< 2 Saamuʼeel 23 >

1 Dubbiin Daawit dhuma irratti dubbate kanaa dha: “Himanni Daawit ilmi Isseey, himanni nama Waaqni Waan Hundaa Olii, ol ol isa qabe, nama Waaqni Yaaqoob isa dibe faarfataan Israaʼel jaallatamaan sun akkana jedhe:
These are David's last words. The divine message of David son of Jesse, the divine message of the man made great by God, the one anointed by the God of Jacob, the wonderful psalm-writer of Israel:
2 “Hafuurri Waaqayyoo karaa kootiin dubbateera; dubbiin isaas arraba koo irra ture.
“The Spirit of the Lord spoke through me; my tongue gave his message.
3 Waaqni Israaʼel dubbateera; Kattaan Israaʼel akkana naan jedhe: ‘Namni qajeelummaan saba bulchu, kan sodaa Waaqaatiin bulchu,
Israel's God spoke; Israel's Rock told me, ‘He who rules the people justly, he who rules respecting God,
4 inni akka ifa biiftuu ganamaa kan iddoo duumessi hin jirretti baʼuu, akkuma ifa aduu kan erga bokkaan caamee booddee marga biqilchuu ti.’
is like the light of the morning sunrise on a cloudless dawn; like the shining of raindrops on the new grass growing from the earth.’
5 “Manni koo Waaqa duratti qajeelaa mitii? Inni kakuu bara baraa na wajjin seenee isas qajeelchee karaa hundaan ni eega mitii? Isatu fayyina koo fiixaan baasee fedhii koo hundas naaf guuta mitii?
Isn't this how my family is with God? For he has made an everlasting agreement with me, set out in detail and with every part guaranteed. He will make sure to save me and to give me all I want.
6 Namoonni hamoon hundinuu garuu akkuma qoraattii harkaan walitti hin qabamneetti gatamu.
But evil people are like thorns to be thrown aside; they can't be held in the hand.
7 Namni qoraattii tuqu kam iyyuu miʼa sibiilaa yookaan somaa eeboo qabata; qoraattiin sunis lafuma jirutti gubama.”
The only way to deal with them is to use an iron tool or the handle of a spear. They are completely burned up right where they are.”
8 Maqaan namoota Daawit warra jajjaboo kanaa dha: Yosheeb-Bashebet namichi Tahikmooni hoogganaa sadanii ture; innis lola tokko irratti eeboo mirmirsee namoota dhibba saddeet fixe.
These are the names of the leading warriors who supported David: Josheb-Basshebeth, a Tahkemonite, leader of the Three. Using his spear, he once killed eight hundred men in a single battle.
9 Kan isatti aanu immoo Eleʼaazaar ilma Doodoo namicha gosa Ahooʼaa ture; innis yeroo Filisxeemota lolaaf achitti walitti qabamanii turan sana waraanuuf kutatanitti, namoota jajjaboo Daawit wajjin turan sadan keessaa tokko ture. Ergasii namoonni Israaʼel booddeetti deebiʼan;
After him came Eleazar, son of Dodai, the Ahohite, one of the Three leading warriors. He was with David when they defied the Philistines gathered for battle at Pas-dammin. The Israelites retreated,
10 inni garuu utuu lafa dhaabatee turee hin sochoʼin hamma harki isaa dadhabee goraadee isaatti gogutti Filisxeemota ni rukute. Waaqayyo gaafas moʼannoo guddaa kenne. Loltoonnis warra duʼan irraa hiikachuu qofaaf gara Eleʼaazaaritti deebiʼan.
but Eleazar took his stand and went on killing Philistines until his hand stuck to his sword. The Lord saved them by granting them a great victory. The Israelite army did return, but only to strip the dead.
11 Isatti aanees Saamaa ilma Aagee namicha gosa Haraaraatu ture. Yommuu Filisxeemonni iddoo Leehi jedhamutti lafa qotiisaa kan misiraan guutame tokko biratti walitti qabamanitti loltoonni Israaʼel isaan duraa baqatan.
