< Matendu 9 >

1 Kumbiti Sauli, kazidi kutisha na kulihola kuwahowiziya wafundwa wa Mtuwa, kamgendera Mtambika Mkulu gwa Numba Ngulu ya Mlungu,
Now Saul, whose every breath was a threat of destruction for the disciples of the Lord,
2 na mawankulu ga luhamba lwa kumaniziya kugenda kwa numba ya Mlungu kulii Dameski, su pakawona wantu wa njira ayi, wapalu kwa wadala, kawatawi na kuwajega Yerusalemu.
went to the High Priest and begged from him letters addressed to the synagogues in Damascus, in order that if he found any believers there, either men or women, he might bring them in chains to Jerusalem.
3 Kumbiti pakaweriti mnjira pakwegera kusoka Dameski, vumu gulangala koseri kulawa kuliyera.
But on the journey, as he was getting near Damascus, suddenly there flashed round him a light from Heaven;
4 Kaguwa pasi, na kapikanira liziwu lyakumgambira, “Sauli, Sauli! Iwera hashi guntabisiya?”
and falling to the ground he heard a voice which said to him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?"
5 Yomberi Sauli kakosiya, “Ndo gaa gwenga Mtuwa?” Nayomberi kamwankula, “Neni Yesu, mweni gwenga gumbeziyiti,” Liziwu lilonga.
"Who art thou, Lord?" he asked. "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," was the reply.
6 “Kumbiti gugoloki na gugendi gwingiri mlushi na aku hagugambilwi shagufiruwa kutenda.”
"But rise and go to the city, and you will be told what you are to do.
7 Wantu walii yawaweriti wamwanja pamuhera na Sauli wagolokiti palii, waweriti wahera lya kutakula, wapikiniriti lilii liziwu kumbiti wamwona ndiri muntu.
Meanwhile the men who travelled with Saul were standing dumb with amazement, hearing a sound, but seeing no one.
8 Sauli kagolokiti, na pakatumuliti masu gakuwi, kumbiti hakeniwoni shintu shoseri, wantu walii wamlongolera kwa kumkola liwoku mpaka lushi lwa Dameski.
Then he rose from the ground, but when he had opened his eyes, he could not see, and they led him by the arm and brought him to Damascus.
9 Sauli kalivagiti mashaka matatu pota kulola, na shipindi ashi kaliyiti ndiri ama kulanda shoseri.
And for two days he remained without sight, and did not eat or drink anything.
10 Su, aku Dameski kuweriti na mfundwa yumu yawamshema Ananiya. Mtuwa kamgambira mawonu, “Ananiya!” Yomberi kamwankula, “Na panu, Mtuwa”.
Now in Damascus there was a disciple of the name of Ananias. The Lord spoke to him in a vision, saying, "Ananias!" "I am here, Lord," he answered.
11 Mtuwa kamgambira, Gugoloki, gugendi kwana njira yayishemwa longulongu, munumba ya Yuda gumkosiyi muntu kulawa Tarisu yawamshema Sauli, vinu kankuluwa,
"Rise," said the Lord, "and go to Straight Street, and inquire at the house of Judas for a man called Saul, from Tarsus, for he is actually praying.
12 na mumawonu kawona muntu wamshema Ananiya kingira munumba na kumtulira mawoku su kapati kulola kayi.
He has seen a man called Ananias come and lay his hands upon him so that he may recover his sight."
13 Ananiya kankula, “Mtuwa, mpikanira shisoweru sha muntu ayu kulawa kwa wantu wavuwa, mpikanira kuusu madoda gakawatendiriti wantu waku aku Yerusalemu.
"Lord," answered Ananias, "I have heard about that man from many, and I have heard of the great mischief he has done to Thy people in Jerusalem;
14 Na kiza panu kaweri na utuwa kulawa kwa Watambika Wakulu kuwatula mlikakala woseri yawalishemera litawu lyakuwi.”
and here he is authorized by the High Priests to arrest all who call upon Thy name."
15 Kumbiti mtuwa kamgambira Ananiya, “Gugendi hera, toziya numsyagula kaweri shombu shaneni, kalibweri litawu lyangu kwa maisi na wafalumi wawu kwa wantu wa Israeli.”
"Go," replied the Lord; "he is a chosen instrument of Mine to carry My name to the Gentiles and to kings and to the descendants of Israel.
16 “Neni namweni hanumlagiziyi gavuwa kwa ntambu ya litawu lyangu.”
