< 1 Tasaloniiqee 4 >

1 Kana malees yaa obboloota, Waaqa gammachiisuuf akkamitti akka jiraachuu qabdan nu isin barsiifneerra; isinis akkuma sanatti jiraachaa jirtu. Ammas akka ittuma caalchiftanii waan kana gootan Gooftaa Yesuusiin isin kadhanna; isin gorsinas.
And furthermore we beseeche you, brethren, and exhort you in the Lord Iesus, that ye increase more and more, as ye haue receiued of vs, how ye ought to walke, and to please God.
2 Nu taayitaa Gooftaa Yesuusiin ajaja maalii akka isinii kennine beektuutii.
For ye knowe what commandements we gaue you by the Lord Iesus.
3 Fedhiin Waaqaa akka isin qulqullooftanii dha; kunis akka isin halalummaa irraa fagaattaniif;
For this is the will of God euen your sanctification, and that ye should abstaine from fornication,
4 tokkoon tokkoon keessan akkamitti akka karaa qulqulluu fi ulfina qabeessa taʼeen dhagna keessan eeggattan beekuu qabdu;
That euery one of you should know, how to possesse his vessell in holines and honour,
5 kunis akka ormoota Waaqa hin beekneetti hawwii fooniitiin hin taʼin;
And not in the lust of concupiscence, euen as the Gentiles which know not God:
6 waan kanaanis namni tokko iyyuu obboleessa isaa hin miidhin yookaan hin gowwoomsin. Akkuma nu kanaan dura isinitti himnee isin akeekkachiifne sana, Gooftaan warra cubbuu akkasii hojjetan hunda haaloo baʼa.
That no man oppresse or defraude his brother in any matter: for the Lord is auenger of all such thinges, as we also haue tolde you before time, and testified.
7 Waaqni akka nu jireenya qulqulluu jiraannuuf malee akka xuroofnuuf nu hin waamneetii.
For God hath not called vs vnto vncleannesse, but vnto holinesse.
8 Kanaafuu namni gorsa kana tuffatu Waaqa Hafuura isaa Qulqulluu isinii kennu sana tuffata malee nama hin tuffatu.
Hee therefore that despiseth these thinges, despiseth not man, but God who hath euen giuen you his holy Spirit.
9 Egaa waan Waaqni akka isin wal jaallattan isin barsiiseef waaʼee jaalala obbolummaa isinii barreessuu nu hin barbaachisu.
But as touching brotherly loue, ye neede not that I write vnto you: for ye are taught of God to loue one another.
10 Dhugumaan isin obboloota guutummaa Maqedooniyaa keessa jiran hunda ni jaallattu. Yaa obboloota, nu garuu akka kana caalaa isaan jaallattan isin gorsina;
Yea, and that thing verily yee doe vnto all the brethren, which are throughout all Macedonia: but we beseech you, brethren, that ye increase more and more,
11 akkuma nu kanaan dura isin ajajnetti tasgabbiin jiraachuuf tattaaffadhaa; harkuma keessaniin hojii keessan hojjetadhaa;
And that ye studie to be quiet, and to meddle with your owne busines, and to worke with your owne handes, as we commanded you,
12 kunis akka isin warra alaa biratti ulfina argattanii fi akka harka nama tokko illee hin eegganneef.
That yee may behaue your selues honestly towarde them that are without, and that nothing be lacking vnto you.
13 Yaa obboloota, nu akka isin waaʼee warra rafan sanaa wallaaltan yookaan akka namoota abdii hin qabne kaaniitti gadditan hin barbaannu.
I would not, brethren, haue you ignorant concerning them which are a sleepe, that ye sorow not euen as other which haue no hope.
14 Nu erga akka Yesuus duʼee duʼaa kaʼe amannee akkasuma immoo Waaqni warra Yesuusitti amananii rafan sana akka isuma wajjin kaasu ni amanna.
For if we beleeue that Iesus is dead, and is risen, euen so them which sleepe in Iesus, will God bring with him.
15 Wanni nu akka dubbii Gooftaatti isinitti himnu kana; nu warri lubbuun jirru kanneen hamma dhufaatii Gooftaatti jiraannu gonkumaa warra rafan sana hin dursinu.
For this say we vnto you by the worde of the Lord, that we which liue, and are remayning in the comming of the Lord, shall not preuent them which sleepe.
16 Gooftaan mataan isaa ajajaan, sagalee ergamaa hangafaatii fi sagalee malakata Waaqaatiin samii irraa ni buʼa; warri Kiristoositti amananii duʼanis jalqabatti ni kaʼu.
For the Lord himselfe shall descende from heauen with a shoute, and with the voyce of the Archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Ergasii immoo nu warri hafnee lubbuun jirru qilleensa irratti Gooftaa simachuuf isaan wajjin duumessaan ol fudhatamna. Akkasumas bara baraan Gooftaa wajjin ni jiraanna.
Then shall we which liue and remaine, be caught vp with them also in the clouds, to meete the Lord in the ayre: and so shall we euer be with the Lord.
18 Kanaafuu dubbii kanaan wal jajjabeessaa.
Wherefore, comfort your selues one another with these wordes.

< 1 Tasaloniiqee 4 >