< Keessa Deebii 4 >

1 Yaa Israaʼel, ajajawwanii fi seerawwan ani isin barsiisu dhagaʼaa. Akka jiraattanii fi dhaqxanii biyya Waaqayyo Waaqni abbootii keessanii isiniif kennu dhaaltaniifis isaan duukaa buʼaa.
Nowe therefore hearken, O Israel, vnto the ordinances and to the lawes which I teache you to doe, that ye may liue and goe in, and possesse the lande, which the Lord God of your fathers giueth you.
2 Ajaja Waaqayyo Waaqa keessanii kan ani isiniif kennu eegaa malee waan tokko illee itti hin dabalinaa yookaan irraa hin hirʼisinaa.
Ye shall put nothing vnto the word which I command you, neither shall ye take ought there from, that ye may keepe the commandements of the Lord your God which I commande you.
3 Isin waan Waaqayyo Baʼaal Pheʼooritti hojjete ijuma keessaniin argitaniirtu. Waaqayyo Waaqni keessan warra isin gidduudhaa Baʼaal Pheʼoor duukaa buʼan hunda balleesseera;
Your eyes haue seene what the Lord did because of Baal-Peor, for al the men that folowed Baal-Peor the Lord thy God hath destroyed euery one from among you.
4 isin warri Waaqayyo Waaqa keessan qabattan hundi garuu hamma harʼaatti lubbuudhaan jiraattan.
But ye that did cleaue vnto the Lord your God, are aliue euery one of you this day.
5 Kunoo, akka isin biyya dhaaluuf itti galuuf jirtanitti isaan duukaa buutaniif ani akkuma Waaqayyo Waaqni koo na ajajetti ajajawwanii fi seerawwan isin barsiiseera.
Behold, I haue taught you ordinances, and lawes, as the Lord my God commanded me, that ye should doe euen so within the land whither ye goe to possesse it.
6 Kunis akka saboonni waaʼee ajajawwan kanaa hunda dhagaʼanii, “Dhugumaan sabni guddaan kun saba ogeessaa fi hubataa dha” jedhaniif ogummaa fi hubannaa keessan sabootatti argisiisaatii akka gaariitti isaan eegaa.
Keepe them therefore, and doe them; for that is your wisdome, and your vnderstanding in the sight of the people, which shall heare all these ordinances, and shall say, Onely this people is wise, and of vnderstanding, and a great nation.
7 Sabni guddaan akka yeroo nu Waaqayyo Waaqa keenya waammannutti nutti dhiʼaatu sana waaqonni isaanii itti dhiʼaatan kan biraa kami?
For what nation is so great, vnto whome the gods come so neere vnto them, as the Lord our God is neere vnto vs, in all that we call vnto him for?
8 Sabni guddaan ajajawwanii fi seera qajeelaa akka seera ani harʼa fuula keessan dura kaaʼu kanaa qabu biraa kami?
And what nation is so great, that hath ordinances and lawes so righteous, as all this Lawe, which I set before you this day?
9 Akka waan iji kee arge hin daganneef yookaan akka hamma ati lubbuudhaan jirtutti garaa keetii hin badneef ofuma eeggadhu; jabaadhuu of eeggadhu. Waan kanas ijoollee keetii fi ijoollee ijoollee ijoollee keetii barsiisi.
But take heede to thy selfe, and keepe thy soule diligently, that thou forget not the thinges which thine eyes haue seene, and that they depart not out of thine heart, all the dayes of thy life: but teach them thy sonnes, and thy sonnes sonnes:
10 Gaafa isin Kooreebitti fuula Waaqayyo Waaqa keessanii dura dhaabattan, yeroo inni, “Akka isaan hamma lubbuudhaan lafa irra jiraatan hundatti na sodaachuu baratanii ijoollee ijoollee isaanii illee na sodaachuu barsiisaniif dubbii koo haa dhagaʼaniitii namoota walitti qabi” naan jedhe sana yaadadhaa.
Forget not the day that thou stoodest before the Lord thy God in Horeb, when the Lord said vnto me, Gather me the people together, and I wil cause them heare my wordes, that they may learne to feare me all the dayes that they shall liue vpon the earth, and that they may teache their children:
11 Isin utumaa tulluun sun bobaʼaa ibidda hamma wiirtuu samiitti ol baʼee duumessa gurraachaa fi dukkana limixiidhaan haguugamee jiruu itti dhiʼaattanii miilla tulluu sanaa jala dhadhaabattan.
Then came you neere and stoode vnder the mountaine, and the mountaine burnt with fire vnto the mids of heauen, and there was darkenesse, cloudes and mist.
