< 2 Mootota 2 >

1 Yeroo Waaqayyo bubbeedhaan Eeliyaasin gara Samiitti ol fudhachuu gaʼetti Eeliyaasii fi Elsaaʼi Gilgaalii kaʼanii karaa deemaa turan.
And when the Lord would take vp Eliiah into heauen by a whirle winde, Eliiah went with Elisha from Gilgal.
2 Eeliyaasis Elsaaʼiin, “Ati asuma turi; Waaqayyo Beetʼeelitti na ergeeraatii” jedhe. Elsaaʼi garuu, “Dhugaa Waaqayyo jiraataa, ani lubbuu keetiin nan kakadha; ani gad si hin dhiisu” jedheen. Kanaafuu isaan Beetʼeelitti gad buʼan.
Then Eliiah saide to Elisha, Tarie here, I pray thee: for the Lord hath sent me to Bethel. But Elisha said, As the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. So they came downe to Beth-el.
3 Ergasiis waldaan raajotaa kanneen Beetʼeel turan gara Elsaaʼi dhufanii, “Ati akka Waaqayyo harʼa gooftaa kee si biraa fudhachuuf jiru beektaa?” jedhanii ni gaafatan. Elsaaʼi immoo, “Eeyyee, ani nan beeka; garuu isin waaʼee isaa hin dubbatinaa” jedheen.
And the children of the Prophets that were at Beth-el, came out to Elisha, and said vnto him, Knowest thou that the Lord will take thy master from thine head this day? And he said, Yea, I knowe it: holde ye your peace.
4 Eeliyaasis “Yaa Elsaaʼi, ati asuma turi; Waaqayyo gara Yerikootti na ergeeraatii” jedheen. Innis, “Dhugaa Waaqayyo jiraataa, ani lubbuu keetiin nan kakadha; ani gad si hin dhiisu” jedheen. Kanaafuu isaan gara Yerikoo deeman.
Againe Eliiah saide vnto him, Elisha, tarie here, I pray thee: for the Lord hath sent me to Iericho: But he said, As the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. So they came to Iericho.
5 Waldaan raajotaa kanneen Yerikoo turan sun gara Elsaaʼi dhufanii, “Ati akka Waaqayyo harʼa gooftaa kee si biraa fudhachuuf jiru beektaa?” jedhanii gaafatan. Innis, “Eeyyee nan beeka; isin garuu waaʼee isaa hin dubbatinaa” jedheen.
And the children of the Prophets that were at Iericho, came to Elisha, and saide vnto him, Knowest thou, that the Lord will take thy master from thine head this day? And he sayde, Yea, I knowe it: holde ye your peace.
6 Eeliyaasis, “Ati asuma turi; Waaqayyo Yordaanositti na ergeeraatii” jedheen. Innis, “Dhugaa Waaqayyo jiraataa, ani lubbuu keetiin nan kakadha; ani gad si hin dhiisu” jedheen. Kanaafuu isaan lamaanuu kaʼanii deeman.
Moreouer Eliiah saide vnto him, Tarie, I pray thee, here: for the Lord hath sent me to Iorden. But he saide, As the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. So they went both together.
7 Isaanis Yordaanos bira dhaabatan; waldaa raajotaa keessaa namoonni shantamni dhaqanii irraa fagaatanii fuula isaanii dura dhadhaabatan.
And fiftie men of the sonnes of the Prophets went and stoode on the other side a farre off, and they two stoode by Iorden.
8 Eeliyaasis kaabbaa isaa of irraa baasee dadachaasee ittiin bishaan dhaʼe. Bishaan sunis mirgaa fi bitaatti gargar qoodame; isaan lamaanuu lafa gogaa irra ceʼan.
Then Eliiah tooke his cloke, and wrapt it together, and smote the waters, and they were deuided hither and thither, and they twaine went ouer on the dry lande.
9 Eeliyaasis erga ceʼanii booddee Elsaaʼiin, “Mee waan ani utuu si biraa hin fudhatamin siif gochuu dandaʼu natti himi” jedhe. Elsaaʼi immoo, “Hafuurri kee dachaadhaan narra haa buʼu” jedhee deebiseef.
Nowe when they were passed ouer, Eliiah saide vnto Elisha, Aske what I shall doe for thee before I be taken from thee. And Elisha saide, I pray thee, let thy Spirit be double vpon me.
10 Eeliyaas immoo, “Ati waan rakkisaa kadhatte; taʼus yoo ati yeroo ani si biraa fudhatamutti na argite, hafuurri kun kan kee taʼa; yoo kanaa achi kan kee hin taʼu” jedheen.
And he saide, Thou hast asked an hard thing: yet if thou see me when I am taken from thee, thou shalt haue it so: and if not, it shall not be.
11 Utuma isaan haasaʼaa deemanuu gaariin ibiddaa tokkoo fi fardeen ibiddaa akkuma tasaa mulʼatanii isaan lamaan gargari baasan; Eeliyaasis bubbeedhaan samiitti ol fudhatame.
And as they went walking and talking, beholde, there appeared a charet of fire, and horses of fire, and did separate them twaine. So Eliiah went vp by a whirle winde into heauen.
12 Elsaaʼi waan kana argee, “Yaa abbaa koo! Yaa abbaa koo! Gaariiwwanii fi abbootii farda Israaʼel!” jedhee sagalee ol fudhatee iyye. Elsaaʼi ergasii deebiʼee isa hin argine. Innis uffata isaa qabee iddoo lamatti gargar tarsaase.