After him came Shammah, son of Agee, the Hararite. When the Philistines gathered at Lehi, in a field full of lentils, the Israelite army ran away from them,
12 Saamaan garuu lafa qotiisaa walakkaatti iddoo qabatee ture. Innis irraa ittisuudhaan Filisxeemota fixe; Waaqayyos moʼannaa guddaa kenne.
but Shammah took his stand in the middle of the field, defending it and killing the Philistines. The Lord gave them a great victory.
13 Yeroo midhaan haammamutti utuu loltoonni Filisxeemotaa Sulula Refaayim keessatti walitti qabamanii jiranuu, hangafoota soddomman sana keessaa namoonni sadii gara holqa Adulaamitti gara Daawit gad buʼan.
At harvest time, the Three, who were part of the Thirty leading warriors, went down to meet David when he was at the cave of Adullam. The Philistine army was camped in the valley of Rephaim.
14 Yeroo sanatti Daawit daʼannoo cimaa keessa ture; loltoonni Filisxeem immoo Beetlihem turan.
At the time David was in the stronghold, and the Philistine garrison was in Bethlehem.
15 Daawitis Dheebotee, “Utuu namni tokko boolla bishaanii kan karra Beetlihem bira jiru keessaa bishaan dhugaatii naa fidee hoo!” jedhe.
David was feeling really thirsty, and he said, “If only someone could bring me a drink of water from the well beside the entrance gate to Bethlehem!”
16 Kanaafuu namoonni jajjaboon sadan sun qubata Filisxeemotaa keessaan darbanii boolla bishaanii kan karra Beetlihem bira jiru keessaa bishaan waraabanii Daawitiif fidan. Inni garuu dhuguu ni dide; qooda kanaa bishaan sana fuula Waaqayyoo duratti dhangalaase.
The Three leading warriors broke through the Philistine defenses, took some water from the well at Bethelehem's gate, and brought it back to David. But David refused to drink it, and poured it out as an offering to the Lord.
17 Innis, “Yaa Waaqayyoo, waan kana gochuun narraa haa fagaatu! Bishaan kun dhiiga namoota lubbuu ofii isaaniitti kutatanii deemanii mitii?” jedhe. Kanaafuu Daawit bishaan sana hin dhugne. Egaa wanni namoonni jajjaboon sadan sun hojjetan kana ture.
“Lord, never let me do this!” he said. “Isn't it like drinking the blood of these men who risked their lives?” So he did not drink it. This is just some of the things the Three leading warriors did.
18 Abiishaayi ilmi Zeruuyaa obboleessi Yooʼaab hoogganaa sadan isaanii ture. Innis namoota dhibba sadiitti eeboo isaa ol kaafatee isaan fixe; akkasiin innis akkuma namoota sadan sanaa beekamaa taʼe.
Abishai, Joab's brother, was leader of the second Three. Using his spear, he once killed 300 men, and became famous among the Three.
19 Abiishaayin warra sadan caalaa ulfina hin argannee ree? Inni yoo isaan keessaa tokko taʼuu baate iyyuu ajajaa isaanii taʼe.
He was the most highly regarded of the Three and was their commander, though he was not one of the first Three.
20 Benaayaa ilmi Yehooyaadaa loltuun cimaan biyya Qabziʼeel sunis loltuu moʼannaa gurguddaa argamsiise ture. Innis loltoota Moʼaab kanneen akka malee jajjaboo taʼan lama ajjeese. Gaafa cabbiin roobe tokkos boolla keessa seenee leenca ajjeese.
Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, a strong warrior from Kabzeel, did many amazing things. He killed two sons of Ariel of Moab. He also went after a lion into a pit in the snow and killed it.
21 Inni namicha biyya Gibxi guddicha tokko illee ni ajjeese. Namichi Gibxi sun eeboo harkaa qabaatu iyyuu Benaayaa bokkuudhaan isatti baʼe; innis harka namicha Gibxi sanaatii eeboo butatee eeboodhuma isaatiin isa ajjeese.
