< Qolosaayis 1 >

1 Phaawulos isa fedhii Waaqaatiin ergamaa Kiristoos Yesuus taʼee fi obboleessa keenya Xiimotewos irraa,
This letter comes from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus according to the will of God, and from our brother Timothy.
2 Gara qulqulloota, obboloota Kiristoosiin amanamoo taʼan kanneen Qolosaayis jiraataniitti: Abbaa keenya Waaqa biraa ayyaannii fi nagaan isiniif haa taʼu.
To the believers and trusting Christians at Colossae: may you have grace and peace from God our Father.
3 Nu yommuu isiniif kadhannutti Waaqa, Abbaa Gooftaa keenya Yesuus Kiristoos yeroo hunda ni galateeffanna;
We are always thankful to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for you, and pray for you.
4 amantii isin Kiristoos Yesuusitti qabdanii fi jaalala isin qulqulloota hundaaf qabdan sana dhageenyeerraatii;
We've heard about your trust in Christ Jesus and your love for all the believers
5 kunis sababii abdii samii keessatti isinii kuufame sanaatiif; isin waaʼee abdii kanaa duraanuu dubbii dhugaa, wangeela keessatti dhageessaniirtu;
because of the hope prepared for you in heaven. You already heard about this in the good news, the message of truth
6 wangeelli kunis isin bira gaʼeera. Wangeelli kunis gaafa isin isa dhageessanii dhugumaan ayyaana Waaqaa hubattanii jalqabee akkuma isin gidduutti hojjechaa ture sana addunyaa guutuu keessattis ija naqachaa fi guddachaa jira.
that came to you just as it has gone throughout the whole world, spreading widely and bringing results. It's done the same for you too, ever since you heard it and realized the true nature of God's grace.
7 Kanas tajaajilaa jaallatamaa hidhata keenya taʼe Ephaafiraa irraa barattaniirtu; innis Kiristoosiif tajaajilaa amanamaa taʼee iddoo keenya kan buʼee dha;
Our dear friend and fellow-worker Epaphras, who is a trustworthy minister of Christ on our behalf, taught you about this.
8 inni waaʼee jaalala keessan kan Hafuurri isinii kenne sanaas nutti himeera.
He's also made clear to us your love in the Spirit.
9 Sababii kanaaf nu gaafa waaʼee keessan dhageenyee jalqabnee isinii kadhachuu fi akka Waaqni karaa ogummaatii fi hubannaa hafuuraa hundaan beekumsa fedhii isaatiin isin guutu kadhachuu hin dhiifne.
Because of this we continue to pray for you from the time we heard about you, asking God to give you understanding of what he wants you to do and to give you every kind of spiritual wisdom and understanding.
10 Kunis akka isin hojii gaarii hundaan ija naqachaa, Waaqa beekuudhaanis guddachaa, jireenya Gooftaaf maluu fi kan karaa hundaan isa gammachiisu jiraattaniif;
That way you'll live lives that rightly represent the Lord and please him, producing all kinds of good results and gaining greater knowledge of God.
11 isinis jajjabinaa fi obsa guddaa akka qabaattaniif, akkuma aangoo isaa ulfina qabeessa sanaatti humna hundaan jabaachaa, gammadaas
May you be made powerfully strong by his wonderful strength, having great patience and endurance.
12 Waaqa Abbaa kan akka isin mootummaa ifaa keessatti qulqulloota wajjin dhaala keessatti hirmaattan isin dandeessise sana galateeffadhaa.
May you happily praise the Father, who has made it possible for us to share in the inheritance of God's people who live in the light.
13 Inni taayitaa dukkanaa jalaa nu baasee gara mootummaa Ilma inni jaallatuutti nu dabarseeraatii;
He rescued us from the tyranny of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,
14 nus isumaan furama, jechuunis dhiifama cubbuu arganneerra.
through whom we have been set free and our sins forgiven.
15 Inni fakkaattii Waaqa hin mulʼanne sanaa ti; uumama hundaafis hangafa.
The Son is the visible picture of the invisible God. He was before all creation,
16 Wanni hundinuu isumaan uumameetii: Wanni samii keessaa fi lafa irraa, wanni mulʼatuu fi hin mulʼanne, teessoowwan yookaan humnoonni yookaan bulchitoonni yookaan taayitaawwan, wanni hundinuu isumaan, isumaaf uumaman.
for everything was created through him—in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, empires, rulers, leaders and authorities—everything was created through him and for him.
