< Matendu 11 >

1 Wantumintumi na walongu yawalikaliti Yudeya kulii wapikiniriti kuwera wantu yawawera ndiri Wayawudi viraa washiwankiti shisoweru sha Mlungu.
Now the apostles and the brothers who were in Judea heard that the non-Jewish people had also received the word of God.
2 Shipindi Peteru pakawuyiti Yerusalemu, walii wawayingiriti jandu, walikakatala na yomberi,
When Peter had come up to Jerusalem, those who were of the circumcision contended with him,
3 “Gwenga gugenda kulikala na wantu wangali kwingiziwa jandu na ata guliya pamuhera nawomberi!
saying, "You went in to uncircumcised men, and ate with them."
4 Panu Peteru kawagambira shinaga ubaga kuusu galii gagatendikiti tangu kwanjira.”
But Peter began, and explained to them in order, saying,
5 “Lishaka limu nweriti nankuluwa Mlungu mlushi Lwa Yopa, moniti mawonu, moniti shintu gambira lishuka likulu lyankusuluka pasi kulawa kumpindi liweriti likolwa pembi zyakuwi msheshi, litulwa pambwega pangu.
"I was in the city of Joppa praying, and in a trance I saw a vision: a certain container descending, like it was a great sheet let down from heaven by four corners. It came as far as me.
6 Nzunguliriti mngati nweri mona vigongolu wana magulu msheshi, wavigongolu wa mushitogolu, wag'ongolu wawakwawa na wambongu wa kuliyera.
When I had looked intently at it, I considered, and saw the four-footed animals of the earth, wild animals, crawling creatures, and birds of the sky.
7 Shakapanu mbikanira liziwu lyangung'ambira, ‘Peteru gwimuki, gulagi na guliyi!’
I also heard a voice saying to me, 'Rise, Peter, kill and eat.'
8 Kumbiti neni pandakula, ‘ndala, Mtuwa! Mana shoseri shashiwera shihumba ama shidoda asheni yingiri mumlomu mwaneni.’
But I said, 'Not so, Lord, for nothing unholy or unclean has ever entered into my mouth.'
9 Liziwu lipikanika kayi kulawa kumpindi, ‘naguvishema vihumba vintu Mlungu vyakavipungiti.’
But a voice answered the second time out of heaven, 'What God has cleansed, do not call unclean.'
10 Shitwatira ashi shitendikiti mala ndatu, na upeleru wakuwi viwusiwa kugenda kumpindi.
This was done three times, and all were drawn up again into heaven.
11 Katepu hera, wantu watatu wawaweriti wawalagalira kwaneni kulawa Kaisariya wayingiriti kunumba kwanweriti nankulikala, wankulikala.
And look, immediately three men stood before the house where we were, having been sent from Caesarea to me.
12 Rohu kang'ambiriti ng'endi pamuhera nawomberi pota kutira. Walongu sita awa walikoliti pamuhera naneni, twingira mnumba ya muntu ulii.
The Spirit told me to go with them, without discriminating. These six brothers also accompanied me, and we entered into the man's house.
13 Yomberi katugambiriti ntambu yakaweriti kamwona ntumintumi gwa kumpindi kagoloka ukaya kwakuwi na kumgambira, ‘Gumtumi muntu Yopa kakamshemi muntu yumu yawamshema Simoni Peteru.
He told us how he had seen the angel standing in his house, and saying to him, 'Send to Joppa, and get Simon, whose surname is Peter,
14 Yomberi hakakugambiri ujumbi weni haukulopoziyi gwenga na kaya yaku yoseri.’
who will speak to you words by which you will be saved, you and all your house.'
15 Na pakanyanjiti kuyowera hera, Rohu Mnanagala kawasulukiriti gambira ntambu yakatusulukiriti twenga palii pakwanjira.
As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell on them, even as on us at the beginning.
16 Panu nuliholiti visoweru vilii Mtuwa ntambu yakatakuriti, ‘Yohani kabatiziti kwa mashi, kumbiti mwenga hamubatizwi kwa Rohu Mnanagala.’