For I will let him know the great sufferings which he must pass through for My sake."
17 Su, Ananiya kagenda kingira mnumba. Shakapanu katula mawoku gakuwi pampindi pa Sauli, katakula, “Mlongu Sauli, Mtuwa Yesu, yakakulawiriti paweriti mnjira kankwiza panu, kanduma neni su gupati kulola kayi na kumemiziwa Rohu Mnanagala.”
So Ananias went and entered the house; and, laying his two hands upon Saul, said, "Saul, brother, the Lord--even Jesus who appeared to you on your journey--has sent me, that you may recover your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit."
18 Mala, vintu gambira mabaku gatuluka kulawa mmasu mwa Sauli, na kaweza kulola kayi. Kagolokiti na kubatizwa,
Instantly there dropped from his eyes what seemed to be scales, and he could see once more. Upon this he rose and received baptism;
19 na pa kuliya shiboga, likakala lyakuwi limwuyira. Sauli katamiti mashaka madidini pamuhera na wafundwa aku Dameski.
after which he took food and regained his strength. Then he remained some little time with the disciples in Damascus.
20 Mala kanjiti kubwera pakati pa numba ya Mlungu handa Yesu ndo Mwana gwa Mlungu.
And in the synagogues he began at once to proclaim Jesus as the Son of God;
21 Wantu woseri wampikiniriti walikangasha, watakula, “Hashi, muntu ayu ndo ulaulii yakawahoziyiti walii waweriti wankuluwa kwa litawu ali kulii Yerusalemu? Kayi kiziti panu kaweriti na nfiru ya kuwatula mlikakala wantu hawa na kuwajega kwa Watambika Wakulu!”
and his hearers were all amazed, and began to ask one another, "Is not this the man who in Jerusalem tried to exterminate those who called upon that Name, and came here on purpose to carry them off in chains to the High Priests?"
22 Ata vinu Sauli kazidi kupata makakala, na kwa ntambu handa Yesu ndomweni Kristu, Wayawudi wa aku Dameski wapalanganikiti nakamu.
Saul, however, gained more and more influence, and as for the Jews living in Damascus, he bewildered them with his proofs that Jesus is the Christ.
23 Pa mashaka gavuwa gapititi. Wayawudi wajojinikiti na kutenda mpangu gwa kumlaga Sauli.
At length the Jews plotted to kill Saul;
24 Kumbiti Sauli kapatiti shisoweru sha mpangu hagu. Paliwala na pashiru waloliriti milyangu gwa kwingira mlushi lulii wapati kumlaga.
but information of their intention was given to him. They even watched the gates, day and night, in order to murder him;
25 Kumbiti shipindi sha pashiru wafundwa wakuwi wamtoliti, wamsulusiya pasi mnumba kwa lijamanda likulu kwa kupitira lupenyu lwaluweriti mshibambaza.
but his disciples took him by night and let him down through the wall, lowering him in a hamper.
26 Sauli pakasokiti Yerusalemu kajeriti kuliwunga na walii wafundwa. Kumbiti woseri wamtiriti, waweziti ndiri kujimira handa yomberi kaweriti ntumintumi.
So he came to Jerusalem and made several attempts to associate with the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, being in doubt as to whether he himself was a disciple.
27 Kumbiti Barinaba kiziti kumtola Sauli, kamjega kwa wantumintumi na kawagambira ntambu Sauli pakamwoniti Mtuwa munjira, na ntambu Mtuwa pakayoweriti nayomberi. Kawagambiriti viraa ntambu Sauli pakaweriti kankubwera kwa litawu lya Yesu pota lyoga Dameski kulii.
Barnabas, however, came to his assistance. He brought Saul to the Apostles, and related to them how, on his journey, he had seen the Lord, and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had fearlessly taught in the name of Jesus.
28 Su, Sauli kalivaga pamuhera na womberi katyangira Yerusalemu yoseri kankubwera shisoweru sha Mtuwa pota lyoga.
Henceforth Saul was one of them, going in and out of the city,
29 Vilaa kayowiriti na kukakatala na Wayawudi wawatakula Shigiriki, kumbiti womberi wajeriti kumlaga.
and speaking fearlessly in the name of the Lord. And he often talked with the Hellenists and had discussions with them.