12 Ergasiis Waaqayyo ibidda keessaa isinitti dubbate. Isinis sagalee dubbii sanaa malee bifa tokko illee hin argine; sagalee tokko qofatu ture.
And the Lord spake vnto you out of the middes of the fire, and ye heard the voyce of the wordes, but sawe no similitude, saue a voyce.
13 Innis kakuu isaa jechuunis Ajajawwan Kurnan akka isin isaan duukaa buutaniif isin ajaje sana isiniif labse. Ergasii immoo gabatee dhagaa lama irratti isaan barreesse.
Then hee declared vnto you his couenant which he commanded you to doe, euen the ten commandements, and wrote them vpon two tables of stone.
14 Waaqayyos yeroo sanatti akka ani ajajawwanii fi seerawwan biyya isin Yordaanos ceetanii dhaaltan sana keessatti duukaa buʼuu qabdan isin barsiisu na ajaje.
And the Lord commanded me that same time, that I should teach you ordinances and lawes, which ye should obserue in the lande, whither ye goe, to possesse it.
15 Gaafa Waaqayyo Kooreeb irratti ibidda keessaa isinitti dubbatetti isin bifa tokko illee hin argine. Kanaafuu jabeessaa of eeggadhaa;
Take therefore good heede vnto your selues: for ye sawe no image in the day that the Lord spake vnto you in Horeb out of the middes of the fire:
16 kunis akka isin hin xuroofne, akka Waaqa tolfamaa bifa dhiiraatiin yookaan dubartiitiin soofame kam iyyuu ofii keessaniif hin tolfanne
That ye corrupt not your selues, and make you a grauen image or representation of any figure: whither it be the likenes of male or female,
17 yookaan horii lafa irra jiraatu yookaan simbira samii keessa barrisu kam iyyuu
The likenes of any beast that is on earth, or the likenesse of any fethered foule that flieth in the aire:
18 yookaan uumama lafa irra munyuuqu kam iyyuu yookaan qurxummii lafa jala bishaan keessa jiraatu kam iyyuu hin tolfanneef.
Or the likenesse of any thing that creepeth on the earth, or the likenesse of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth,
19 Ati yommuu samii ol ilaaltee aduu, jiʼa, urjiiwwanii fi raayyaa samii hunda argitutti gowwoomfamtee fuula waan Waaqayyo Waaqni kee saboota samiidhaa gadii hundaaf qoodee kennee duratti gad jettee hin sagadin.
And lest thou lift vp thine eyes vnto heauen, and when thou seest the sunne and the moone and the starres with all the host of heauen, shouldest bee driuen to worship them and serue them, which the Lord thy God hath distributed to all people vnder the whole heauen.
20 Waaqayyo garuu akka isin akkuma amma jirtan kana dhaala isaa taataniif badaa sibiila itti baqsan jechuunis biyya Gibxiitii baasee isin fide.
But the Lord hath taken you and brought you out of the yron fornace: out of Egypt to be vnto him a people and inheritance, as appeareth this day.
21 Waaqayyos sababii keessaniif natti dheekkamee akka ani laga Yordaanos ceʼee biyya gaarii kan Waaqayyo Waaqni keessan dhaala godhee isiniif kennu sana hin seenne kakate.
And the Lord was angrie with me for your words, and sware that I should not goe ouer Iorden, and that I should not goe in vnto that good land, which the Lord thy God giueth thee for an inheritance.
22 Ani biyyuma kanatti nan duʼa; ani Yordaanosin hin ceʼu; isin garuu ceetanii biyya gaarii sana dhaaluuf jirtu.
For I must die in this land, and shall not go ouer Iorden: but ye shall goe ouer, and possesse that good land.
23 Akka kakuu Waaqayyo Waaqni keessan isin wajjin gale sana hin daganne of eeggadhaa; waaqota tolfamoo Waaqayyo Waaqni keessan isin dhowwe bifa kamiin iyyuu ofii keessaniif hin tolfatinaa.
Take heede vnto your selues, least ye forget the couenant of the Lord your God which hee made with you, and least ye make you any grauen image, or likenes of any thing, as the Lord thy God hath charged thee.
24 Waaqayyo Waaqni keessan ibidda gubee balleessuudhaatii; Waaqa hinaafudhas.
For the Lord thy God is a consuming fire, and a ielous God.
