< Baʼuu 18 >

1 Yetroo lubichi Midiyaaniitii fi abbaan niitii Musee sun waan Waaqni Musee fi saba isaa Israaʼeliif godhe hunda, akkasumas akka Waaqayyo itti Israaʼelin Gibxii baase dhagaʼe.
When Iethro the Priest of Midian Moses father in lawe heard all that God had done for Moses, and for Israel his people, and howe the Lord had brought Israel out of Egypt,
2 Erga Museen niitii isaa Ziphooraa ergee booddee Yetroo abbaan niitii Musee, ishee fi
Then Iethro the father in lawe of Moses, tooke Zipporah Moses wife, (after he had sent her away)
3 ilmaan ishee lamaan simate. Maqaan ilma isaa tokkoo Geershoom jedhame; Museen, “Ani biyya ormaa keessatti alagaa taʼeera” jedheeraatii.
And her two sonnes, (whereof the one was called Gershom: for he sayd, I haue bene an aliant in a strange land:
4 Kaan immoo, “Waaqni abbaa kootii gargaaraa kooti; inni goraadee Faraʼoon jalaa na baaseera” jechuudhaan Eliiʼezer jedhee moggaase.
And the name of the other was Eliezer: for the God of my father, said he, was mine helpe, and deliuered me from the sword of Pharaoh)
5 Yetroon abbaan niitii Musees niitii Museetii fi ilmaan Musee wajjin gammoojjii keessatti gara tulluu Waaqaa iddoo Museen qubatee jirutti isa bira dhufe.
And Iethro Moses father in law came with his two sonnes, and his wife vnto Moses into the wildernes, where he camped by ye mout of God.
6 Yetroonis, “Ani abbaan niitii keetii Yootoor niitii keetii fi ilmaan ishee lamaan wajjin gara kee dhufaa jira” jedhee dhaamsa itti ergee ture.
And he said to Moses, I thy father in law Iethro am come to thee, and thy wife and her two sonnes with her.
7 Museenis abbaa niitii isaa simachuuf gad baʼe; gad jedhees harka fuudhee isa dhungate. Isaanis nagaa wal gaafatanii dunkaana seenan.
And Moses went out to meete his father in law, and did obeisance and kissed him, and eche asked other of his welfare: and they came into the tent.
8 Museen waan Waaqayyo sababii saba Israaʼeliif jedhee Faraʼoonii fi warra Gibxi irratti hojjete, rakkina karaa irratti isaan mudate hundaa fi akka itti Waaqayyo isaan oolche abbaa niitii isaatti hime.
Then Moses told his father in law all that the Lord had done vnto Pharaoh, and to the Egyptians for Israels sake, and all the trauaile that had come vnto them by the way, and howe the Lord deliuered them.
9 Yetroonis waan gaarii Waaqayyo harka warra Gibxi keessaa isaan baasuudhaan saba Israaʼeliif godhe hundaaf ni gammade.
And Iethro reioyced at all the goodnesse, which the Lord had shewed to Israel, and because he had deliuered them out of the hande of the Egyptians.
10 Innis akkana jedhe; “Waaqayyo harka warra Gibxii fi harka Faraʼoon keessaa isin baasee fi inni saba sana harka warra Gibxiitii baase sun haa eebbifamu.
Therfore Iethro sayd, Blessed be the Lord who hath deliuered you out of the hande of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of Pharaoh: who hath also deliuered the people from vnder the hand of the Egyptians.
11 Ani amma akka Waaqayyo waaqota kaan hunda caalaa guddaa taʼe nan beeka; inni warra of tuulummaadhaan Israaʼelin rakkisan irratti waan kana raawwateeraatii.”
Now I know that the Lord is greater then all the gods: for as they haue dealt proudly with them, so are they recompensed.
12 Yommus Yetroon abbaan niitii Musee sun aarsaa gubamuu fi aarsaa biraa Waaqaaf fide; Aroonis fuula Waaqaa duratti Musee fi abbaa niitii Musee wajjin buddeena nyaachuuf maanguddoota Israaʼel hunda wajjin dhufe.
Then Iethro Moses father in lawe tooke burnt offerings and sacrifices to offer vnto God. And Aaron and all the Elders of Israel came to eat bread with Moses father in law before God.
13 Guyyaa itti aanutti Museen sabaaf murtii kennuuf taaʼe; sabni sunis ganamaa hamma galgalaatti naannoo isaa dhaabate.
Now on the morow, when Moses sate to iudge the people, the people stoode about Moses from morning vnto euen.
