< یوحنا 2 >
و در روز سوم، در قانای جلیل عروسی بودو مادر عیسی در آنجا بود. | ۱ 1 |
Two days later there was a wedding [celebration] in Cana [town], in Galilee [district]. Jesus’ mother was there.
و عیسی وشاگردانش را نیز به عروسی دعوت کردند. | ۲ 2 |
Jesus and [we] his disciples [were also there, because] we had been invited {someone had invited us} also.
وچون شراب تمام شد، مادر عیسی بدو گفت: «شراب ندارند.» | ۳ 3 |
When the guests had drunk all the wine [that was there], Jesus’ mother said to him, “The wine is all gone; [can you do something about that]?”
عیسی به وی گفت: «ای زن مرابا تو چهکار است؟ ساعت من هنوز نرسیده است.» | ۴ 4 |
Jesus said to her, “Ma’am/Woman, (do not [tell] me [what to do]!/why do you [tell] me [what to do]?) [RHQ] It is not yet time [MTY] [to show] that I am [the Messiah by working miracles].”
مادرش به نوکران گفت: «هرچه به شماگوید بکنید.» | ۵ 5 |
Then Jesus’ mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you!”
و در آنجا شش قدح سنگی برحسب تطهیریهود نهاده بودند که هر یک گنجایش دو یا سه کیل داشت. | ۶ 6 |
There were six [empty] stone jars there. The Jews [habitually put water in them] to use for washing things [to make them acceptable to God]. Each jar held (20 to 30 gallons/80 to 120 liters).
عیسی بدیشان گفت: «قدحها را ازآب پر کنید.» و آنها را لبریز کردند. | ۷ 7 |
Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water!” So they filled the jars to the brim.
پس بدیشان گفت: «الان بردارید و به نزد رئیس مجلس ببرید.» پس بردند؛ | ۸ 8 |
Then he told them, “Now, ladle out some [of it] and take it (to the head waiter/to the master of ceremonies).” So the servants did that.
و چون رئیس مجلس آن آب را که شراب گردیده بود، بچشید و ندانست که از کجااست، لیکن نوکرانی که آب را کشیده بودند، میدانستند، رئیس مجلس داماد را مخاطب ساخته، بدو گفت: | ۹ 9 |
(The head waiter/The master of ceremonies) tasted the water, which had now become wine. He did not know where the wine had come from, but the servants who had ladled out the wine knew. [The wine was delicious]! So he called the bridegroom over,
«هرکسی شراب خوب رااول میآورد و چون مست شدند، بدتر از آن. لیکن تو شراب خوب را تا حال نگاه داشتی؟» | ۱۰ 10 |
and said to him, “Everyone [else] serves the best wine first. Then when the guests have drunk so much [that they cannot tell the difference], [they serve] the cheap wine. But you [have not done what others do]. You have kept the best wine until now!”
و این ابتدای معجزاتی است که از عیسی درقانای جلیل صادر گشت و جلال خود را ظاهرکرد و شاگردانش به او ایمان آوردند. | ۱۱ 11 |
That was the first miracle that Jesus did. He did it in Cana [town], in Galilee [district]. By doing it he showed how awesome he is, and as a result, [we] his disciples believed that he [truly was the Messiah].
و بعد ازآن او با مادر و برادران و شاگردان خود به کفرناحوم آمد و در آنجا ایامی کم ماندند. | ۱۲ 12 |
Jesus then went down to Capernaum [city] with his mother and [younger] brothers and [us] his disciples. We stayed there several days.
و چون عید فصح نزدیک بود، عیسی به اورشلیم رفت، | ۱۳ 13 |
Later, when it was almost time for the Jewish Passover [celebration], Jesus [and we his disciples] went up to Jerusalem.
و در هیکل، فروشندگان گاو وگوسفند و کبوتر و صرافان را نشسته یافت. | ۱۴ 14 |
There, in the Temple [courtyard], he saw some men who were selling cattle, sheep, and pigeons [for sacrifices]. He also saw men who were sitting at tables, [making a big profit as they] gave people [Temple tax] coins in exchange for [their Roman] coins.
پس تازیانهای از ریسمان ساخته، همه را از هیکل بیرون نمود، هم گوسفندان و گاوان را، و نقودصرافان را ریخت و تختهای ایشان را واژگون ساخت، | ۱۵ 15 |
Then Jesus made a whip from some cords and [used it to] chase out the sheep and cattle from the Temple [courtyard]. By overturning their tables he scattered the coins of the men who were exchanging them.
و به کبوترفروشان گفت: «اینها را ازاینجا بیرون برید و خانه پدر مرا خانه تجارت مسازید.» | ۱۶ 16 |
He said to those who were selling doves, “Take these doves away [from here]! Stop [defiling] my Father’s Temple [by] making it a market!”
آنگاه شاگردان او را یاد آمد که مکتوب است: «غیرت خانه تو مرا خورده است.» | ۱۷ 17 |
Then [we] disciples remembered that these words had been written {that [someone/David] had written [these words]} [in the Scriptures prophesying what the Messiah would say]: “Others [PRS] will strongly oppose me because I greatly desire that [people respect] your Sacred Tent.”
پس یهودیان روی به او آورده، گفتند: «به ما چه علامت مینمایی که این کارها را میکنی؟» | ۱۸ 18 |
So [one of] the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] replied to him, “What miracle will you perform to show us that [you have authority from God] to do these things?”
عیسی در جواب ایشان گفت: «این قدس راخراب کنید که در سه روز آن را برپا خواهم نمود.» | ۱۹ 19 |
Jesus replied to them, “If/When you destroy this temple, I will build it again within three days.”
آنگاه یهودیان گفتند: «در عرصه چهل و شش سال این قدس را بنا نمودهاند؛ آیا تو درسه روز آن را برپا میکنی؟» | ۲۰ 20 |
So the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] said, “We have been building this Temple for 46 years [and it is not finished yet]! So (there is no way you will build it within three days!/how will you build it within three days?) [RHQ]”
لیکن او درباره قدس جسد خود سخن میگفت. | ۲۱ 21 |
But when Jesus said that about the temple, [he was really talking about] his own body.
پس وقتی که از مردگان برخاست شاگردانش را بهخاطر آمد که این را بدیشان گفته بود. آنگاه به کتاب و به کلامی که عیسی گفته بود، ایمان آوردند. | ۲۲ 22 |
[Later], after Jesus had [died and had] become alive again, [we] his disciples remembered the words he had said. As a result, we believed [what had been prophesied in] the Scriptures [about the Messiah becoming alive again], and we believed that what Jesus said [was true].
و هنگامی که در عید فصح در اورشلیم بودبسیاری چون معجزاتی را که از او صادر میگشت دیدند، به اسم او ایمان آوردند. | ۲۳ 23 |
While Jesus was in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration, many people came to believe [that he was the Messiah] because they saw the miracles he was performing.
لیکن عیسی خویشتن را بدیشان موتمن نساخت، زیرا که اوهمه را میشناخت. | ۲۴ 24 |
But he did not let them tell him what he should do [as the Messiah], because he knew within himself what they were all [thinking].
و از آنجا که احتیاج نداشت که کسی درباره انسان شهادت دهد، زیراخود آنچه در انسان بود میدانست. | ۲۵ 25 |
He did not need anyone to tell him what others were thinking, because he already knew what they were [thinking and wanting].