< Anbaaqoom 2 >

1 Ani iddoo koo dhaabadhee dallaa eegumsaa irra nan tura; mee waan inni naan jedhu arguuf deebii ani guungummii kanaaf kennuu malu beekuuf nan ilaala.
I will stand vpon my watch, and set me vpon the towre, and wil looke and see what he would say vnto mee, and what I shall answere to him that rebuketh me.
2 Ergasii Waaqayyo akkana jedhee deebii kenne: “Akka namni dubbisu tokko qabatee fiiguuf, mulʼata sana ifa godhii gabatee irratti barreessi.
And the Lord answered me, and sayde, Write the vision, and make it plaine vpon tables, that he may runne that readeth it.
3 Mulʼanni kun yeroo murtaaʼe tokko eeggataatii; inni waaʼee dhuma isaa dubbata malee hin sobu. Yoo tures isa eegi; inni dhugumaan ni dhufa; hin turus.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the last it shall speake, and not lie: though it tarie, waite: for it shall surely come, and shall not stay.
4 “Kunoo inni of bokokseera; hawwiin isaas sirrii miti; namni qajeelaan garuu amantii isaatiin jiraata;
Beholde, he that lifteth vp himselfe, his minde is not vpright in him, but the iust shall liue by his fayth,
5 dhugumaan inni daadhii wayiniitiin ni gowwoomfama; of tuula; boqonnaas hin qabu. Inni akkuma siiʼool sassata; akka duʼaas kan hin quufnee dha. Inni saboota hunda walitti qabata; uummata hundas boojiʼee fudhata. (Sheol h7585)
Yea, in deede the proude man is as hee that transgresseth by wine: therefore shall he not endure, because he hath enlarged his desire as the hell, and is as death, and can not be satisfied, but gathereth vnto him all nations, and heapeth vnto him all people. (Sheol h7585)
6 “Isaan hundi isa tuffatanii itti kolfaa, “‘Nama miʼa hatame tuullatee saamichaan of sooromsuuf wayyoo! Wanni kun hamma yoomiitti itti fufa’ jedhanii itti hin qoosanii?
Shall not all these take vp a parable against him, and a tanting prouerbe against him, and say, Ho, he that increaseth that which is not his? howe long? and hee that ladeth himselfe with thicke clay?
7 Warri liqii sirraa qaban akkuma tasaa sitti hin kaʼanii? Isaan kaʼanii si hin hollachiisanii? Ergasii ati harka isaanii jala galta.
Shall they not rise vp suddenly, that shall bite thee? and awake, that shall stirre thee? and thou shalt be their praye?
8 Sababii ati saba hedduu saamteef namoonni hafan si saamu. Ati dhiiga namaa dhangalaafteertaatii; ati biyyoota, magaalaawwanii fi namoota isaan keessa jiraatan hunda balleessiteerta.
Because thou hast spoyled many nations, all the remnant of the people shall spoyle thee, because of mens blood, and for the wrong done in the land, in the citie, and vnto all that dwell therein.
9 “Nama buʼaa hin malleen mana ijaarratu kan badiisa jalaa baʼuuf jedhee lafa ol kaʼaa irratti iddoo jireenyaa tolfatuuf wayyoo!
Ho, he that coueteth an euil couetousnesse to his house, that he may set his nest on hie, to escape from the power of euil.
10 Ati lubbuu nama baayʼee galaafachuudhaaf, waan nama qaanessu mana keetti malattee lubbuu keetti badiisa fidde.
Thou hast consulted shame to thine owne house, by destroying many people, and hast sinned against thine owne soule.
11 Dhagaawwan keenyan keessaa iyyu; demdemoon mukaas jalaa qaba.
For the stone shall crie out of the wall, and the beame out of the timber shall answere it.
12 “Nama dhiiga dhangalaasuudhaan magaalaa ijaaruuf, kan yakkaan magaalaa hundeessuuf wayyoo!
Wo vnto him that buildeth a towne with blood, and erecteth a citie by iniquitie.
13 Akka dadhabbiin namaa akkuma qoraan ibiddaa taʼe, akka saboonnis akkasumaan of dadhabsiisan Waaqayyoon Waan Hunda Dandaʼu murteesseera mitii?
Beholde, is it not of the Lord of hostes that the people shall labour in ye very fire? the people shall euen weary themselues for very vanitie.
14 Akkuma bishaan galaana guutu sana lafti ulfina Waaqayyoon beekuutiin guutamtiitii.
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters couer the sea.
15 “Nama qullaa dhagna ollaa isaa ilaaluuf jedhee hamma inni machaaʼutti qalqalloo keessaa daadhii wayinii isaaf buusuuf wayyoo.
Wo vnto him that giueth his neighbour drinke: thou ioynest thine heate, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest see their priuities.
16 Ati qooda ulfinaa qaaniidhaan guutamta. Amma dabareen kan kee ti! Akka qullaan kee mulʼatuuf dhugi. Xoofoon mirga Waaqayyoo sitti garagala; salphinnis ulfina kee haguuga.
Thou art filled with shame for glorie: drinke thou also, and be made naked: the cup of the Lords right hand shall be turned vnto thee, and shamefull spuing shalbe for thy glory.
17 Fincilli ati Libaanoonitti hojjete si liqimsa; horii fixuun kee si rifachiisa. Ati dhiiga namaa dhangalaafteertaatii; ati biyyoota, magaalaawwanii fi namoota isaan keessa jiraatan hunda balleessiteerta.
For the crueltie of Lebanon shall couer thee: so shall the spoyle of the beastes, which made them afraide, because of mens blood, and for the wrong done in the land, in the citie, and vnto all that dwell therein.
18 “Waaqni tolfamaan ogeessa harkaatiin soofamu yookaan fakkiin soba barsiisu faayidaa maalii qaba? Namni isa tolchu tokko hojiidhuma harka isaa amanataatii; inni waaqota tolfamoo dubbachuu hin dandeenye tolcha.
What profiteth the image? for the maker thereof hath made it an image, and a teacher of lies, though he that made it, trust therein, when he maketh dumme idoles.
19 Nama mukaan, ‘Dammaqi!’ yookaan dhagaa lubbuu hin qabneen, ‘Kaʼi!’ jedhuuf wayyoo. Inni barsiisuu ni dandaʼaa? Kunoo inni warqee fi meetii dibameera; hafuurri tokko iyyuu isa keessa hin jiru.”
Wo vnto him that sayth to the wood, Awake, and to the dumme stone, Rise vp, it shall teach thee: beholde, it is layde ouer with golde and siluer, and there is no breath in it.
20 Waaqayyo garuu mana qulqullummaa isaa qulqulluu sana keessa jira; lafti hundi fuula isaa duratti haa calʼistu.
But the Lord is in his holy Temple: let all the earth keepe silence before him.

< Anbaaqoom 2 >