14 Abbaan niitii isaas yommuu waan Museen sabaaf hojjetu hunda argetti, “Wanni ati sabaaf hojjettu kun maali? Ati maaliif kophaa kee teessee sabni kun immoo ganamaa hamma galgalaatti naannoo kee dhadhaabata?” jedhe.
And when Moses father in law saw all that he did to the people, he sayde, What is this that thou doest to the people? why sittest thou thy selfe alone, and all the people stande about thee from morning vnto euen?
15 Museen immoo akkana jedhee deebiseef; “Sabni kun fedhii Waaqaa barbaacha gara koo dhufaatii.
And Moses sayd vnto his father in law, Because the people come vnto me to seeke God.
16 Isaan yommuu falmii qabaatanitti dhimma isaanii natti dhiʼeeffatu; anis abbootii dhimmaa gidduutti murtii nan kenna; sirnaa fi seera Waaqaas isaanitti nan hima.”
When they haue a matter, they come vnto me, and I iudge betweene one and another, and declare the ordinances of God, and his lawes.
17 Abbaan niitii Musee akkana jedhee deebise; “Wanni ati gootu kun gaarii miti.
But Moses father in law said vnto him, The thing which thou doest, is not well.
18 Atii fi sabni si bira dhufu kun akkasumaan of dadhabsiiftu. Hojiin kunis akka malee sitti ulfaata; ati kophaa kee hojjechuu hin dandeessu.
Thou both weariest thy selfe greatly, and this people that is with thee: for the thing is too heauie for thee: thou art not able to doe it thy selfe alone.
19 Ani gorsa siif kennaatii amma na dhagaʼi; Waaqni si wajjin haa taʼu. Ati fuula Waaqaa duratti iddoo buʼaa sabaa taatee dhimma isaanii Waaqatti fiduu qabda.
Heare nowe my voyce, (I will giue thee counsell, and God shalbe with thee) be thou for the people to Godwarde, and report thou the causes vnto God,
20 Sirnaa fi seera isaan barsiisi; akka isaan itti jiraachuu qabanii fi waan isaan hojjechuu qaban isaanitti argisiisi.
And admonish them of the ordinances, and of the lawes, and shew them the way, wherein they must walke, and the worke that they must do.
21 Kana malees ati saba hunda keessaa namoota dandeetii qaban jechuunis, namoota Waaqa sodaatan, namoota amanamoo kanneen mattaʼaa jibban filadhuutii ajajjuuwwan kumaa, ajajjuuwwan dhibbaa, ajajjuuwwan shantamaatii fi ajajjuuwwan kudhanii godhii muudadhu.
Moreouer, prouide thou among al the people men of courage, fearing God, men dealing truely, hating couetousnesse: and appoynt such ouer them to be rulers ouer thousandes, rulers ouer hundreths, rulers ouer fifties, and rulers ouer tennes.
22 Isaan yeroo hunda sabaaf murtii haa kennan; dubbii cimaa hunda garuu sitti haa fidan; dubbii laayyoo immoo ofumaan haa murteessan. Kun baʼaa kee siif salphisa; isaan si wajjin baʼaa ni baatuutii.
And let them iudge the people at all seasons: but euery great matter let them bring vnto thee, and let them iudge all small causes: so shall it be easier for thee, when they shall beare the burden with thee.
23 Yoo ati waan kana goote, yoo Waaqnis waanuma kana si ajaje ati jabaattee dhaabachuu dandeessa; sabni kun hundis nagaadhaan mana ofii isaatti gala.”
If thou do this thing, (and God so command thee) both thou shalt be able to endure, and all this people shall also go quietly to their place.
24 Museenis abbaa niitii isaa dhagaʼee waan inni jedhe hunda godhe.
So Moses obeyed the voyce of his father in law, and did all that he had sayd:
25 Innis Israaʼel hunda keessaa namoota dandeettii qaban filatee hooggantoota sabaa, ajajjuuwwan kumaa, ajajjuuwwan dhibbaa, ajajjuuwwan shantamaatii fi ajajjuuwwan kudhanii isaan godhate.
And Moses chose men of courage out of all Israel, and made them heads ouer the people, rulers ouer thousandes, rulers ouer hundreths, rulers ouer fifties, and rulers ouer tennes.
26 Isaanis abbootii murtii taʼanii yeroo hunda saba sana tajaajilan; dubbii jabaa Museetti fidan; dubbii laayyoo taʼe hunda immoo ofumaan murteessan.
And they iudged the people at all seasons, but they brought the hard causes vnto Moses: for they iudged all small matters themselues.
27 Ergasiis Museen abbaa niitii isaa geggeesse; Yootooris deebiʼee biyya isaatti gale.
Afterward Moses let his father in law depart, and he went into his countrey.

< Baʼuu 18 >