17 Inni waan hunda dura jira; wanni hundinuu isumaan wal qabatee dhaabata.
He existed before everything, and he holds everything together.
18 Inni mataa dhagna isaa, mataa waldaa kiristaanaa ti; waan hunda irratti ol aantummaa akka qabaatuufis inni kan jalqabaa ti; warra duʼan keessaa kaafamuudhaanis hangafa.
He is also the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the first and highest of those raised from the dead, so that he is supreme in everything.
19 Waaqni guutummaan isaa hundi isa keessa jiraachuu isaatti gammadeeraatii;
God was pleased to have his full nature live in him,
20 dhiiga isaa kan fannoo irratti dhangalaʼe sanaanis nagaa buusuudhaan waan lafa irra jiru yookaan waan samii keessa jiru hunda karaa isaatiin ofitti araarseeraatii.
and through him brought back everything in the universe to himself, since he made peace through the blood of his cross, through him reconciling all those on the earth and in heaven.
21 Isinis dur amala keessan hamaa sanaan Waaqatti orma taatanii yaada keessaniinis diinota turtan.
You once were alienated from God, enemies in the way you thought and the way you acted,
22 Amma garuu qulqulloota mudaa hin qabnee fi warra hirʼina hin qabne godhee fuula isaa duratti isin dhiʼeessuuf dhagna foon Kiristoosiin, karaa duʼa isaatiin isin araarseera;
but now he has reconciled you through his dying human body, bringing you into his presence where you stand holy, pure, and faultless.
23 kunis yoo isin amantii keessaniin itti fuftan, yoo jabaattanii dhaabattanii fi yoo isin abdii wangeelaa irraa hin sochoone taʼa. Wangeelli kunis isuma isin dhageessanii fi isuma samii gaditti uumama hundatti lallabamee dha; ani Phaawulosis wangeeluma kanaaf tajaajilaa taʼeera.
But your trust in him must continue rock-solid and immovable. Don't be shaken from the hope of the good news that you heard, the good news that's been shared throughout the world—that's the work that I Paul have been doing.
24 Ani amma isiniif dhiphachuu kootti nan gammada; waan dhiphina Kiristoos dhagna isaatiif jechuunis waldaa kiristaanaatiif jedhee dhiphate sana keessaa hirʼates ani foon kootiin nan guuta.
I'm happy to have trouble for your sake, for by means of what happens to me physically I'm part of Christ's sufferings that he continues to experience for the sake of his body, the church.
25 Ergama Waaqni natti kenneen ani akka dubbii Waaqaa guutummaatti isinii dhiʼeessuuf tajaajilaa waldaa kiristaanaa taʼeera;
I serve the church following the direction God gave me about you, to present fully the word of God to you.
26 dubbiin kunis icciitii barootaa fi dhaloota jalaa dhokfamee turee dha; amma garuu qulqulloota isaatti mulʼifameera. (aiōn g165)
This is the mystery that was hidden down through the ages and for many generations, but it's now been revealed to God's people. (aiōn g165)
27 Waaqni badhaadhummaan ulfina icciitii kanaa hammam guddaa akka taʼe Namoota Ormaa gidduutti qulqulloota isaatti beeksisuu filateera; icciitiin kunis Kiristoos, abdii ulfinaa isa isin keessa jiruu dha.
God wanted to make known to them the glorious wealth of this mystery to the nations: Christ living in you is the glorious hope!
28 Nus isuma lallabna; nama hunda kan guutumaan guutuutti Kiristoositti bilchaataa taʼe akka dhiʼeessinuuf, tokkoo tokkoo namaa ogummaa hundaan gorsaa barsiisna.
We're telling everyone about him, instructing and teaching them in the best way we know how so that we can bring everyone before God fully mature in Christ.
29 Kanaafuu ani akkuma hojii humna isaa kan ciminaan na keessatti hojjetu sanaatti carraaqaa nan dhimma.
That's what I'm working for too, making every effort as I rely on his strength which is powerfully at work in me.

< Qolosaayis 1 >