< Iyyoob 12 >

1 Iyyoob akkana jedhee deebise:
Then Iob answered, and sayde,
2 “Nama jechuun dhugumaan isin; ogummaanis isin wajjin duuti!
In deede because that ye are the people onely, wisedome must dye with you.
3 Garuu anis akkuma keessan sammuun qaba; ani isinii gad miti. Namni waan akkanaa hin beekne eenyu?
But I haue vnderstanding aswel as you, and am not inferior vnto you: yea, who knoweth not such things?
4 “Ani nama Waaqa waammatee deebii argate taʼu illee, michoota koo biratti nama kolfaa taʼeera. Ani utuun nama qajeelaa hirʼina hin qabne taʼee jiruu nama kolfaa taʼeera.
I am as one mocked of his neighbour, who calleth vpon God, and he heareth him: the iust and the vpright is laughed to scorne.
5 Warri itti tole rakkinatti qoosu; nama kufuuf miilli isaa mucucaateenis kun hiree isaati jedhu.
Hee that is readie to fall, is as a lampe despised in the opinion of the riche.
6 Dunkaanni saamtotaa hin jeeqamu; warri Waaqa isaanii harkatti baatanii jooran, warri Waaqa dheekkamsiisan nagaan jiraatu.
The tabernacles of robbers doe prosper, and they are in safetie, that prouoke God, whome God hath enriched with his hand.
7 “Mee horii gaafadhu; isaan si barsiisu; yookaan simbirroota samii gaafadhu; isaan sitti himu;
Aske now the beasts, and they shall teach thee, and the foules of the heauen, and they shall tell thee:
8 yookaan lafatti dubbadhu; inni si barsiisa; yookaan qurxummiiwwan galaanaa sitti haa himan.
Or speake to the earth, and it shall shewe thee: or the fishes of the sea, and they shall declare vnto thee.
9 Akka harki Waaqayyoo waan kana hojjete, isaan kanneen hunda keessaa eenyutu hin beekne?
Who is ignorant of all these, but that the hande of the Lord hath made these?
10 Lubbuun uumama hundaa, hafuurri nama hundaas harka isaa keessa jira.
In whose hande is the soule of euery liuing thing, and the breath of all mankinde.
11 Akkuma arrabni nyaata afaaniin qabu, gurris dubbii dhagaʼee addaan hin baasuu?
Doeth not the eares discerne the words? and the mouth taste meate for it selfe?
12 Ogummaan jaarsolii biratti, hubannaanis warra umuriin dheerate biratti argama mitii?
Among the ancient is wisedome, and in the length of dayes is vnderstanding.
13 “Ogummaa fi humni kan Waaqaa ti; gorsii fi hubannaanis kan isaa ti.
With him is wisedome and strength: he hath counsell and vnderstanding.
14 Waan inni diigu eenyu iyyuu deebisee ijaaruu hin dandaʼu; nama inni hidhe eenyu iyyuu hiikuu hin dandaʼu.
Beholde, he will breake downe, and it can not be built: he shutteth a man vp, and he can not be loosed.
15 Yoo inni bishaan dhowwate, hongeetu buʼa; yoo inni gad dhiise immoo biyya balleessa.
Beholde, he withholdeth the waters, and they drie vp: but when he sendeth them out, they destroy the earth.
16 Jabinnii fi ogummaan kan isaa ti; namni gowwoomfamuu fi inni gowwoomsus kanuma isaa ti.
With him is strength and wisedome: hee that is deceiued, and that deceiueth, are his.
17 Inni gorsitoota qullaa deemsisa; abbootii murtiis gowwoota godha.
He causeth the counsellers to goe as spoyled, and maketh the iudges fooles.
18 Inni mootota irraa hidhaa hiikee, mudhii isaaniitti sabbata hidha.
He looseth the collar of Kings, and girdeth their loynes with a girdle.
19 Luboota qullaa deemsisa; jajjabeeyyiis ni gaggaragalcha.
He leadeth away the princes as a pray, and ouerthroweth the mightie.
20 Gorsitoota amanamoo afaan qabachiisa; hubannaa jaarsoliis irraa fuudha.
He taketh away the speach from the faithfull counsellers, and taketh away the iudgement of the ancient.
21 Warra kabajamootti salphina fida; warra jajjaboo immoo hidhata hiikachiisa.
He powreth contempt vpon princes, and maketh the strength of the mightie weake.
22 Inni icciitii dukkanaa keessaa ifatti baasa; dukkana limixiis ifatti geeddara.
He discouereth the deepe places from their darkenesse, and bringeth foorth the shadowe of death to light.
23 Inni saboota ni guddisa; ni balleessas; saboota ni baayʼisa; ni bittinneessas.
He increaseth the people, and destroyeth them: he inlargeth the nations, and bringeth them in againe.
24 Bulchitoota addunyaa hubannaa malee hambisa; gammoojjii daandii hin qabne keessas isaan joorsa.
He taketh away the heartes of the that are the chiefe ouer the people of the earth, and maketh them to wander in the wildernes out of the way.
25 Isaan dukkana ifa hin qabne keessa qaqqabannaadhaan deemu; inni akka isaan akkuma nama machaaʼeetti gatantaranis ni godha.
They grope in the darke without light: and he maketh the to stagger like a drunken man.

< Iyyoob 12 >