< امثال 25 >
امثال دیگری از سلیمان که مردان حِزِقیا، پادشاه یهودا، آنها را به رشتهٔ تحریر درآوردند: | 1 |
Here are more wise sayings/words that Solomon [wrote]. Some men who worked for Hezekiah, the king of Judah, copied them [from a scroll that Solomon had written].
عظمت خدا در پوشاندن اسرارش میباشد، اما عظمت پادشاه در پی بردن به عمق مسائل. | 2 |
[We consider] God to be great because he (acts in mysterious ways/does things that we cannot understand); [we consider] kings to be great because they explain things.
پی بردن به افکار پادشاهان مانند دست یافتن به آسمان و عمق زمین، غیرممکن است. | 3 |
[It is not possible for anyone to measure] how high the sky is or how deep the earth/ocean is; likewise [SIM], it is not possible for us to know [all] that kings are thinking.
ناخالصیها را از نقره جدا کن تا زرگر بتواند از آن ظرفی بسازد. | 4 |
[If workers] burn out the impure bits that are in silver, a man who makes things from silver can make something beautiful from the silver.
اطرافیان بدکار پادشاه را از او دور کن تا تخت او به عدالت پایدار بماند. | 5 |
[Similarly, if] wicked [advisors] are taken away from a king, his government will remain secure, because [the king will be able to] act justly.
وقتی به حضور پادشاه میروی خود را آدم بزرگی ندان و در جای بزرگان نایست، | 6 |
When you stand in front of a king, do not try to (impress him/honor yourself) and do not (act like you are important/ask to sit where important people sit; )
چون بهتر است به تو گفته شود: «بالاتر بنشین»، از اینکه تو را در برابر چشمان بزرگان در جای پایینتر بنشانند. اگر حتی با چشمانت چیزی میبینی، | 7 |
it is better if someone tells you to sit closer [to the king] than for [someone to tell you], while the king is listening, to sit further away in order that someone who is more important [may sit closer to the king].
شتابزده همسایهات را به دادگاه نبر، زیرا اگر در آخر ثابت شود که حق با وی بوده است، تو چه خواهی کرد؟ | 8 |
Do not quickly go to a court [to tell the judge about] something that you have seen, because another witness may later [say something that proves that you are wrong, and as a result] you will be disgraced/ashamed. If that happens, (what will you do?/you will not know what to do.) [RHQ]
وقتی با همسایهات دعوا میکنی رازی را که از دیگری شنیدهای فاش نکن، | 9 |
If you and someone else think differently about some matter, settle it between yourselves, and do not tell others any secret [that he has told you].
زیرا دیگر کسی به تو اطمینان نخواهد کرد و تو بدنام خواهی شد. | 10 |
If others find out that you have told secrets, you will be ashamed, and from that time on, (you will have a bad reputation/people will think badly about you).
سخنی که بجا گفته شود مانند نگینهای طلاست که در ظرف نقرهای نشانده باشند. | 11 |
Something that is said that is [very] appropriate is [as delightful as seeing] [SIM] gold apples/ornaments in a silver bowl.
نصیحت شخص دانا برای گوش شنوا مانند حلقه طلا و جواهر، با ارزش است. | 12 |
When a wise person rebukes/warns someone [SYN] who is willing to listen, that is [as valuable as] [SIM] a gold ring or a gold chain.
خدمتگزار امین همچون آب خنک در گرمای تابستان، جان اربابش را تازه میکند. | 13 |
A messenger who (is reliable/tells someone else exactly what he was told to say) refreshes [the spirits of] his bosses who sent him like [SIM] (snow/cold water) refreshes [the ground] at the time that [people] harvest crops.
کسی که دم از بخشندگی خود میزند، ولی چیزی به کسی نمیبخشد مانند ابر و بادی است که باران نمیدهد. | 14 |
When someone promises to give a gift to us but never gives it, [that disappoints us] as much as [SIM] clouds and wind that come but do not bring any rain.
شخص صبور میتواند حتی حاکم را متقاعد کند و زبان نرم میتواند هر مقاومت سختی را در هم بشکند. | 15 |
If someone keeps requesting a ruler long enough to do something, he will [often] agree to do it; similarly, by speaking [MTY] gently we can [often] convince [others that what we say is right] [IDM].
اگر به عسل دست یافتی زیاد از حد نخور، زیرا ممکن است دلت به هم بخورد و استفراغ کنی. | 16 |
If you find some honey, do not eat a lot of it, because doing that may cause you to vomit.
به خانهٔ همسایهات زیاد از حد نرو، مبادا از تو سیر و متنفر شود. | 17 |
Do not go to your neighbor’s house very often [to talk with him]; if you go [very] often, he will get tired of listening to you and start to hate you.
شهادت دروغ مثل تبر و شمشیر و تیر تیز صدمه میزند. | 18 |
To falsely accuse others [in court] is like [SIM] [attacking them with] a war-club or a sword or a sharp arrow.
اعتماد کردن به آدم خائن در زمان تنگی مانند جویدن غذا با دندان لق و دویدن با پای شکسته است. | 19 |
Depending on unreliable people when you have troubles is [as bad] as [trying to eat when] you have a bad/hurting tooth or [trying to walk when] your foot is crippled.
آواز خواندن برای آدم غصهدار مثل درآوردن لباس او در هوای سرد و پاشیدن نمک روی زخم اوست. | 20 |
Singing to someone who is depressed [just causes him to feel worse]; it is like [SIM] taking off clothes on a very cold day or like putting vinegar on a wound.
اگر دشمن تو گرسنه است به او غذا بده و اگر تشنه است به او آب بنوشان. | 21 |
If your enemies are hungry, give them something to eat; if they are thirsty, give them something to drink;
با این عملت، اخگرهای شرم بر سرش خواهی انباشت، و خداوند به تو پاداش خواهد داد. | 22 |
doing that will cause them to feel ashamed [IDM], and Yahweh will reward you for doing that.
همانطور که باد شمال باران میآورد، همچنان بدگویی، خشم و عصبانیت به بار میآورد. | 23 |
When wind blows from the right direction, it will rain; [similarly] [SIM], if we gossip about others, that causes them to look at us very angrily.
سکونت در گوشهٔ پشت بام بهتر است از زندگی کردن با زن غرغرو در یک خانه. | 24 |
It is better to live ([alone/by yourself]) in the corner of an attic/housetop than to live inside the house with a wife who is [always] nagging.
خبر خوشی که از دیار دور میرسد، همچون آب خنکی است که به کام تشنه لب میرسد. | 25 |
Receiving good news from a country far away refreshes our spirits like [SIM] cold water refreshes us when we are very thirsty.
سازش شخص درستکار با آدم بدکار، مانند آلوده کردن منبع آب و گلآلود ساختن چشمه است. | 26 |
When a righteous/good person (gives in/yields) to wicked [people], that is [as bad] as [SIM] a spring that becomes muddied or a fountain that becomes polluted.
همانطور که زیادهروی در خوردن عسل مضر است، طلبیدن تعریف و تمجید از مردم نیز ناپسند است. | 27 |
It is not good to eat too much honey, and trying to get people to praise you is also not good.
کسی که بر نفس خویش تسلط ندارد، مثل شهری بیحصار است. | 28 |
People who (cannot control their tempers/quickly become very angry) [are unable to defend their behavior]; that is like [having] a city without a wall around it, [with the result that no one can defend it].