< Uumama 48 >

1 Yeroo muraasa booddee, “Kunoo, abbaan kee dhukkubsateera” jedhanii Yoosefitti himan. Innis ilmaan isaa lamaan Minaasee fi Efreemin fudhatee dhaqe.
After these deades tydiges were brought vnto Ioseph: that his father was seke. And he toke with him his ij. sones Manasses and Ephraim.
2 Yaaqoob yeroo, “Ilmi kee Yoosef gara kee dhufeera” jedhanii itti himanitti, Israaʼel of jajjabeessee kaʼee siree irra taaʼe.
Then was it sayde vnto Iacob: beholde thy sonne Ioseph commeth vnto the. And Israel toke his strength vnto him and satt vp on the bedd
3 Yaaqoobis Yoosefiin akkana jedhe; “Waaqni Waan Hunda Dandaʼu biyya Kanaʼaan keessatti Luuzitti natti mulʼatee achitti na eebbise;
and sayde vnto Ioseph: God all mightie appeared vnto me at lus in the lande of Canaan ad blessed me
4 akkanas naan jedhe; ‘Ani akka ati hortuu fi akka ati baayʼattu nan godha. Tuuta sabaa sin godha; ani biyya kana dhaala bara baraa godhee sanyiiwwan kee warra si booddeetiif nan kenna.’
and sayde vnto me: beholde I will make the growe and will multiplye the and will make a great nombre of people of the and will geue this lande vnto the and vnto thy seed after ye vnto an euerlastinge possession.
5 “Egaa amma ilmaan kee lamaan warri utuu ani as gara kee hin dhufin dura Gibxitti siif dhalatan sun akkuma ilmaan kootti ilaalamu; akkuma Ruubeenii fi Simiʼoon kan koo taʼan sana Efreemii fi Minaaseenis kanuma koo taʼu.
Now therfore thy. ij. sones Manasses ad Ephraim which were borne vnto the before I came to the in to Egipte shalbe myne: euen as Ruben and Simeo shall they be vnto me.
6 Ijoolleen isaan booddeen siif dhalatan kan kee taʼu. Dhaala qoodachuu keessatti immoo maqaa obboloota isaanii jalatti lakkaaʼamu.
And the childern which thou getest after them shalbe thyne awne: but shalbe called with the names of their brethern in their enheritaunces.
7 Yeroo ani kaaba dhiʼa Phaadaaniitii deebiʼaa turetti utuma Efraataa gaʼuuf xinnuma nuu hafee jiruu Raahel biyya Kanaʼaan keessatti na jalaa duunaan achumatti karaa Efraataa dhaqu biratti awwaalladhe.” Efraataan kunis Beetlihemii dha.
And after I came from Mesopotamia Rahel dyed apon my hande in the lande of Canaa by the waye: when I had but a feldes brede to goo vnto Ephrat. And I buried her there in ye waye to Ephrat which is now called Bethlehem.
8 Israaʼel yeroo ilmaan Yoosef argetti, “Isaan kunneen eenyu?” jedhee gaafate.
And Israel behelde Iosephes sonnes and sayde: what are these?
9 Yoosef immoo abbaa isaatiin, “Isaan kunneen ilmaan biyya kanatti Waaqni naaf kennee dha” jedhe. Kana irratti Israaʼel, “Akka ani isaan eebbisuuf natti fidi” jedhe.
And Ioseph sayde vnto his father: they are my sonnes which God hath geuen me here. And he sayde: brynge them to me and let me blesse them.
10 Yeroo kanatti Israaʼel dulloomee iji isaa dadhabee ture; innis waa hubachuu hin dandaʼu ture. Kanaafuu Yoosef ilmaan isaa Israaʼelitti dhiʼeesse; Israaʼelis isaan dhungate; isaan hammates.
And the eyes of Israell were dymme for age so that he coude not see. And he broughte them to him ad he kyssed the and embraced them.
11 Israaʼelis Yoosefiin, “Ani fuuluma kee iyyuu nan arga jedhee hin yaadne; Waaqni garuu akka ani ijoollee kee iyyuu argu naa eeyyame” jedhe.
And Israel sayde vnto Ioseph: I had not thoughte to haue sene thy face and yet loo God hath shewed it me and also thy seed.
12 Yoosefis jilba Israaʼel irraa achi isaan butee fuula isaatiin lafatti gad gombifame.
And Ioseph toke them awaye from his lappe and they fell on the grounde before him.
