< Isaayyaas 45 >

1 “Waaqayyo dibamaa isaa Qiiros, kan ani saboota isa jalatti bulchuu fi hidhannaa moototaa hiiksisuuf jedhee harka isaa mirgaa qabee akka karrawwan hin cufamneef, balbalawwan banuuf sanaan akkana jedha:
Thus sayeth the Lord vnto Cyrus his anointed, whose right hand I haue holden to subdue nations before him: therefore will I weaken the loynes of Kings and open the doores before him, and the gates shall not be shut:
2 Ani fuula kee dura deemee tulluuwwan wal nan qixxeessa; karrawwan naasii nan caccabsa; danqaraawwan sibiilaas nan kukkuta.
I will goe before thee and make the crooked streight: I will breake the brasen doores, and burst the yron barres.
3 Ati akka ani Waaqayyo Waaqa Israaʼel isa maqaa keetiin si waamu taʼe akka beektuuf, ani badhaadhummaa dukkana keessaa, qabeenya lafa dhoksaatti kuufames siif nan kenna.
And I will giue thee the treasures of darkenesse, and the things hid in secret places, that thou maist know that I am the Lord which call thee by thy name, euen the God of Israel.
4 Ati na beekuu baattu iyyuu, ani garbicha koo Yaaqoobiif, Israaʼel filatamaa kootiif jedhee maqaa keetiin si waameera; maqaa ulfinaas siif kenneera.
For Iaakob my seruants sake, and Israel mine elect, I will euen call thee by thy name and name thee, though thou hast not knowen me.
5 Ani Waaqayyo; ana malee kan biraa hin jiru; ana malee Waaqni tokko iyyuu hin jiru. Ati na beekuu baattu iyyuu, ani sin jabeessa;
I am the Lord and there is none other: there is no God besides me: I girded thee though thou hast not knowen me,
6 Kunis akka namoonni baʼa biiftuutii hamma lixa biiftuutti, ana malee kan biraa akka hin jirre beekaniif. Ani Waaqayyo; ana malee tokko iyyuu hin jiru.
That they may knowe from the rising of the sunne and from the West, that there is none besides me. I am the Lord, and there is none other.
7 Ani ifa nan tolcha; dukkanas nan uuma; badhaadhummaa nan fida; balaas nan uuma; ani Waaqayyo wantoota kanneen hunda nan godha.
I forme the light and create darkenes: I make peace and create euill: I the Lord doe all these things.
8 “Yaa samiiwwan, isin ol gubbaadhaa qajeelummaa roobsaa; duumessoonnis gad coccobsaa. Lafti haa banamtu; fayyinni haa biqilu; qajeelummaanis isa wajjin haa guddatu; ani Waaqayyo waan kana uumeera.
Ye heauens, send the dewe from aboue, and let the cloudes droppe downe righteousnesse: let the earth open, and let saluation and iustice growe foorth: let it bring them foorth together: I the Lord haue created him.
9 “Qiraacii qiraaciidhuma lafaa taʼee Uumaa isaatiin wal loluuf wayyoo. Supheen, suphee dhooftuudhaan, ‘Ati maal hojjechaa jirta?’ jedhaa? Hojiin ati hojjettus, ‘Inni harka hin qabu’ siin jedhaa?
Woe be vnto him that striueth with his maker, the potsherd with the potsherds of the earth: shall the clay say to him that facioneth it, What makest thou? or thy worke, It hath none hands?
10 Nama Abbaadhaan, ‘Ati maal dhalchite?’ yookaan haadhaan, ‘Ati maal deesse?’ jedhuuf wayyoo.
Woe vnto him that sayeth to his father, What hast thou begotten? or to his mother, What hast thou brought foorth?
11 “Waaqayyo, Qulqullichi Israaʼel Uumaan ishee sun akkana jedha: Isin waaʼee wantoota dhufuuf jiranii jechuunis, ‘Waaʼee ijoollee koo na gaafadhaa; yookaan waaʼee hojii harka koo na ajajaa.’
Thus saith the Lord, the holy one of Israel, and his maker, Aske me of things to come concerning my sonnes, and concerning the workes of mine hands: commande you me.
12 Kan lafa tolchee namas ishee irratti uume ana. Harki koo samiiwwan diriirseera; raayyaa isaanii hundas ajajeera.
I haue made the earth, and created man vpon it: I, whose hands haue spred out the heauens, I haue euen commanded all their armie.
13 Ani qajeelummaa kootiin Qiirosin ol nan kaasa: Karaa isaa hundas wal nan qixxeessa. Inni magaalaa koo deebisee ijaara; boojiʼamtoota koos bilisa baasa; garuu gatiidhaan yookaan badhaasaan miti, jedha Waaqayyoon Waan Hunda Dandaʼu.”
I haue raised him vp in righteousnesse, and I will direct all his wayes: he shall build my citie, and he shall let goe my captiues, not for price nor rewarde, saith the Lord of hostes.
