< 1 Wakorintu 10 >
1 Walongu wayangu nfira muvimani shilii shashiwalawiriti wambuyi wa twenga yawamfatiti Musa. Woseri waweriti pasi pa ulolera wa liwundu lilii na woseri walokiti mubahali njeri ilii.
I want you to bear in mind, friends, that all our ancestors were beneath the cloud, and all passed through the sea;
2 Woseri wabatizitwi waweri wantumini wa Musa muliwundi lilii na mubahali njeri ilii.
that in the cloud and in the sea they all underwent baptism as followers of Moses;
3 Woseri waliyiti shiboga shiraa shilii sha shirohu.
and that they all ate the same supernatural food,
4 Vilaa vilii walanditi shakulanda shiraa shilii sha shirohu. Womberi walanditi kulawa mulitalawu lulii lya shirohu lwaluwafatiti, litalawu ali ndo Kristu mweni.
and all drank the same supernatural water, for they used to drink from a supernatural rock which followed them, and that rock was the Christ.
5 Pamuhera na hangu, wavua wawu wamfiriziyiti ndiri Mlungu na mauti gawu gapalasiyitwi kushiwala.
Yet with most of them God was displeased; for they were struck down in the desert.
6 Vinu, goseri aga galawira kutuberiziya twenga, su natuwera wantu wakufira vidoda gambira womberi ntambu yawatenditi.
Now these things happened as warnings to us, to teach us not to long for evil things as our ancestors longed.
7 Namguwira vinyagu gambira wamu wawu ntambu yawatenda. Malembu Mananagala ntambu yagalonga, “Wantu walivagiti kuliya na kulanda na wagoloka na wavina vidoda.”
Do not become idolaters, as some of them became. Scripture says – “The people sat down to eat and drink, and stood up to dance.”
8 Namuhumba gambira wamu wawu ntambu yawahumbiti, wahowiti wantu elufu malongu mawili na miya tatu kwa lishaka limu.
Nor let us act immorally, as some of them acted, with the result that twenty-three thousand of them fell dead in a single day.
9 Natumjera Mtuwa Kristu gambira wamu wawu tambu yawamjeriti, woseri wahowiti kwa kulumwa na wanjoka.
Nor let us try the patience of the Lord too far, as some of them tried it, with the result that they were, one after another, destroyed by snakes.
10 Namuhinginika gambira wamu wawu ntambu yawatenda, su walagitwi na lihoka lya kulaga lyakatumitwi na Mlungu.
And do not murmur, as some of them murmured, and so were destroyed by the angel of death.
11 Su shitwatila ashi shiwapatiti shiwera mfanu kwa wamonga na galembitwi su kutuberiziya twenga, yatulikala mumashaka gapakwegera kupelera. (aiōn )
These things happened to them by way of warning, and were recorded to serve as a caution to us, in whose days the close of the ages has come. (aiōn )
12 Ulii yakalihola kuwera kagangamala, kaloli hweri nakaguwa.
Therefore let the person who thinks that they stand take care that they do not fall.
13 Majeru gampatiti mahenga ndiri kwa wantu. Mlungu kaaminika, yomberi hapeni kawaleki mjerwi kupita makakala genu. Kumbiti pamjerwa hakawapanani makakala ga kuhepelera na njira ya kulawira amu.
No temptation has come upon you that is not common to all humanity. God will not fail you, and he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength; but, when he sends the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape, so that you may have strength to endure.
14 Su, waganja wangu mtiri kuviguwira vinyagu.
Therefore, my dear friends, shun the worship of idols.
15 Nankutakula na mwenga, wantu yawawera na luhala, muliholi maweni aga gantakula.
I speak to you as man of discernment; form your own judgment about what I am saying.
16 Patulutekelera lutekeru lwa Mtuwa, hashi, tulikolerana ndiri pamuhera na mwazi gwa Kristu? Hashi, patumega libumunda tulikolerana pamuhera ndiri na nshimba ya Kristu?
In the cup of blessing which we bless, is not there a sharing in the blood of the Christ? And in the bread which we break, is not there a sharing in the body of the Christ?
17 Toziya kwana libumunda limu hera, tembera twenga yatuwera tuvuwa, tuwera nshimba yimu, toziya twawoseri tubagulana pamuhera mulibumunda liraa ali.
The bread is one, and we, though many, are one body; for we all partake of that one bread.