25 Isin erga ijoollee fi ijoollee ijoollee keessanii hortanii biyya sana keessa bara dheeraa jiraattanii booddee, yoo xurooftanii fakkii waaqota tolfamoo bifa kamii iyyuu tolchitanii fuula Waaqayyo Waaqa keessanii duratti waan hamaa hojjettanii dheekkamsaaf isa kakaaftan,
When thou shalt beget children and childrens children, and shalt haue remained long in the land, if ye corrupt your selues, and make any grauen image, or likenes of any thing, and worke euill in the sight of the Lord thy God, to prouoke him to anger,
26 akka isin biyya Yordaanos ceetanii dhaaltan irraa ariitiidhaan dhabamtan ani guyyaa harʼaa samii fi lafa dhugaa baatota godhee isinitti nan waama. Iddoo sana yeroo dheeraa hin jiraattan; isin guutumaan guutuutti barbadooftu.
I call heauen and earth to record against you this day, that ye shall shortly perish from the land, whereunto ye goe ouer Iorden to possesse it: ye shall not prolong your dayes therein, but shall vtterly be destroyed.
27 Waaqayyos saboota keessa isin faffacaasa; saboota warra Waaqayyo isaan gidduutti isin faffacaase keessattis muraasa taatanii haftu.
And the Lord shall scatter you among the people, and ye shall be left few in nomber among the nations, whither the Lord shall bring you:
28 Isinis achitti waaqota harka namaatiin mukaa fi dhagaa irraa hojjetaman kanneen arguu yookaan dhagaʼuu yookaan nyaachuu yookaan fuunfachuu hin dandeenye waaqeffattu.
And there ye shall serue gods, euen ye worke of mans hand, wood, and stone, which neither see, nor heare, nor eate, nor smelll.
29 Garuu yoo achittis Waaqayyo Waaqa keessan barbaaddan ni argattu; isin yoo garaa fi yaada keessan guutuudhaan isa barbaaddan ni argattu.
But if from thence thou shalt seeke the Lord thy God, thou shalt finde him, if thou seeke him with all thine heart, and with all thy soule.
30 Yommuu dhiphattee wanni kun hundi sitti dhufutti, baroota dhufuuf jiran keessa gara Waaqayyo Waaqa keetiitti ni deebita; isaafis ni ajajamta.
When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come vpon thee, at the length if thou returne to the Lord thy God, and bee obedient vnto his voyce,
31 Waaqayyo Waaqni kee Waaqa araaraa ti; inni si hin gatu yookaan si hin balleessu yookaan kakuu abbootii keetiif kakate sana hin dagatu.
(For the Lord thy God is a mercifull God) he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the couenant of thy fathers, which hee sware vnto them.
32 Waaʼee baroota durii kan utuu ati hin dhalatin dura gaafa Waaqayyo lafa irratti nama uumee jalqabee ture sana iyyaafadhaa; daarii samii tokko irraa hamma daarii kaaniitti iyyaafadhaa. Wanni guddaan akkanaa takkumaa uumamee yookaan wanni akkanaa takkumaa dhagaʼamee beekaa?
For inquire now of the dayes that are past, which were before thee, since the day that God created man vpon the earth, and aske from the one ende of heauen vnto the other, if there came to passe such a great thing as this, or whether any such like thing hath bene heard.
33 Sabni akka keessan sagalee Waaqaa kan ibidda keessaa dubbatu dhagaʼee lubbuudhaan jiraate kan biraa takkumaa argameeraa?
Did euer people heare the voyce of God speaking out of the middes of a fire, as thou hast heard, and liued?
34 Waaqni kam iyyuu takkumaa akka Waaqayyo Waaqni keessan utuma iji keessan arguu biyya Gibxitti isinii godhe sana saba tokko saba biraa keessaa qorumsaan, mallattoo fi dinqiidhaan, waraanaan, harka jabaa fi irree diriirfameen, yookaan hojii guddaa fi sodaachisaadhaan baasee kan ofii isaa godhachuu yaale jira?
Or hath God assayed to go and take him a nation from among nations, by tentations, by signes, and by wonders, and by warre, and by a mightie hand, and by a stretched out arme, and by great feare, according vnto all that the Lord your God did vnto you in Egypt before your eyes?
35 Isinis Waaqayyo Waaqa taʼuu isaa akka beektaniif wantoonni kunneen isinitti argisiifaman; isa malees kan biraa hin jiru.
Vnto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest knowe, that the Lord hee is God, and that there is none but he alone.
36 Inni si adabachuuf jedhee samiidhaa sagalee isaa si dhageessise. Lafa irratti ibidda isaa guddicha sitti argisiisee atis ibidda keessaa dubbii isaa dhageesse.
