< Faarfannaa 25 >

1 Faarfannaa Daawit. Yaa Waaqayyo, ani lubbuu koo gara keetti ol nan qaba.
A Psalme of David. Unto thee, O Lord, lift I vp my soule.
2 Yaa Waaqa koo ani sin amanadha. Ati na hin qaanessin; akka diinonni koo na moʼatanis hin godhin.
My God, I trust in thee: let me not be confounded: let not mine enemies reioyce ouer mee.
3 Namni si eeggatu tokko iyyuu yoom iyyuu hin qaaneffamu; warri sababii malee yakka hojjetan garuu ni qaaneffamu.
So all that hope in thee, shall not be ashamed: but let them be confounded, that transgresse without cause.
4 Yaa Waaqayyo, karaa kee na argisiisi; daandii kees na barsiisi;
Shew me thy waies, O Lord, and teache me thy paths.
5 ati Waaqa Fayyisaa koo waan taateef, dhugaa keetiin na dura buʼi; na barsiisi; anis guyyaa guutuu sin eeggadha.
Leade me foorth in thy trueth, and teache me: for thou art the God of my saluation: in thee doe I trust all the day.
6 Yaa Waaqayyo, araara keetii fi jaalala kee yaadadhu; isaan durumaa jalqabanii jiruutii.
Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies, and thy louing kindnesse: for they haue beene for euer.
7 Cubbuu afaan kootii yookaan dogoggora koo hin yaadatin; yaa Waaqayyo, gaarummaa keetiif jedhiitii akkuma araara keetiitti na yaadadhu.
Remember not the sinnes of my youth, nor my rebellions, but according to thy kindenesse remember thou me, euen for thy goodnesse sake, O Lord.
8 Waaqayyo gaarii dha; tolaadhas; kanaafuu inni daandii isaa cubbamootatti argisiisa.
Gracious and righteous is the Lord: therefore will he teache sinners in the way.
9 Warra gad of qaban waan qajeelaa taʼeen geggeessa; karaa isaas isaan barsiisa.
Them that be meeke, will hee guide in iudgement, and teach the humble his way.
10 Karaan Waaqayyoo hundinuu warra kakuu isaatii fi seera isaa eeganiif araaraa fi dhugaa dha.
All the pathes of the Lord are mercie and trueth vnto such as keepe his couenant and his testimonies.
11 Yaa Waaqayyo, cubbuun koo guddaa taʼu iyyuu maqaa keetiif jedhiitii dhiifama naa godhi.
For thy Names sake, O Lord, be merciful vnto mine iniquitie, for it is great.
12 Namni Waaqayyoon sodaatu eenyu? Waaqayyo karaa inni filachuu qabu isa argisiisa.
What man is he that feareth the Lord? him wil he teache the way that hee shall chuse.
13 Lubbuun isaa badhaadhummaadhaan jiraatti; sanyiin isaas lafa dhaala.
His soule shall dwell at ease, and his seede shall inherite the land.
14 Waaqayyo icciitii isaa warra isa sodaatan duraa hin dhoksu; kakuu isaa illee isaan beeksisa.
The secrete of the Lord is reueiled to them, that feare him: and his couenant to giue them vnderstanding.
15 Iji koo yeroo hunda gara Waaqayyoo ilaala; inni miilla koo kiyyoo keessaa ni baasaatii.
Mine eyes are euer towarde the Lord: for he will bring my feete out of the net.
16 Gara kootti garagali; garaas naa laafi; ani kophaa koon jiraatii; rakkataadhas.
Turne thy face vnto mee, and haue mercie vpon me: for I am desolate and poore.
17 Yaaddoon garaa kootii baayʼateera; dhiphina koo keessaas na baasi.
The sorowes of mine heart are enlarged: drawe me out of my troubles.
18 Dhiphina kootii fi rakkina koo ilaali; cubbuu koo hunda naa dhiisi.
Looke vpon mine affliction and my trauel, and forgiue all my sinnes.
19 Akka diinonni koo baayʼatan, hammam akka cimsanii na jibban argi!
Beholde mine enemies, for they are manie, and they hate me with cruell hatred.
20 Lubbuu koo eegi; na oolchis; sababii ani kooluu sitti galeef, akka ani qaanaʼu na hin godhin.
Keepe my soule, and deliuer me: let me not be confounded, for I trust in thee.
21 Waan ani si eeggadhuuf, amanamummaa fi qajeelummaan ana haa eegan.
Let mine vprightnes and equitie preserue me: for mine hope is in thee.
22 Yaa Waaqayyo, rakkina isaa hundumaa keessaa Israaʼelin furi!
Deliuer Israel, O God, out of all his troubles.

< Faarfannaa 25 >