< زکریا 7 >
در سال چهارم سلطنت داریوش پادشاه، در روز چهارم از ماه نهم یعنی ماه کیسلو، خداوند پیام دیگری به من داد. | 1 |
When Darius had been the emperor for almost four years, on December 7, Yahweh gave me [another] message.
یهودیان شهر بیتئیل، گروهی از مردان خود را به سرپرستی شراصر و رجم ملک به خانهٔ خدا فرستادند تا از خداوند مسئلت کنند | 2 |
The people of Bethel [city] sent two men, Sharezer and Regem-Melech, along with some other men, [to the temple of Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of angels, ] to request that Yahweh bless them.
و از کاهنان خانۀ خداوند لشکرهای آسمان و انبیا بپرسند که آیا به روزه و سوگواری خود در ماه پنجم ادامه بدهند، چنانکه در این سالها این کار را کردهاند، یا نه. | 3 |
They also asked the priests at Yahweh’s temple and the prophets [this question]: “For many years, during the fifth month [and during the seventh month of each year], we have mourned and (fasted/abstained from eating food). Should we [continue to do that]?”
خداوند لشکرهای آسمان به من فرمود که این جواب را به آنها بدهم: | 4 |
Then the Commander of the armies of angels gave me a message.
«به قوم و کاهنان بگویید که در این هفتاد سالی که در ماههای پنجم و هفتم روزه میگرفتند و سوگواری میکردند، برای خاطر من نبود. | 5 |
[He said], “Tell [RHQ] the priests and all the [other] people of Judah that during the past 70 years, when they mourned and fasted during the fifth and seventh months [of each year], it was not really [RHQ] me, [Yahweh], whom they were [honoring].
اکنون نیز هنگام برگزاری عیدهای مقدّس، به فکر من نیستند، بلکه فقط به فکر خوردن و نوشیدن و سرگرمی خودشان هستند. | 6 |
And when they ate and drank, it was really [RHQ] to [benefit] themselves.
همین هشدار را من سالها قبل وقتی هنوز اورشلیم امن و آباد بود و شهرهای مجاور و جنوب آن نیز مسکونی بودند، توسط انبیا به گوش قوم رساندم.» | 7 |
That is certainly [RHQ] what I continually told the former prophets to proclaim [to the people], when Jerusalem and the nearby towns were prosperous and filled with people, and people [also] lived in the desert area to the south and in the foothills [to the west].”
سپس خداوند لشکرهای آسمان به زکریا فرمود که این پیام را به ایشان بدهد: «نسبت به یکدیگر درستکار و با انصاف و رحیم و مهربان باشید. | 8 |
Yahweh gave another message to me, saying
“[Tell the people that] this is what the Commander of the armies of angels says: ‘Do what is just/right, and act kindly and mercifully toward each other.
از ظلم کردن به بیوهزنان و یتیمان و افراد غریب و فقیر دست بردارید و برای یکدیگر توطئه نچینید. | 10 |
Do not (oppress/treat cruelly) widows or orphans or foreigners or poor people. Do not even think about doing evil to anyone else.’”
اما اجداد شما به این پیام گوش ندادند. آنها سرپیچی نموده گوشهای خود را گرفتند تا صدایم را نشنوند. | 11 |
But the people refused to pay attention [to what Yahweh said]. They turned their backs [to him], and put their hands over their ears in order to not hear [what he said].
دلهای خود را مثل سنگ، سخت کردند و نخواستند دستورهایی را که خداوند لشکرهای آسمان با روح خود بهوسیلۀ انبیای گذشته به ایشان داده بود، بشنوند. به همین دلیل بود که خشم عظیم خداوند لشکرهای آسمان بر ایشان نازل شد.» | 12 |
They were very stubborn [IDM], and they would not listen to the laws [that God gave to Moses] or the messages that the Commander of the armies of angels told his Spirit to give to the prophets who were now dead. So the Commander of the armies of angels was very angry.
خداوند لشکرها چنین میفرماید: «من فریاد برآوردم ولی آنها صدایم را نشنیده گرفتند. من نیز وقتی آنها به سوی من فریاد برآوردند به دعای ایشان گوش ندادم. | 13 |
The Commander of the armies of angels says, “When I called/spoke [to the people], they would not listen. So when they called/prayed [to me], I did not listen.
همچون گردباد آنها را در میان قومهای دور پراکنده ساختم. دشمن سرزمین آبادشان را چنان ویران کرد که حتی یک نفر نیز در آن باقی نماند. بدینگونه، سرزمین دلپذیر خود را به بیابان تبدیل کردند.» | 14 |
And I caused them to be scattered among many nations, where they were strangers. [It was as though] [MET] a whirlwind [picked them up and carried them away from their country]. The country/land that they [were forced to] leave was ruined, with the result that no one could [live there or even] travel through it. [It was previously] a delightful land, but they caused it to become (desolate/like a desert).”