13 Innis ergasii lamaan isaanii iyyuu fuudhee Efreemin karaa mirga isaatiin gara harka Israaʼel isa bitaatti, Minaasee immoo bitaa isaatiin gara harka Israaʼel isa mirgaatti fidee isatti dhiʼeesse.
Than toke Ioseph them both: Ephraim in his ryghte hande towarde Israels left hande ad Manasses in his left hande towarde Israels ryghte hande and brought them vnto him.
14 Israaʼel garuu utuma Efreem quxisuu taʼee jiruu harka isaa mirgaa mataa Efreem irra kaaʼe; Minaaseen immoo utuma hangafa taʼee jiruu Israaʼel harka isaa wal qaxxaamursee harka isaa bitaa mataa Minaasee irra kaaʼe.
And Israel stretched out his righte hande and layde it apon Ephraims head which was the yonger and his lyft hade apon Manasses heed crossinge his handes for manasses was the elder.
15 Innis akkana jedhee Yoosefin eebbise; “Waaqni inni abbootiin koo Abrahaamii fi Yisihaaq fuula isaa dura jiraatan, Waaqni inni bara jireenya koo guutuu hamma harʼaatti tiksee koo ture sun,
And he blessed Ioseph saynge: God before whome my fathers Abraham and Isaac dyd walke and the God which hath fedd me all my life longe vnto this daye
16 Ergamaan Waaqayyoo kan balaa hunda jalaa na baase sun ilmaan kanneen haa eebbisu. Isaan maqaa kootiin, maqaa abbootii koo Abrahaamii fi Yisihaaqiin haa waamaman; isaan lafa irratti guddaa haa baayʼatan.”
And the angell which hath delyuered me fro all euyll blesse these laddes: yt they maye be called after my name and after my father Abraham and Isaac and that they maye growe ad multiplie apo the erth.
17 Yoosef yommuu akka abbaan isaa harka isaa mirgaa mataa Efreem irra kaaʼe argetti ni gadde; kanaafuu inni harka abbaa isaa mataa Efreem irraa fuudhee mataa Minaasee irra kaaʼuuf jedhee kaase.
When Ioseph sawe that his father layd his ryghte hande apon the heade of Ephraim it displeased him. And he lifte vpp his fathers hade to haue removed it from Ephraims head vnto Manasses head
18 Yoosef abbaa isaatiin, “Yaa abbaa ko, akkas miti; inni kun hangafa; harka kee mirgaa mataa isaa irra kaaʼi” jedhe.
and sayde vnto his father: Not so my father for this is the eldest. Put thy right hande apon his head.
19 Abbaan isaa garuu didee akkana jedheen; “Ani nan beeka; yaa ilma koo nan beeka. Innis saba taʼa; saba guddaa isaa taʼa. Taʼus obboleessi isaa inni quxisuun isa caalaa guddaa taʼa; sanyiin isaas tuuta saba baayʼee ni taʼa.”
And his father wold not but sayde: I knowe it well my sonne I knowe it well. He shalbe also a people ad shalbe great. But of a troth his yonger brother shalbe greatter than he and his seed shall be full of people.
20 Innis gaafa sana akkana jedhee isaan eebbise; “Israaʼel maqaa keetiin eebba kana kenna; ‘Waaqni akka Efreemii fi akka Minaasee isin haa taasisu.’” Yoosefis akkasiin Minaasee dura Efreemin dabarse.
And he blessed them sainge. At the ensample of these the Israelites shall blesse and saye: God make the as Ephraim and as Manasses. Thus sett he Ephraim before Manasses.
21 Ergasii Israaʼel Yoosefiin akkana jedhe; “Kunoo ani duʼuu gaʼeera; Waaqni garuu isin wajjin taʼee biyya abbaa keessaniitti isin deebisa.
And Israel sayde vnto Ioseph: beholde I dye. And god shalbe with you and bringe you agayne vnto the land of youre fathers.
22 Ani qooda obboloota keetii caalchisee qooda tokko siifin kenna; kunis lafa ol kaʼaa ani Amoorota irraa goraadee koo fi iddaa kootiin fudhadhe sanaa dha.”
Moreouer I geue vnto the a porcyon of lande aboue thy brethern which I gatt out of the handes of the Amorites with my swerde and wyth my bowe.

< Uumama 48 >