< Mulʼata 6 >
1 Anis yommuu Hoolichi chaappaawwan torban keessaa isa jalqabaa banu nan arge. Ergasiis uumamawwan lubbuu qabeeyyii keessaa inni tokko sagalee akka kakawweetiin, “Kottu!” jechuu isaa nan dhagaʼe.
I watched as the Lamb broke open the first of the seven seals. I heard one of the four living creatures shout with a thunderous voice, “Come!”
2 Anis nan ilaale; kunoo, fardi adiin tokko fuula koo dura ture! Inni farda sana yaabbates iddaa harkatti qabatee ture; gonfoonis ni kennameef; innis moʼachaa, ammas moʼachuuf baʼe.
I looked and saw a white horse. Its rider was holding a bow. He was given a crown, and he rode out conquering so that he would be victorious.
3 Yommuu Hoolichi chaappaa lammaffaa banettis uumamni jiraataan inni lammaffaan, “Kottu!” jechuu isaa nan dhagaʼe.
When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!”
4 Fardi biraa daamaan tokkos ni dhufe. Isa fardicha yaabbatuufis akka inni nagaa lafa irraa balleessuu fi akka namoonni wal gorraʼan akka godhuuf humni kennameef; goraadeen guddaan tokkos ni kennameef.
Another horse came out, a red one. Its rider was given a large sword, and the power to take away peace from the earth so that people would slaughter one other.
5 Yommuu Hoolichi chaappaa sadaffaa banettis uumamni jiraataan inni sadaffaan, “Kottu!” jechuu isaa nan dhagaʼe; nan ilaales; kunoo, fardi gurraachi tokko fuula koo dura ture! Inni fardicha yaabbatus madaalii of harkaa qaba ture.
When he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked and saw a black horse. Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand.
6 Anis waan akka sagalee uumamawwan lubbuu qabeeyyii afran gidduu dubbatame fakkaatu tokko, “Qamadiin safartuu tokkoo mindaa guyyaa tokkootiif, garbuun safartuu sadiis mindaa guyyaa tokkootiif haa taʼu; garuu zayitii fi daadhii wayinii hin miidhin!” jechuu isaa nan dhagaʼe.
I heard what seemed to be a voice coming from among the four living creatures that said, “Two pounds of wheat cost a day's wages, and three pounds of barley cost the same. But don't damage the oil or the wine.”
7 Yommuu Hoolichi chaappaa afuraffaa banetti sagalee uumama jiraataa afuraffaa kan, “Kottu!” jedhu nan dhagaʼe.
When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the fourth living creature say, “Come!”
8 Anis nan ilaale; kunoo, fardi daalachi tokko fuula koo dura ture! Inni fardicha yaabbatus maqaan isaa Duʼa jedhama ture; Siiʼoolis dugda duubaan itti dhiʼaatee isa duukaa buʼaa ture. Isaanis goraadeen, beelaan, balaa fi bineensota lafaatiin akka ajjeesaniif kurmaana lafaa irratti humni ni kennameef. (Hadēs )
I looked and saw a pale horse. The rider was called Death, and Hades followed him. They received authority over a quarter of the earth to kill people by the sword, by famine, by plague, and by wild beasts. (Hadēs )
9 Yommuu inni chaappaa shanaffaa banetti ani iddoo aarsaa jalatti lubbuuwwan warra sababii dubbii Waaqaatii fi sababii dhuga baʼumsa eegan sanaatiif gorraʼamanii nan arge.
When he opened the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar those who had been killed because of their dedication to the word of God and their faithful witness.
10 Isaanis sagalee guddaadhaan, “Yaa Gooftaa Waan Hundaa Olii, qulqullichaa fi dhugaa, ati warra lafa irra jiraatanitti utuu hin murin hamma yoomiitti turta? Hamma yoomiittis dhiiga keenyaaf haaloo hin baatu?” jedhanii iyyan.
They cried out, shouting, “How long, Lord who is holy and true, before you will judge and bring to justice those on earth who spilled our blood?”
11 Tokkoo tokkoo isaaniitiifis uffanni adaadiin ni kenname; hamma lakkoobsi warra isaan wajjin tajaajilaniitii fi lakkoobsi obboloota isaanii kanneen akkuma isaaniitti ajjeefamuuf jiran sanaa guutamutti akka yeroo xinnoo obsan isaanitti himame.
Each one of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait for a little longer until their number was complete—their fellow-believers and brothers who would be killed like them.
12 Yommuu inni chaappaa jaʼaffaa banettis nan arge. Sochii lafaa guddaa tokkotu ture. Aduun akka uffata gaddaa gurraachofte; jiʼis akkuma dhiigaa diimate;
When he opened the sixth seal there was a tremendous earthquake. The sun turned black like hair sackcloth and the whole moon turned red like blood.
13 urjiiwwan samiis akkuma iji muka harbuu yommuu qilleensa jabaan raafamutti harcaʼu sana lafatti gad harcaʼan.
The stars of heaven fell to earth like unripe figs falling from a fig tree shaken by a windstorm.
14 Samiin akkuma kitaaba maramaatti marame; tulluu fi biyyi bishaaniin marfamtes iddoo isaaniitii buqqifaman.
The sky disappeared like a scroll rolling up, and all the mountains and islands were moved from where they were.
15 Mootonni lafa irraa, bulchitoonnii fi abbootiin duulaa, sooreyyii fi namoonni jajjaboonni, namoonni kaan hundi, garbas taʼu birmaduun holqa keessaa fi kattaawwan tulluuwwanii gidduutti dhokatan.
The kings of the earth, the great leaders, the wealthy, the powerful, and all people, slave or free, hid themselves in caves and among the rocks in the mountains.
16 Isaanis tulluuwwanii fi kattaawwan waammatanii akkana jedhu; “Nurratti kufaa; fuula isa teessoo irra taaʼu sanaatii fi dheekkamsa Hoolichaa duraa nu dhoksaa!
They called on the mountains and the rocks, telling them, “Fall upon us! Hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne, and from the judgment of the Lamb.
17 Guyyaan dheekkamsa isaa guddaan sun gaʼeeraatii; egaa eenyutu guyyaa sana dura dhaabachuu dandaʼa ree?”
For the terrible day of their judgment has come, and who can stand against it?”