30 Walongu walii pawayambuliti shitwatira ashi, wamtoliti Sauli, wamjega Kaisariya, wamleka kagendi zakuwi Tarisu.
But they kept trying to take his life. On learning this, the brethren brought him down to Caesarea, and then sent him by sea to Tarsus.
31 Shakapanu shipinga sha wantu yawamjimira Yesu, shiweriti na ponga poseri Muyudeya na Galilaya na Samariya. Shitulitwi makakala na shyendereyiti kulikala mukumguwira Mtuwa na kupananwa moyu na Rohu Mnanagala, mawalangu ga shipinga ashi shyongerikiti.
The Church, however, throughout the whole of Judaea, Galilee and Samaria, had peace and was spiritually built up; and grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord and receiving encouragement from the Holy Spirit.
32 Peteru pakaweriti mwanja kila pahala kasokiti viraa kwa wantu wa Mlungu yawaweriti walivaga Lida.
Now Peter, as he went to town after town, came down also to God's people at Lud.
33 Haku kamwoniti muntu yumu yawamshema Aineya ndomweni kwa shipindi sha vinja vinane kaweriti kagonja mshitanda toziya kaweriti kuleweleka.
There he found a man of the name of Aeneas, who for eight years had kept his bed, through being paralysed.
34 Peteru kamgambira, Aineya, “Yesu Kristu kakuponiziya, Guyumuki gutandiki shitanda shaku.” Su Aineya kayumuka.
Peter said to him, "Aeneas, Jesus Christ cures you. Rise and make your own bed." He at once rose to his feet.
35 Wenikaya woseri wa Lida na Sharoni wamwoniti Aineya, na woseri wamwuyira Mtuwa.
And all the people of Lud and Sharon saw him; and they turned to the Lord.
36 Kuweriti na mfundwa yumu mdala, mlushi lwa Yopa, wamshema Tabita kwa Shigiriki ndo Dorikasi mana yakuwi, mbawala. Mdala ayu kaweriti kankutenda viheri na kuwatanga wahushu.
Among the disciples at Jaffa was a woman called Tabitha, or, as the name may be translated, 'Dorcas.' Her life was wholly devoted to the good and charitable actions which she was constantly doing.
37 Shipindi ashi payiwera handa kalwala, na kuhowa. Wantu wayigulula nshimba yakuwi, wayigonjeka mushumba mgolofa.
But, as it happened, just at that time she was taken ill and died. After washing her body they laid it out in a room upstairs.
38 Yopa patali ndiri na Lida, wafundwa pawapikaniriti handa Peteru kaweriti Lida, watuma wantu wawiri kwakuwi na ujumbi, “Gwizi kwatwenga kanongola.”
Lud, however, being near Jaffa, the disciples, who had heard that Peter was at Lud, sent two men to him with an urgent request that he would come across to them without delay.
39 Su, Peteru kagenda pamuhera nawomberi. Pakasokiti kajegitwi mgolofa ilii mushumba. Aku wakenja wavuwa wamtindira Peteru wankulira na kumlanguziya makoti na nguwu ndozyeni Dorikasi kaweriti kankuzinyawa shipindi pakaweriti mkomu.
So Peter rose and went with them. On his arrival they took him upstairs, and the widow women all came and stood by his side, weeping and showing him the underclothing and cloaks and garments of all kinds which Dorcas used to make while she was still with them.
40 Peteru kawalaviyiti kunja woseri, kasuntama, kamluwa Mlungu. Shakapanu kayigalambukira ira nshimba ya ulii yakahowiti, kalonga, “Tabita, Gyumuki.” Nayomberi katumula masu gakuwi,
Peter, however, putting every one out of the room, knelt down and prayed, and then turning to the body, he said, "Tabitha, rise." Dorcas at once opened her eyes, and seeing Peter, sat up.
41 Peteru kamtanga kugoloka, shakapanu kawashema wantu walii wa Mlungu na walii wakenja, kawayupa pakawera mkomu.
Then, giving her his hand, he raised her to her feet and, calling to him God's people and the widows, he gave her back to them alive.
42 Shisoweru sha shitwatira ashi shivuwiti kila pahala aku Yopa, na wantu wavuwa wamjimira Mtuwa.
This incident became known throughout Jaffa, and many believed in the Lord;
43 Peteru kalivagiti mashaka gamu aku Yopa, katama kwa muntu yumu mnyawa gwa lukuli yawamshema Simoni.
and Peter remained for a considerable time at Jaffa, staying at the house of a man called Simon, a tanner.

< Matendu 9 >