< Waefesu 3 >

1 Su neni Paulu, nwera mushibetubetu toziya numtendera Yesu Kristu kwajili ya mwenga wantu yamuwera ndiri Wayawudi, numuluwa Mlungu.
For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Jesus, the Christ, for the sake of you Gentiles –
2 Nakaka mwenga mupikanira kuwera Mlungu kwa manemu gakuwi, kampananiti neni lihengu ali nulitendi kwa mbotu ya mwenga.
For you have heard, I suppose, of the responsible charge with which God entrusted me for your benefit,
3 Mlungu kangubutuliti nuyimani bada ayi. Nongiti kwa ufupi hera muluhamba alu kuusu shitwatila ashi,
and also that it was by direct revelation that the hidden purpose of God was made known to me, as I have already briefly told you.
4 mwenga pamvibetula visoweru vyaneni hamuwezi kuvimana ntambu yanuvimana bada ayi ya Kristu.
And, by reading what I have written, you will be able to judge how far I understand this hidden purpose of God in Christ.
5 Makashu wantu Wagambilitwi ndiri bada ayi, kumbiti vinu Mlungu kawagubutuliti kupitira Rohu gwakuwi kwa wantumintumi wananagala wakuwi na wambuyi wakuwi.
In former generations it was not made known to humanity, as fully as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to the apostles and prophets among Christ’s people –
6 Bada yeni ndo ayi, kwa njira ya Shisoweru Shiwagira wantu yawawera ndiri Wayawudi wawanka matekeleru ga Mlungu pamuhera na Wayawudi, woseri awa wawera wantu wa nshimba yimu na kwa pamuhera woseri wankuwanka lagilu yakayitakuliti Mlungu kupitira Kristu Yesu.
That, by union with Christ Jesus and through the good news, the Gentiles are coheirs with us and members of one body, and that they share with us in God’s Promise.
7 Neni wantenda kuwera ntumintumi gwa Shisoweru Shiwagira kwa manemu ga gweka gakanupiti Mlungu, kwa uwezu wakuwi mkulu.
Of this good news I become an assistant, in virtue of the charge with which God entrusted me in the exercise of his power –
8 Neni namdidika kuliku wantu woseri wa Mlungu, kumbiti kanupiti manemu gakuwi su nuwabweleri wantu yawawera ndiri Wayawudi, Shisoweru Shiwagira sha ulunda wakuwi Kristu, yawupimika ndiri,
Yes, to me, who am less than the least of all Christ’s people, was this charge entrusted! – to tell the Gentiles the good news of the boundless wealth to be found in the Christ,
9 na kutenda wantu wavimani mpangu wa bada ya Mlungu yayififikiti ntambu yayitenda lihengu. Mlungu yakaumbiti vintu vyoseri, kayififiti bada yakuwi kwanjira lupaga lwa pasipanu. (aiōn g165)
and to make clear what is God’s way of working out that hidden purpose which from the first has been concealed in the mind of the Creator of all things; (aiōn g165)
10 Su vinu kwa njira ya shipinga sha wantu yawamjimira Yesu, wakulu na yawawera na makakala kumpindi kwa Mlungu wapati kulumana luhala ntambu Mlungu yakana luhala muvitwatira vyoseri.
so that now to the archangels and to all the powers on high should be made known, through the church, the all-embracing wisdom of God,
11 Mlungu kashitenditi shitwatila ashi kugenderana na mafiliru gakuwi ga mashaka goseri, aga kagatenditi kupitira Yesu Kristu Mtuwa gwetu. (aiōn g165)
in accordance with that purpose which runs through all the ages and which he has now accomplished in Jesus, the Christ, our Master. (aiōn g165)
12 Su mukulikolera pamuhera na Kristu na kwa kumjimira Yomberi, twenga tupata lupenyu patuwera na unakaka tumgendera Mlungu kwa matumbiru.
And in union with him, and through our trust in him, we find courage to approach God with confidence.
13 Su nankuwaluweni namuwuya kumbeli toziya ya ntabika yampata toziya ya mwenga, ntenda hangu toziya ya ukwisa wa mwenga.
Therefore I beg you not to be disheartened at the sufferings that I am undergoing for your sakes; for they redound to your honour.
14 Toziya ayi numsuntamalira Tati kumluwa,
For this reason, then, I kneel before the Father –
15 yakawera shanjiru sha kaya zyoseri pasipanu na kumpindi.
from whom all “fatherhood” in heaven and on earth derives its name –
16 Numuluwa Mlungu kulawirana na ukwisa wakuwi mkulu, kawapanani mwenga makakala kupitira Rohu gwakuwi muweri wagangamala mngati mwa mwenga,
and pray that, in proportion to the wealth of his glory, he will strengthen you with his power by breathing his Spirit into your inmost soul,
17 su nankuluwa kuwera Kristu kalikali mumyoyu ya mwenga kupitira njimiru. Numuluwa Mlungu mpati kuwera na mishigira na lyanjiru lya mafiliru,
so that the Christ, through your faith, may make his home within your hearts in love; and I pray that you, now firmly rooted and established, may, with all Christ’s people,
18 su muwezi kuvimana pamuhera na wantu woseri wa Mlungu ntambu mafiliru ga Kristu gaeneya kwa utali na upana kwa kimu na kina.
have the power to comprehend in all its width and length and height and depth,
19 Yina, mpati kumana mafiliru ga Kristu gagapita mahala goseri, mmemiziwi nakamu visoweru vyakuwi vyoseri vya Mlungu.
and to understand – though it surpasses all understanding – the love of the Christ; and so be filled with all the fullness of God.
20 Mlungu kaweza kutenda vitwatira vikulu nentu kuliku vilii vyatuweza kuviluwa ama kuvihola, kwa makakala gakuwi gagatenda lihengu mngati mwa twenga,
To him who, through his power which is at work within us, is able to do far more than anything that we can ask or conceive –
21 Mlungu kakwiswi kupitira shipinga sha wantu woseri yawamjimira Yesu na kupitira Kristu Yesu mweni, kakwiswi, viyiwuku vyoseri na mashaka goseri! Yina haa. (aiōn g165)
to him be all glory through the church and through Christ Jesus, for all generations, age after age. Amen. (aiōn g165)

< Waefesu 3 >