I remembered the word of the Lord, how he said, 'John indeed baptized in water, but you will be baptized in the Holy Spirit.'
17 Su, handa Mlungu kawapanana viraa wantu wa maisi gamonga shirupa shirashilii shakatupiti twenga patumjimiriti Mtuwa Yesu Kristu, hashi, neni ndo gaa ata panjera kumubera Mlungu!”
If then God gave to them the same gift as us, when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I, that I could withstand God?"
18 Pawapikaniriti aga, walekiti likakatala, wamkwisa Mlungu pawalonga, “Mlungu kawapanana wantu yawawera ndiri Wayawudi lupenyu lwa kuleka vidoda wapati ukomu!”
When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, "Then God has also granted to the non-Jews repentance to life."
19 Kulawilirana na ndabiku yairawiliti shipindi Stefanu pawamlagiti, wawumini wapalasiwitwi. Wamonga wagenditi mpaka Foiniki, Kupiru na Antiokiya pawabwera ujumbi ulii kwa Wayawudi hera.
They therefore who were scattered abroad by the oppression that arose about Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, speaking the word to no one except to Jews only.
20 Kumbiti wamonga wa wantu yawamjimiriti Yesu yawalawiti Kupiru na Kureni, wagenditi Antiokiya pawawubwera ujumbi kwa wantu yawawera ndiri Wayawudi, pawashibwera Shisoweru Shiwagira kuusu Mtuwa Yesu.
But there were some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who, when they had come to Antioch, spoke to the Greeks, proclaiming the good news of the Lord Jesus.
21 Mtuwa kawatangiti na wantu wavuwa wajimiriti na kumgalambukira Mtuwa.
The hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number believed and turned to the Lord.
22 Shisoweru sha shitwatira ashi shipikanirika kwa shipinga sha wantu yawamjimira Yesu aku Yerusalemu. Hangu wamtuma Barinaba kagendi Antiokiya.
And the report concerning them was heard by the church in Jerusalem, so they sent Barnabas to Antioch,
23 Pakasokiti aku na kuwona Mlungu ntambu yakawatekeleriti wantu, kanemeleriti na kawahimiziya woseri walikali muwuwaminika wawu kwa Mtuwa kwa Moyu gwawu goseri.
who, when he had come, and had seen the grace of God, was glad. He exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they should remain true to the Lord.
24 Barinaba kaweriti muntu muheri na kamemiti Rohu Mnanagala na njimiru, likundi likulu lya wantu likwegitwi kwa Mtuwa.
For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith, and many people were added to the Lord.
25 Shakapanu, Barinaba kagenditi Tarisu kumsakula Sauli.
Barnabas went out to Tarsus to look for Saul.
26 Pakamwoniti, kamjega Antiokiya. Nawomberi woseri wawili walikala mushipinga sha wantu yawamjimira Yesu kwa shinja shoseri pawafunda shipinga shikulu sha wantu. Antiokiya aku, ndo kwa mala ya kwanja, wafundwa washemitwi wantu yawamjimira Kristu.
When he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. It happened, that for a whole year they were gathered together with the church, and taught many people. The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.
27 Shipindi shiraa shirii, wambuyi wa Mlungu wiziti Antiokiya kulawa Yerusalemu.
Now in these days, prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch.
28 Yumu gwawu wamshema Agabu kagolokiti, na kwa makakala ga Rohu katungiti handa hakuweri na njala ngulu muisi yoseri. Njala ayi ilawiriti shipindi sha ukola mlima wa Klawudi.
One of them named Agabus stood up, and indicated by the Spirit that there should be a great famine all over the world, which also happened in the days of Claudius.
29 Wafundwa walii waamuwiti kila yumu kwa ntambu ya uwezu wakuwi kajegi shoseri su kuwatangitira walongu walii wawaweriti wankulikala Yudeya.
As any of the disciples had plenty, each determined to send relief to the brothers who lived in Judea;
30 Watenda hangu, shakapanu, na kuwapanana mpiya wazewi wa Ludewa lwa Barinaba na Sauli.
which they also did, sending it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.

< Matendu 11 >