18 Mwawaloli wantu wa Israeli, walii yawaliya shilii shashilaviyitwi tambiku su walikolerana pamuhera na Mlungu kupitira tambiku zyawamlavilira.
Look at the people of Israel. Do not those who eat the sacrifices share with the altar?
19 Vinu, ntakuli shishi? Shiboga shawashitambikiriti shinyagu shintu shikulu kuliku shiboga? Na vinyagu avi, vintu vikulu?
What do I mean? That an offering made to an idol, or the idol itself, is anything?
20 Ndala! Shantakula neni ndo ashi. Tambiku zyawazilaviya wantu yawammana ndiri Mlungu wamlavilira ndiri Mlungu, walavilira washamshera. Na neni nfira ndiri nakamu mwenga mulikolerani pamuhera na washamshera.
No; what I say is that the sacrifices offered by the Gentiles are offered to demons and to a being who is no God, and I do not want you to share with demons.
21 Mwenga hapeni mlandiri lutekeru lwa Mtuwa, uganu mwankulandira lutekeru lwa washamshera, hapeni muwezi kuliya shiboga pameza pa Mtuwa na pameza pa washamshera.
You cannot drink both the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake at the table of the Lord and at the table of demons.
22 Hashi, tufira kumtenda Mtuwa kaweri na weya? Hashi, twana makakala ng'anji kuliku yomberi?
Or are we to rouse the jealousy of the Lord? Are we stronger than he?
23 Su wantu wamu pakati penu walonga, “Vintu vyoseri vilewelerwa ndiri, kumbiti nonga vyoseri ndiri viherepa. Vintu vyoseri vyavilewelewitwi, kumbiti nonga vyoseri ndiri vinyawa.”
Everything is allowable! Yes, but everything is not profitable. Everything is allowable! Yes, but everything does not build up character.
24 Muntu yoseri pakati penu nakasakula mota yakuwi mweni, kumbiti kasakuli mota ya myaguwi.
A person must not study their own interests, but the interests of others.
25 Mliyi shoseri shilii shawawuza kusoku pota na kulikosiya kosiya toziya ya nfiru zyenu ziweri na unakaka,
Eat anything that is sold in the market, without making inquiries to satisfy your scruples;
26 toziya Malembu Mananagala galonga, “Pasipanu na vyoseri vyaviweramu viwera vya Mtuwa.”
for the earth, with all that is in it, belongs to the Lord.
27 Handa muntu yakamwamini ndiri Kristu pakawashemera kuliya shiboga na mwamuwa kugenda, mliyi vyoseri vyakawatandireni pota ya kukosiya kosiya toziya ya nfiru zyenu.
If an unbeliever invites you to his house and you consent to go, eat anything that is put before you, without making inquiries to satisfy your scruples.
28 Kumbiti muntu pakawagambireni, “Shiboga ashi washitambikilira vinyagu,” Su toziya ya ulii yakawagambireni na toziya ya nfiru zyenu, namliya.
But, if anyone should say to you “This has been offered in sacrifice to an idol,” then, for the sake of the speaker and his scruples, do not eat it.
29 Ntakula, toziya ya nfiru, nfiru ya yenu ndiri kumbiti nfiru yakuwi ayu yakawagambireni. Hamunkosiyi, iwera hashi ulekeziwu wa neni utozwi na nfiru ya muntu gwingi?
I do not say your scruples, but his. For why should the freedom that I claim be condemned by the scruples of another?
30 Payiwera neni nonga mayagashii Mlungu toziya ya shiboga shaneni, iwera hashi muntu gwingi kanongi kwa shiboga shanongiti mayagashii Mlungu?
If, for my part, I take the food thankfully, why should I be abused for eating that for which I give thanks?
31 Su shoseri shamtenda, kuliya ama kulanda, mtendi goseri kwa ukwisa wa Mlungu.
Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do everything to the honour of God.
32 Namuwera shileweleru kwa Wayawudi ama kwa wantu yawawera ndiri Wayawudi ama kwa Shipinga sha wantu shawamjimira Mlungu.
Do not cause offence either to Jews or Greeks or to the church of God;
33 Mulikali gambira neni, nfira kuwaherepeziya wantu woseri kwa vyoseri vyantenda, toziya nsakula ndiri mota yangu namweni, kumbiti mota ya woseri wapati kulopoziwa.
for I, also, try to please everybody in everything, not seeking my own advantage, but do what is best for others, so that they may be saved.