14 Waaqayyo akkana jedha: “Qabeenyi Gibxii fi daldalli Itoophiyaa, namoonni dhedheeroon Saabaa, gara kee ni dhufu; kan kees ni taʼu; isaan foncaadhaan hidhamanii dugda duubaan si duukaa buʼu. Fuula kee durattis gad jedhanii ‘Dhugumaan Waaqni si wajjin jira; isa malees tokko iyyuu hin jiru; isa malees Waaqni biraa hin jiru’ jedhanii si kadhatu.”
Thus sayth the Lord, The labour of Egypt, and the marchandise of Ethiopia, and of the Sabeans, men of stature shall come vnto thee, and they shall be thine: they shall follow thee, and shall goe in chaines: they shall fall downe before thee, and make supplication vnto thee, saying, Surely God is in thee, and there is none other God besides.
15 Yaa Waaqi, Fayyisaa Israaʼel, ati dhugumaan Waaqa of dhoksituu dha.
Verely thou, O God, hidest thy selfe, O God, the Sauiour of Israel.
16 Warri waaqota tolfamoo tolchan hundinuu ni qaanaʼu; ni salphatu; walii wajjinis salphina keessa buʼu.
All they shalbe ashamed and also confounded: they shall goe to confusion together, that are the makers of images.
17 Israaʼel garuu fayyina bara baraatiin Waaqayyo ni fayyifama; isin bara baraan hin qaanoftan; yookaan hin salphattan.
But Israel shall be saued in the Lord, with an euerlasting saluation: ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded worlde without ende.
18 Waaqayyo akkana jedha; kan samiiwwan uume, inni Waaqa; inni lafa miidhagsee tolchee ishee hundeesse; inni akka isheen iddoo jireenyaa taatuuf ishee uume malee akka isheen ona taatuuf ishee hin uumne; inni akkana jedha; “Ani Waaqayyo; ana malee kan biraa hin jiru.
For thus saith the Lord (that created heauen, God himselfe, that formed the earth, and made it: he that prepared it, he created it not in vaine: he formed it to be inhabited) I am the Lord, and there is none other.
19 Ani biyya dukkanaa keessaa dhoksaadhaan hin dubbanne; ani sanyiiwwan Yaaqoobiin, ‘Akkasumaan na barbaadaa’ hin jenne. Ani Waaqayyo dhugaa nan dubbadha; waan qajeelaas nan labsa.
I haue not spoken in secrete, neither in a place of darkenes in the earth: I saide not in vaine vnto the seede of Iaakob, Seeke you me: I the Lord doe speake righteousnesse, and declare righteous things.
20 “Walitti qabamaa kottaa; isin baqattoonni sabootaa wal gaʼaa. Warri waaqa tolfamaa muka irraa hojjetame baatan, kanneen waaqota fayyisuu hin dandeenye kadhatan homaa beekumsa hin qaban.
Assemble your selues, and come: drawe neere together, ye abiect of the Gentiles: they haue no knowledge, that set vp the wood of their idole, and pray vnto a god, that cannot saue them.
21 Waanan taʼuu qabu dubbadhaa; dhiʼeeffadhaas; isaanis walii wajjin haa mariʼatan. Eenyutu waan kana duraan dursee bara dheeraan dura hime? Duruma iyyuu eenyutu labse? Anuma Waaqayyo mitii? Ana malee Waaqni qajeelaa fi Fayyisaan tokko iyyuu hin jiru; ana malee tokko illee hin jiru.
Tell ye and bring them, and let them take counsell together, who hath declared this from the beginning? or hath tolde it of olde? Haue not I the Lord? and there is none other God beside me, a iust God, and a Sauiour: there is none beside me.
22 “Isin warri handaara lafaa hundi, gara kootti deebiʼaatii fayyaa; ani Waaqa; ana malee kan biraa hin jiruutii.
Looke vnto me, and ye shall be saued: all the endes of the earth shall be saued: for I am God, and there is none other.
23 Ani mataa kootiin kakadheera; afaan koos akkana jedhee qajeelummaadhaan dubbii hin geeddaramne dubbateera; ‘Jilbi hundi fuula koo duratti ni jilbeenfata; arrabni hundis anaan kakata.’
I haue sworne by my selfe: the worde is gone out of my mouth in righteousnesse, and shall not returne, That euery knee shall bowe vnto me, and euery tongue shall sweare by me.
24 Isaanis, ‘Qajeelummaa fi jabinni Waaqayyo qofaan argama’ jedhanii waaʼee koo ni dubbatu.” Warri aariidhaan isatti kaʼan hundi, gara isaa dhufanii ni qaanaʼu.
Surely he shall say, In the Lord haue I righteousnesse and strength: he shall come vnto him, and all that prouoke him, shall be ashamed.
25 Sanyiin Israaʼel hundi garuu, Waaqayyoon qajeeltota taasifamu; ni kabajamus.
The whole seede of Israel shall be iustified, and glorie in the Lord.

< Isaayyaas 45 >