Out of heauen hee made thee heare his voyce to instruct thee, and vpon earth he shewed thee his great fire, and thou heardest his voyce out of the middes of the fire.
37 Inni waan abbootii kee jaallatee isaan booddees sanyiiwwan isaanii filateef ofii isaatiin humna isaa guddaadhaan biyya Gibxiitii baasee isin fide;
And because hee loued thy fathers, therefore hee chose their seede after them, and hath brought thee out of Egypt in his sight by his mightie power,
38 kanas akka harʼa taʼee jiru kana saboota si caalaa gurguddaa fi jajjaboo si duraa ariʼee biyya isaanii dhaala godhee siif kennuuf itti si fide.
To thrust out nations greater and mightier then thou, before thee, to bring thee in, and to giue thee their land for inheritance: as appeareth this day.
39 Harʼa akka Waaqayyo ol samii gubbaatti, gad lafa irrattis Waaqa taʼe beeki; garaa keettis qabadhu. Kan biraas hin jiru.
Vnderstande therefore this day, and consider in thine heart, that the Lord, he is God in heauen aboue, and vpon the earth beneath: there is none other.
40 Akka sii fi ijoollee kee warra siʼiin duubaatiif toluu fi akka biyya Waaqayyo Waaqni kee bara baraan siif kennutti umuriin kee dheeratuuf qajeelchawwanii fi ajajawwan isaa kanneen ani harʼa siif kennu eegi.
Thou shalt keepe therefore his ordinances, and his commandements which I commaund thee this day, that it may goe well with thee, and with thy children after thee, and that thou mayst prolong thy dayes vpon the earth, which the Lord thy God giueth thee for euer.
41 Yeroo sanatti Museen magaalaawwan baʼa Yordaanos sadii addaan baafate;
Then Moses separated three cities on this side of Iorden toward the sunne rising:
42 kunis lafa namni nama ajjeese yoo utuu itti hin yaadin nama ajjeese itti baqatuu dha. Innis magaalaawwan kanneen keessaa tokkotti baqatee lubbuu isaa oolfachuu dandaʼa.
That the slayer should flee thither, which had killed his neighbour at vnwares, and hated him not in time past, might flee, I say, vnto one of those cities, and liue:
43 Magaalaawwan sunis kanneen turan: Bezer kan gammoojjii keessa tabba irra jirtu gosa Ruubeeniif, Raamooti kan Giliʼaaditti argamtu gosa Gaadiif, Goolaan kan Baashaanitti argamtu immoo gosa Minaaseef.
That is, Bezer in the wildernesse, in the plaine countrey of the Reubenites: and Ramoth in Gilead among the Gadites: and Golan in Bashan among them of Manasseh.
44 Kun Seera Museen Israaʼeloota dura kaaʼee dha.
So this is the law which Moses set before the children of Israel.
45 Qajeelchi, ajajnii fi seerri Museen yommuu isaan biyya Gibxii baʼanitti Israaʼelootaaf kenne kanaa dha;
These are the witnesses, and the ordinances, and the lawes which Moses declared to the children of Israel after they came out of Egypt,
46 kunis yeroo isaan Sulula Beet Pheʼoor biyya baʼa Yordaanositti argamtu keessa turanitti taʼe; biyyi kunis biyya Sihoon mootii Amoorotaa kan Heshboon keessa jiraachaa turee Musee fi Israaʼeloonni yeroo biyya Gibxii baʼanitti isa moʼatanii ti.
On this side Iorden, in the valley ouer against Beth-peor, in the land of Sihon King of the Amorites, which dwelt at Heshbon, whom Moses and the children of Israel smote, after they were come out of Egypt:
47 Isaanis biyya isaatii fi biyya Oogi mooticha Baashaan jechuunis biyyoota mootota Amoorii lamaan baʼa Yordaanositti argaman dhaala godhanii fudhatan.
And they possessed his land, and the lande of Og King of Bashan, two Kings of the Amorites, which were on this side Iorden towarde the sunne rising:
48 Biyyi kunis Aroʼeer kan daarii Sulula Arnoonii jalqabee hamma Gaara Sihoonitti jechuunis hamma Hermooniitti balʼata;
From Aroer, which is by the banke of the riuer Arnon, euen vnto mount Sion, which is Hermon,
49 innis Arabbaa baʼa Yordaanosii hamma galaana Arabbaatti jiru kan tabba Phisgaatii gaditti argamu hunda dabalata.
And all the plaine by Iorden Eastwarde, euen vnto the Sea, of ye plaine, vnder the springs of Pisgah.

< Keessa Deebii 4 >