And Elisha saw it, and he cryed, My father, my father, the charet of Israel, and the horsemen thereof: and he sawe him no more: and he tooke his owne clothes, and rent them in two pieces.
13 Innis kaabbaa Eeliyaas irraa buʼe sana fuudhee deebiʼee qarqara laga Yordaanos dhaabate.
He tooke vp also the cloke of Eliiah that fell from him, and returned, and stoode by the banke of Iorden.
14 Ergasii kaabbaa Eeliyaas irraa buʼe sana fudhatee ittiin bishaan dhaʼee, “Waaqayyo Waaqni Eeliyaas sun amma eessa jira?” jedhee gaafate. Yommuu inni dhaʼetti bishaan sun mirgaa fi bitaatti gargari qoodame; Elsaaʼis ni ceʼe.
After, he tooke the cloke of Eliiah, that fell from him, and smote the waters, and sayde, Where is the Lord God of Eliiah? And so he also, after he had striken the waters, so that they were deuided this way and that way, went ouer, euen Elisha.
15 Waldaan raajotaa kanneen Yerikoodhaa dhufanii waan kana ilaalaa turan, “Hafuurri Eeliyaas Elsaaʼi irra buʼuutti jira” jedhan. Isaanis isa simachuudhaaf dhaqanii fuula isaa duratti lafatti gombifaman.
And when the children of the Prophets, which were at Iericho, saw him on the other side, they sayde, The Spirite of Eliiah doeth rest on Elisha: and they came to meete him, and fell to the grounde before him,
16 Akkanas jedhaniin; “Kunoo, nu tajaajiltoonni kee namoota ciccimoo shantama of biraa qabna. Isaan dhaqanii gooftaa kee haa barbaadan. Hafuurri Waaqayyoo ol isa fuudhee tulluu wayii irra yookaan sulula wayii keessa isa buuse taʼaatii.” Elsaaʼi immoo, “Akkas miti; isaan hin erginaa” jedhee deebise.
And said vnto him, Beholde nowe, there be with thy seruants fiftie strong men: let them go, we pray thee, and seeke thy master, if so be the Spirite of the Lord hath taken him vp, and cast him vpon some mountaine, or into some valley. But he said, Ye shall not sende.
17 Isaan garuu hamma inni isaan jalaa diduu qaanaʼutti isa dirqisiisan. Kana irratti inni, “Isaan ergaa” jedhe. Isaanis nama shantama ni ergan; namoonni sunis bultii sadii barbaadanii isa dhaban.
Yet they were instant vpon him, til he was ashamed: wherefore he saide, Sende. So they sent fiftie men, which sought three dayes, but founde him not.
18 Isaanis utuma inni Yerikoo jiruu deebiʼanii gara isaa dhufan; innis, “Ani hin deeminaa isiniin hin jennee?” jedheen.
Therefore they returned to him, (for he taryed at Iericho) and he said vnto them, Did not I say vnto you, Goe not?
19 Namoonni magaalaa sanaa Elsaaʼiin, “Kunoo yaa gooftaa keenya, akkuma ati argitu kana haalli magaalaa kanaa namatti tola; garuu bishaan ishee faalamaa dha; lafti ishees midhaan hin baaftu” jedhan.
And the men of the citie saide vnto Elisha, Beholde, we pray thee: the situation of this citie is pleasant, as thou, my lorde, seest, but the water is naught, and the ground baren.
20 Innis, “Mee waciitii haaraa naa fidaatii soogidda itti naqaa” jedheen. Kanaafuu isaan waciitii sana itti fidan.
Then he saide, Bring me a newe cruse, and put salt therein. And they brought it to him.
21 Innis gara burqaatti gad buʼee, soogidda sana itti naqee akkana jedhe; “Waaqayyo akkana jedha; ‘Ani bishaan kana fayyiseera. Bishaan kun lammata duʼa hin fidu yookaan maseenummaa biyyatti hin fidu.’”
And he went vnto the spring of the waters, and cast there the salt, and said, Thus saith the Lord, I haue healed this water: death shall no more come thereof, neither barennesse to the ground.
22 Bishaan sunis akkuma dubbii Elsaaʼi dubbate sanaatti hamma ammaatti fayyeera.
So the waters were healed vntill this day, according to the worde of Elisha which hee had spoken.
23 Ergasii Elsaaʼi kaʼee Beetʼeel dhaqe. Utuma inni karaa deemuu ijoolleen tokko magaalaa keessaa yaatee, “Namicha mataa moluu nana deemi asii! Namicha mataa moluu nana deemi asii!” jedhanii itti qoosan.
And he went vp from thence vnto Beth-el. And as he was going vp the way, litle children came out of the citie, and mocked him, and saide vnto him, Come vp, thou balde head, come vp, thou balde head.
24 Inni of irra garagalee isaan milʼatee maqaa Waaqayyootiin isaan abaare. Yommus amaakenni lama bosona keessaa baʼanii ijoollee sana keessaa afurtamii lama cicciranii fixan.
And he turned backe, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And two beares came out of the forest, and tare in pieces two and fourtie children of them.
25 Elsaaʼis ittuma fufee gara Tulluu Qarmeloos dhaqe; achii kaʼees Samaariyaatti deebiʼe.
So he went from thence to mount Carmel, and from thence he returned to Samaria.

< 2 Mootota 2 >