundation and is unable to finish, all who see it shall begin to jeer at him,
30 Womberi hawalongi, ‘Muntu ayu yakanjiti kunyawa mnara kasinda kumalira lihengu!’
saying, 'This man began to build, but could not finish.'
31 “Mfalumi yakawera na wantu elufu lilongu limu pakagenda kumkoma mfalumi yumonga yakawera na wantu elufu malongu mawili, mpaka huti yomberi kalivagi kulihola handa kana makakala ga kuukoma ufalumi umonga.
Or what king, marching to encounter another king in war, does not first sit down and deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand men to meet the one who is advancing against him with twenty thousand?
32 Handa pakahera makakala, hakawatumi wajumbi waliwoni na mfalumi yumonga, kumkosiya mashaliti ga ponga uganu yomberi kankali ka kutali.”
If not, while the other is still a long way off, he sends messengers and sues for peace.
33 Yesu kamaliriti kwa kutakula, “Ntambu ira ayi kwahera ata yumu pakati penu hakaweri mfundwa wangu mpaka huti guleki kila shintu shakaweriti nashi.
Just as no one of you who does not detach himself from all that belongs to him can be a disciple of mine.
34 “Munu guherepa, kumbiti munu pagukola ndiri kwahera njira ya kugutenda gukoli kayi.
"Salt is good: but if even the salt has become tasteless, what will you use to season it?
35 Su gufaa ndiri ata pawitira mulitapaka ama kuwera mbotu, hawagwasi kutali. Yakana makutu kapikaniri!”
Neither for land nor dunghill is it of any use; they throw it away. Listen, every one who has ears to listen with!"