< Lallaba 11 >

1 Buddeena kee bishaan gubbaa buusi; guyyaa baayʼee booddee deebiftee argattaatii.
Cast thy bread vpon the waters: for after many daies thou shalt finde it.
2 Qabeenya kee iddoo torbatti yookaan saddeetitti qoodi; balaa biyyatti dhufuuf jiru hin beektuutii.
Giue a portion to seuen, and also to eight: for thou knowest not what euill shalbe vpon ye earth.
3 Duumessi yoo bishaaniin guutame, bokkaa lafatti gad dhangalaasa. Mukni tokko yoo kibbatti yookaan kaabatti jige, idduma itti kufe sana ciisa.
If the clouds be full, they wil powre forth raine vpon the earth: and if the tree doe fall toward the South, or toward the North, in the place that the tree falleth, there it shalbe.
4 Namni qilleensa eeggatu tokko hin facaafatu; kan duumessa ilaallatus hin haammatu.
He that obserueth ye winde, shall not sow, and he that regardeth the cloudes, shall not reape.
5 Ati akkuma daandii bubbee, yookaan akka itti namni gadameessa haadhaa keessatti uumamu hin beekne sana, hojii Waaqaa, Uumaa waan hundaa sana illee beekuu hin dandeessu.
As thou knowest not which is ye way of the spirit, nor how the bones doe growe in the wombe of her that is with child: so thou knowest not the worke of God that worketh all.
6 Inni kun yookaan inni sun, yookaan lachanuu wal qixxee tolu; inni kam akka tolu hin beektuutii; ati sanyii kee ganamaan facaafadhu; galgalas harki kee hojii malee hin taaʼin.
In the morning sowe thy seede, and in the euening let not thine hand rest: for thou knowest not whither shall prosper, this or that, or whether both shalbe a like good.
7 Ifni miʼaawaa dha; aduu arguunis ija gammachiisa.
Surely the light is a pleasant thing: and it is a good thing to the eyes to see the sunne.
8 Namni yoo hammam waggoota baayʼee jiraate illee, inni hunduma isaatti gammadaa haa jiraatu. Garuu inni guyyoota dukkanaa haa yaadatu; isaan ni baayʼatuutii. Wanni dhufuuf jiru hundinuu faayidaa hin qabu.
Though a man liue many yeeres, and in them all he reioyce, yet hee shall remember the daies of darkenesse, because they are manie, all that commeth is vanitie.
9 Yaa dargaggeessa, hamma dargaggummaa keessa jirtutti gammadi; bara dargaggummaa keetii keessas garaan kee si haa gammachiisu. Yaada garaa keetii, waanuma iji kee argu duukaa buʼi; garuu akka Waaqni waan kana hundaaf gara murtiitti si fidu beekkadhu.
Reioyce, O yong man, in thy youth, and let thine heart cheere thee in the dayes of thy youth: and walke in the waies of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but knowe that for all these things, God wil bring thee to iudgement.
10 Kanaafuu garaa kee keessaa yaaddoo balleessi; sababii dargaggummaa fi jabinni faayidaa hin qabneef dhagna kee keessaa hammina baasii gati.
Therefore take away griefe out of thine heart, and cause euil to depart from thy flesh: for childehood and youth are vanitie.

< Lallaba 11 >