Another time he killed a huge Egyptian. The Egyptian had a spear in his hand but Benaiah attacked him with just a club. He grabbed the spear from the Egyptian's hand, and killed him with his own spear.
22 Hojiiwwan gootummaa kanneen Benaayaa ilmi Yehooyaadaa hojjete kana faʼi; innis akkuma namoota jajjaboo sadan sanaa nama beekamaa ture.
These were the kind of things Benaiah did that made him as famous as the Three leading warriors.
23 Inni namoota soddomman sana keessaa nama kam iyyuu caalaa ulfina guddaa argate; garuu namoota Sadan sanatti hin dabalamne. Daawitis ajajaa eegdota ofii isaa isa godhate.
He was the most highly regarded of the Thirty, though he was not one of the Three. David put him in charge of his personal bodyguard.
24 Jara soddomman sana keessattis: Asaaheel obboleessa Yooʼaab, Elhaanaan ilma Doodoo namicha Beetlihem,
Included in the Thirty were: Asahel, Joab's brother; Elhanan, son of Dodo, from Bethlehem;
25 Shamaa namicha gosa Haroodaa, Eliiqaa namicha gosa Haroodaa,
Shammoth the Harorite; Elika the Harodite,
26 Heleez namicha Phaaltii, Iiraa ilma Iqeesh nama Teqooʼaa,
Helez the Paltite; Ira, son of Ikkesh, from Tekoa;
27 Abiiʼezer nama Anaatoot, Mebunaay nama biyya Hushaa,
Abiezer from Anathoth; Mebunnai the Hushathite;
28 Zalmoon nama Ahooʼaa, Maharaayi nama Netoofaa,
Zalmon the Ahohite; Maharai the Netophahite;
29 Heeled ilma Baʼanaa nama Netoofaa, gosa Beniyaam keessaa Iitaayi ilma Riibaay namicha Gibeʼaa,
Heleb, son of Baanah the Netophahite; Ittai, son of Ribai from Gibeah of the Benjamites;
30 Benaayaa nama Phiraatoon Hidaay namicha sululoota Gaʼaash,
Benaiah the Pirathonite; Hiddai from the streams of Gaash;
31 Abii-Alboon namicha biyya Arbaa, Azmaawet nama Barhuum,
Abi-albon the Arbathite; Azmaveth the Baharumite;
32 Eliiyaabaa namicha Shaʼalboon, ilmaan Yaasheen, Yoonaataan,
Eliahba the Shaalbonite; the sons of Jashem; Jonathan,
33 ilma Shamaa namicha Haraaraa sanaa, Ahiiʼaam ilma Shaaraar namicha Aroodaa sanaa,
son of Shagee the Hararite; Ahiam, son of Sachar the Hararite;
34 Eliiphelexi ilma Ahasbaayi nama Maʼakaat, Eliʼaam ilma Ahiitofel nama Giiloon,
Eliphelet, son of Ahasbai, son of the Maacathite, Eliam, son of Ahithophel, the Gilonite,
35 Hezroo nama Qarmeloos, Faʼaraay nama biyya Arbii,
Hezro the Carmelite, Paarai the Arbite,
36 Yigiʼaal ilma Naataan namicha Zoobaa, Baanii gosa Gaad,
Igal, son of Nathan of Zobah, Bani the Gadite,
37 Zeleq namicha gosa Amoon, Nahaaraay namicha gosa Biʼeeroot kan Yooʼaab ilma Zeruuyaatiif miʼa lolaa baatu sana ture;
Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai the Beerothite, the armor-bearer of Joab, son of Zeruiah,
38 Iiraas namicha gosa Yitraa, Gaareeb namicha gosa Yitraa,
Ira the Ithrite; Gareb the Ithrite;
39 akkasumas Uuriyaa namicha Heet. Walumatti namoota soddomii torba turan.
and Uriah the Hittite; a total of thirty-seven.

< 2 Saamuʼeel 23 >